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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
40343 Bauer L.A. Concomitant Changes in Terrestrial Magnetism and Solar Radiation n/a
40342 Sagan C., Agel J. (Ed), Dyson F.J. (ed) Carl Sagan's Cosmic Connection: An Extraterrestrial Perspective 2000
40341 Harkins W.D. Cohesion, Internal Pressure, Adhesion, Tensile Strength, Tensile Energy, Negative Surface Energy, and Molecular Attraction n/a
40340 Parker B. Chaos in the Cosmos by Barry R. Parker: Book Cover * o Table of Contents Chaos in the Cosmos: The Stunning Complexity of the Universe 1996
40339 Barus C. Channeled Grating Spectra, Obtained in Successive Diffractions n/a
40338 Hubble E.P. Changes in the Form of the Nebula N. G. C. 2261 1916
40337 Keyes F.G. Change of the Ionization of Salts in Alcoholic Solvents with the Concentration 1916
40336 Blumberg H. Certain General Properties of Functions n/a
40335 Mullaney J. Celestial Harvest: 300-Plus Showpieces of the Heavens for Telescope Viewing and Contemplation 2002
40334 King A.S. An Attempt to Detect the Mutual Influence of Neighboring Lines in Electric Furnace Spectra Showing Anomalous Dispersion n/a
40333 Hale G.E., Babcock H.D. An Attempt to Measure the Free Electricity in the Suns Atmosphere 1915
40332 Berry R. Build your own Telescope 1985
40331 Hsu K.J., Xiao W. Paradoxes in Geology 2001
40330 Curtis H.D. Absorption Effects in the Spiral Nebulae n/a
40329 Bergstrom L., Goobar A. Cosmology and Particle Astrophysics 2006
40328 Pease Axes of Symmetry in Globular Clusters 1917
40327 Barus C. An Adjustment in Relation to the Fresnel Coefficient n/a
40326 Barus C. An Electrodynamometer Using the Vibration Telescope 1919
40325 Richard Attempt to Separate the Isotopic Forms of Lead by Fractional Crystallization n/a
40324 Barnes J.W., Lisle R.J. Basic Geological Mapping 2004
40323 Burnham R. Burnham's Celestial Handbook: An Observer's Guide to the Universe beyond the Solar System, Vol. 3 1980
40322 Burnham R. Burnham's Celestial Handbook: An Observer's Guide to the Universe beyond the Solar System, Vol. 2 1980
40321 Burnham R. Burnham's Celestial Handbook: An Observer's Guide to the Universe beyond the Solar System 1980
40320 Ayres J., Richards R., Maynard R. Air Pollution and Health (Air Pollution Reviews), Vol. 3 2006
40319 Akasofu S.- I. Exploring the Secrets of the Aurora 2007
40318 Ingalls A.G. Amateur Telescope Making (Book Three) 1953
40317 Dawkins P. College Algebra 2007
40316 Rukl A., Seronik G. (Ed) Atlas of the Moon 2007
40315 Atlas R.M. Handbook of Media for Environmental Microbiology 2005
40314 Cutter S. (Ed) American Hazardscapes: The Regionalization of Hazards and Disasters 2001
40313 Hodge P.W., Skelton B.P., Ashizawa J. An Atlas of Local Group Galaxies (Astrophysics and Space Science Library-Vol. 221) 2008
40312 Inglis M. Astrophysics Is Easy! An Introduction for the Amateur Astronomer 2007
40311 Harwit M. Astrophysical Concepts 2008
40310 National Research Council Assessment of the Performance of Engineered Waste Containment Barriers 2007
40309 Lehmer D.N. Arithmetical Theory of Certain Hurwitzian Continued Fractions n/a
40308 Orbaek J. (Ed), Kallenborn R. (Ed), Tombre I. (Ed) Arctic Alpine Ecosystems and People in a Changing Environment 2007
40307 Harkins W.D. An Electromagnetic Hypothesis of the Kinetics of Heterogeneous Equilibrium, and of the Structure of Liquids n/a
40306 National Academies Press Analysis of Global Change Assessments: Lessons Learned 2007
40305 Have Th.R. An assessment of non-randomized medical treatment of long-term schizophrenia relapse using bivariate binary-response transition models 2002
40304 Buckley O.E. An Ionization Manometer n/a
40303 Holton J.R. An Introduction to Dynamic Meterology, Vol. 89 2004
40302 Liou K.N. An Introduction to Atmospheric Radiation 2002
40301 Nappo C.J. An Introduction to Atmospheric Gravity Waves, Vol. 85 2002
40300 Morley F. An Extension of Feuerbachs Theorem 1916
40299 Tonkin S.F. Amateur Telescope Making 1998
40298 Frank J., King A., Raine D.J. Accretion Power in Astrophysics 2002
40297 Li Zh. Algorithmic Foundation of Multi-Scale Spatial Representation 2006
40296 United Nations Environment Programme Staf After the Tsunami: Rapid Environmental Assessment 2005
40295 Haug R. (Ed) Advances Solid State Physics, Vol. 47 2008
40294 Behrens J. Adaptive Atmospheric Modeling: Key Techniques in Grid Generation, Data Structures, and Numerical Operations with Applications 2006

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