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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
183542 Iovine J. PIC Projects for Non-Programmers 2012
141013 Verle M. PIC microcontrollers: Programming in C. 2009
29452 Smith D.W. PIC in Practice: A Project -based Approach 2006
138184 Gardner N. PIC C. An introduction to programming microchip PIC C 2002
29451 Ibrahim D. PIC Basic Projects: 30 Projects using PIC Basic and PIC Basic Pro 2006
13417 Neely B. Piano For Dummies 1998
74546 Manus M. Piano Chord Dictionary 1978
198224 Posamentier A.S., Lehmann I. Pi: A Biography of the World's Most Mysterious Number 2004
41642 Rubinstein J.H., Wang S. Pi1-injective surfaces in graph manifolds 1998
36876 Jacobson N. Pi-Algebras 1975
41625 Seidel P. Pi-1 of Symplectyc Autimorphism Groups and Invertibles in Quantum Homology Rings 1997
33095 Borwein J.M., Borwein P.B. Pi and the AGM: A Study in Analytic Number Theory and Computational Complexity 1987
182463 Borwein J., Borwein P. Pi and the AGM. Analytic number theory and computational complexity 1987
109209 Borwein P. Pi and the AGM (Chapter 10 only: approximations to elementary functions) n/a
156232 Steven C. McCutcheon, Jerald L. Schnoor Phytoremediation: Transformation and Control of Contaminants (Environmental Science and Technology: A Wiley-Interscience Series of Texts and Monographs) 2003
168753 Willey N. Phytoremediation: Methods and Reviews (Methods in Biotechnology) 2007
157239 Willey N. Phytoremediation: Methods and Reviews 2006
133897 Mackova M., Dowling D., Macek T. Phytoremediation Rhizoremediation 2010
145181 Mackova M., Dowling D., Macek T. Phytoremediation and Rhizoremediation: Theoretical Background (Focus on Biotechnology. Volume 9A) 2006
185670 Lawson L., Bauer R. Phytomedicines of Europe. Chemistry and Biological Activity 1998
145723 Romeo J.T., Dixon R.A. Phytochemistry in the Genomics and Post-Genomics Eras (Recent Advances in Phytochemistry. Volume 36) 2002
133815 Romeo J.T., Dixon R.A. Phytochemistry in the Genomics and Post-Genomics Eras 2002
197917 Meskin M. Phytochemicals - Mechanisms of Action 2004
134708 Johnson I.T. Phytochemical Functional Foods 2003
198228 Peyrard M., Dauxois T. Physiques des Solitons 2004
148597 Thomas Battinelli Physique, Fitness, and Performance 2007
56113 Aslangule C. Physique Statistique cles Fluides Classiques (NP 116) 2006
112793 Delcroix J.-L., Bers A. Physique des plasmas, volume 1 1994
143061 Moisan M., Pelletier J. Physique des plasmas collisionnels : Application aux decharges haute frequence 2006
188932 Marleau L. Physique des Particules n/a
199529 Colinge J.-P. Physique des dispositifs semi-conducteurs 1996
183562 Caltagirone J. Physique des ?coulements Continus 2013
113572 Harms M. Physiotherapy. Volume 97. Number 1 2011
170440 Nitz J., Hourigan S. Physiotherapy Practice in Residential Aged Care 2004
185233 Buzzard B., Beeton K. Physiotherapy Management of Haemophilia 2000
143843 Hough A. Physiotherapy in Respiratory Care: An Evidence-Based Approach to Respiratory and Cardiac Management 2001
194985 Atkinson K., Coutts F.J., Hassenkamp A.-M. Physiotherapy in Orthopaedics: A Problem-Solving Approach 2005
168960 Pryor J., Webber B. Physiotherapy for Respiratory and Cardiac Problems (Physiotherapy Essentials) 1998
193150 Pountney T. Physiotherapy for Children 2007
142961 Crombie S. Physiotherapy 1997
157282 Ryan J.P., Wang M.B. Physiology: PreTest Self-Assessment and Review 2001
149228 Costanzo L. Physiology: Cases and Problems: Board Review Series 2001
159193 Costanzo L. Physiology: Cases and Problems: Board Review Series 2001
140288 Costanzo L. Physiology: Board Review Series 1998
190190 Metting P. Physiology PreTest Self-Assessment and Review, Twelfth Edition (PreTest Basic Science) 2008
183990 Pallardy S. Physiology of Woody Plants, Third Edition 2008
190542 Kozlowski T., Pallardy S. Physiology of Woody Plants, Second Edition 1996
130904 Pallardy S. Physiology of Woody Plants 2007
133403 Kozlowski T.T., Pallardy S.G. Physiology of Woody Plants 1996
189972 Kapandji I. Physiology of the Joints, Volume 1, Upper Limb, Annotated Diagrams of the Mechan 1982

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