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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
37161 Physics Reports vol.274 1996
37162 Physics Reports vol.275 1996
37163 Physics Reports vol.276 1996
37164 Physics Reports vol.277 1996
37615 Sierpinska A. Understanding in Mathematics 1996
37646 Nishioka K. Mahler Functions and Transcendence 1996
32580 Posamentier A.S., Salkind Ch.T. Challenging Problems in Geometry 1996
32582 Posamentier A.S. Challenging Problems in Algebra 1996
32677 Schechter E. Handbook of Analysis and Its Foundations 1996
32683 Chartrand G., Lesniak L. Graphs and Digraphs 1996
32819 Brater E.F. Handbook of Hydraulics 1996
32882 Edwards H.M. Fermat's Last Theorem: A Genetic Introduction to Algebraic Number Theory 1996
32997 Rao C.R. Handbook of Statistics. Vol. 13: Design and Analysis of Experiments 1996
199511 Martinez-Gonzalez E., Sanz J. L. (eds.) The Universe at High-z, Large-Scale Structure and the Cosmic Microwave Background 1996
33046 Ross D.A. Master Math: Algebra 1996
33065 Pohlers W. Proof Theory 1996
33091 Ranicki A.A. (ed.) The Hauptvermutung Book 1996
33093 Bak J., Newman D.J. Complex Analysis 1996
33094 Boas R.P. A Primer of Real Functions 1996
33247 Gonzalez-Velasco E.A. Fourier Analysis and Boundary Value Problems 1996
33321 Russel B. Principles of Mathematics 1996
33351 Applied Categorical Structures 1993-1996 1996
33358 Novikov S.P. Topology I 1996
33432 Stone C.J.D. Course in Probability and Statistics 1996
33842 Bruckner A.M., Bruckner J. Real Analysis 1996
199298 P.G. Ciarlet (ed) Handbook of Numerical Analysis IV 1996
33894 Fogiel M. The Operations Research Problem Solver 1996
33919 Kanatani K. Statistical Optimization for Geometric Computation: Theory and Practice 1996
33920 Kato K., Kurokawa N., Saito T. Number Theory I. Fermat's Dream 1996
34022 Lozansky E., Rousseau C. Winning Solutions 1996
34091 Lorenz E.N. Essence of Chaos 1996
34138 Ewald W. From Kant to Hilbert, Vol.1 1996
34164 Schmidt W.M. Diophantine Approximation 1996
40340 Parker B. Chaos in the Cosmos by Barry R. Parker: Book Cover * o Table of Contents Chaos in the Cosmos: The Stunning Complexity of the Universe 1996
40522 Lower S.K. Acid-base Equilibria and Calculations 1996
40892 Moore P. Small Astronomical Observatories: Amateur and Professional Designs and Constructions 1996
41210 Salby M.L. Fundamentals of Atmospheric Physics 1996
41264 Alonso Blanco R.J. D-modules, contact valued calculus and Poincare-Cartan form 1996
41666 Lower S.K. Solids in contact with natural waters 1996
41877 Jahre Frauen in der Wissenschaft - Renate Tobies and Annette Vogt 1996
42006 Padmanabhan T. Cosmology and Astrophysics through Problems 1996
42256 Goodwin A.M. Principles of Precambrian Geology 1996
42393 Bryant D.E., Hoffman D.G., Rodger C.A. 5-Cycle Systems with Holes 1996
29313 Feinberg N., Keene S.E., Withington P .T. Dylan Programming: An Object-Oriented and Dynamic Language 1996
29389 Comer D.E.E., Stevens D.L. Internetworking with TCP/IP Vol. III, Client-Server Programming and Applications--BSD Socket Version 1996
29430 Tanenbaum A.S.S. Operating Systems: Design And Implementation 1996
29513 Buschmann F., Rohnert H., Sommerlad P. Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture, Volume 1: A System of Patterns 1996
29519 Foghlu M.O. PERL 5 Quick Reference 1996
29625 Harlan D., Doyle P., Powers Sh. Special Edition Using PERL 5 for Web Programming 1996
29773 Armstrong I. Victorian Poetry: Poetry, Poets and Politics 1996

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