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van der Put M. — Galois theory of difference equations
van der Put M. — Galois theory of difference equations

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Название: Galois theory of difference equations

Автор: van der Put M.


This book lays the algebraic foundations of a Galois theory of linear difference equations and shows its relationship to the analytic problem of finding meromorphic functions asymptotic to formal solutions of difference equations. Classically, this latter question was attacked by Birkhoff and Tritzinsky and the present work corrects and greatly generalizes their contributions. In addition results are presented concerning the inverse problem in Galois theory, effective computation of Galois groups, algebraic properties of sequences, phenomena in positive characteristics, and q-difference equations. The book is aimed at advanced graduate researchers and researchers.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1997

Количество страниц: 180

Добавлена в каталог: 18.11.2009

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Additive problem      136
Asymptotic expansion      78
Asymptotic lift      133
Band      134
Canonical forms      75
Cocycle      141
Cohomology set      141
Connection map      88 163
Connection matrix      88
Constants      4
Difference ideal      4
Difference module      24
Difference operators      23
Difference ring      4
Exponential torus      66
Fibre functor      24
Formal Galois group      66
Formal monodromy      66
Formal Puiseux series      73
Fundamental matrix      5
Galois correspondence      21
Galois group      10
Gamma function      130
Heisenberg group      151
Holomorphic vector bundle      158
Interlacing      46
k-sum      124
k-summable      124
Left domain      78
Left flat      138
Lower connection map      83
Lower strip      131
Meromorphic vector bundle      157
Mild      71 95
Morita’s equivalence      55
Multisum      96 125
Multisummability      124 128
Multisummation      99 107
p-curvature      56
Picard — Vessiot field      22
Picard — Vessiot ring      5 7
Puiseux series      60
q-difference module      149
Quadrant      129
Regular      71 156
Regular difference equations      86
Regular singular      71 152 154 156
Riccati equation      33
Right domain      78
Semi-regular of type n      77 166
Sequences      45
Singular direction      128
Tame difference module      105
Tannakian group      87
Torsor      11
Total Picard — Vessiot ring      16
Trivial cocycle      141
Unipotent      60
Universal Picard — Vessiot ring      27 46 63 150
Upper connection map      83 100
Upper strip      130
Very mild      71
Wild      71
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