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Wildeshaus J. — Realizations Of Polylogarithms |
Предметный указатель |
— Manin connection 105
(S, L)-constructible 67
(S, L)-perverse sheaf 67
Admissible variation 58
Admissible variation, unipotent 41
Artin motive 117
Bifiltered vector bundle 48
Bifiltered vector bundle, canonical construction 104
Bifiltered vector bundle, generic 52
Canonical construction of bifiltered bundles 104
Canonical construction of l-adic sheaves 112
Canonical construction of mixed systems 127
Canonical construction of variations 94
Canonical model 87
Classical logarithm, Hodge version of 214
Classical logarithm, l-adic version of 232
Classical logarithm, local system underlying 212
Classical polylogarithm, Hodge version of 220
Classical polylogarithm, l-adic version of 233
Classical polylogarithm, local system underlying 212
CM-motive 117
Cohomology, continuous 40
Cohomology, Deligne 321
Cohomology, Galois 236
Cohomology, Hochschild 33
Continuous cohomology 40
Debye polylogarithin, classical 217
Debye polylogarithin, elliptic 278
Deligne torus 83
Descent of coherent subsheaf 51
Distribution property of classical polylogarithm 225
Distribution property of elliptic polylogarithm 299
Eichler — Shimura homomorphism 305
Eisenstein series 282
Elliptic logarithm, Hodge version of 275
Elliptic logarithm, local system underlying 263
Elliptic polylogarithm, Hodge version of 293
Elliptic polylogarithm, local system underlying 267
Extension of Galois modules 236
Extension of Hodge structures 324
Extension of Hodge — de Rham structures 324
Extension of variations 222
Fibre functor 29
Geometric origin 52
Griffiths transversality 49
Hecke character 335
Higher logarithm, classical 217
Higher logarithm, elliptic 289
Hochschild cohomology 33
Hodge module 66
Hodge structure 41
Hodge structure of CM-type 117
Hodge structure, extension of 324
Kronecker double series 330
l-adic representation 39
Levi decomposition 87
Levi section 87
Levi section of Shimura data 87
Levi section, classical case 206
Levi section, elliptic case 260
Levi section, norm compatibility 192
Levi section, value at 191
Lisse l-adic sheaf 44
Lisse l-adic sheaf, generic pro-unipotent 46
Lisse l-adic sheaf, mixed 44
Lisse l-adic sheaf, mixed, -unipotent 55
Lisse l-adic sheaf, mixed, unipotent 44
Lisse l-adic sheaf, mixed, with a weight filtration 44
Local system underlying, classical logarithm 212
Local system underlying, classical polylogarithm 212
Local system underlying, elliptic logarithm 263
Local system underlying, elliptic polylogarithm 267
Logarithmic bifiltered pro-bundle 106
Logarithmic l-adic pro-sheaf 113
Logarithmic l-adic pro-sheaf, classical 232
Logarithmic mixed system 132
Logarithmic pro-variation 94
Logarithmic pro-variation, classical 214
Logarithmic pro-variation, elliptic 275
Logarithmic sheaf 150
Logarithmic sheaf, splitting principle for 190
Malcev — Lie algebra 38
Manin — Drinfeld principle 319
Mixed Hodge module 66
Mixed system of perverse sheaves 68
Mixed system of smooth sheaves 48
Mixed system of smooth sheaves, -unipotent 61
Mixed system of smooth sheaves, canonical construction 127
Mixed system of smooth sheaves, generic pro-unipotent 53
Mixed system of smooth sheaves, Tate twist 50
Mixed system of smooth sheaves, unipotent 50
Monodromy representation 41
Motive, Artin 117
Motive, CM- 117
NC-divisor 45
NC-divisor, relative to S 46
NC-divisor, relative to S in the strong sense 46
Neat 85
Norm character 203
Norm compatibility 187
Norm compatibility of classical polylogarithm 225
Norm compatibility of elliptic polylogarithm 299
Norm compatibility of values at Levi sections 192
Of type (R) 55
Of type (R) over 48
Path space variation 59
Perverse cohomology functors 67
| Perverse sheaf 66
Perverse sheaf, mixed 66
Perverse sheaf, mixed system of 68
Perverse sheaf, wrt, (S, L) 67
Polarization 50
Polylogarithmic extension 161
Polylogarithmic extension, classical, Hodge version of 220
Polylogarithmic extension, classical, l-adic version of 233
Polylogarithmic extension, elliptic, Hodge version of 293
Polylogarithmic extension, large 161
Polylogarithmic extension, norm compatibility of 187
Polylogarithmic extension, rigidity of 163
Polylogarithmic extension, small 182
Polylogarithmic extension, value at Levi section of 191
Pontryagin pairing 330
Pro-unipotent envelope 38
Properly discontinuous 86
Pseudo-nilpotent 40
purity 154
Rational $K(\pi 1)$ 65
Reflex field 87
Regular at infinity 48
Regular holonomic -module 109
Relative duality 154
Relative NC-divisor 46
Representation, l-adic 39
Representation, mixed 112
Representation, monodromy 41
Representation, pure 112
Representation, twisted 118
Riemann — Hilbert correspondence 110
Rigidity 163
Rigidity for values at Levi sections of the elliptic polylogarithm 304
Serre group 117
Sheaf 68
Sheaf, topological 68
Shimura data of abelian type 113
Shimura data, embedding of 86
Shimura data, irreducible 89
Shimura data, mixed 83
Shimura data, morphism of 86
Shimura data, pure 84
Shimura data, reflex field 87
Shimura data, twist of 120
Shimura data, unipotent extension of 203
Shimura variety 85
Shimura variety, canonical model 87
Shimura variety, very regular model of a diagram of 158
Shimura variety, very regular model of a morphism of 115
Shimura’s condition 334
Shioda’s theorem 102
Siegel function 316
Special point 119
Spectral sequence, Hochschild — Serre 167
Spectral sequence, Leray 159
Splitting principle 190
Standard principal bundle 105
Tamagawa number conjecture 242
Taniyama group 117
Tannakian category 28
Tannakian dual 29
Tate twist 50
Tensor category 28
Twist by an automorphism of 118
Twist of a representation 118
Twist of Shimura data 120
Twist, Tate 50
Unipotent envelope 38
Unipotent extension of Shimura data 203
Unipotent generic l-adic sheaf 46
Unipotent generic mixed system 53
Unipotent generic variation 43
Unipotent lisse l-adic sheaf 44
Unipotent variation 41
Unipotent, $K(\pi 1)$ 64
Unipotent, relatively, lisse l-adic sheaf 55
Unipotent, relatively, mixed system 61
Unipotent, relatively, variation 58
Universal enveloping algebra 30
Universal property of generic sheaf 60
Value at Levi section 191
Value at Levi section of classical poly logarithm, Hodge version of 227
Value at Levi section of classical poly logarithm, l-adic version of 237
Value at Levi section of classical poly logarithm, mixed systems version of 243
Value at Levi section of elliptic polylogarithm for a single curve 332
Value at Levi section of elliptic polylogarithm, Hodge version of 307
Variation of Hodge structure, admissible 58
Variation of Hodge structure, admissible, -unipotent 58
Variation of Hodge structure, admissible, unipotent 41
Variation of Hodge structure, canonical 43
Variation of Hodge structure, canonical construction 94
Variation of Hodge structure, extension of 222
Variation of Hodge structure, generic pro-unipotent 43
Variation of Hodge structure, Nilpotent Orbit Theorem 52
Variation of Hodge structure, over 63
Variation of Hodge structure, path space 59
Variation of Hodge structure, Theorem of Hain — Zucker 42
Variation of Hodge-de Rham structure 311
Variation of Hodge-de Rham structure, extension of 312
Vector bundle, bifiltered 48
Vector bundle, bifiltered, canonical construction 104
Vector bundle, bifiltered, generic 52
Very regular model 150
Very regular model of a diagram 158
Very regular model of a morphism 115
Very regular model of a morphism with a section 150
Weak fibration 58
Zagier’s conjecture 333
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