8539 |
Реутов О.А., Курц А.Л., Бутин К.П. |
Органическая химия (Часть 2) |
1999 | •• |
8541 |
Реутов О.А., Курц А.Л., Бутин К.П. |
Органическая химия (часть 1) |
1999 | •• |
8576 |
Scientific american presents men |
1999 | •• |
8579 |
Scientific american presents space exploration |
1999 | •• |
8582 |
Scientific american presents your bionic future |
1999 | •• |
8664 |
Тарасевич В.А., Козлов Н.Г. |
Восстановительное аминирование кислородосодержащих органических соединений |
1999 | •• |
8671 |
Титце Л., Айхер Т. |
Препаративная органическая химия. Реакции и синтез в практикуме органической химии и научно-исследовательской лаборатории |
1999 | •• |
8698 |
Прасолов В.В., Шварцман О.В. |
Азбука римановых поверхностей |
1999 | •• |
8704 |
Шелест В.И. |
Физика в вопросах и ответах |
1999 | •• |
8746 |
Segal M., Akeley K. |
The OpenGL Graphics System: a Specification (version 1.2.1) |
1999 | •• |
8831 |
Atallah M.J. |
Algorithms and theory of computation handbook |
1999 | •• |
8837 |
Attwood T.K., Parry-Smith D.J. |
Introduction to bioinformatics |
1999 | •• |
8873 |
Брассар Ж. |
Современная криптология |
1999 | •• |
8875 |
Braunstein S.L. |
Quantum computing |
1999 | •• |
8894 |
Chambers D.L. |
Practical handbook of genetic algorithms. Complex coding systems (Vol. 3) |
1999 | •• |
8898 |
Cohen A.M., Cuypers H., Sterk H. |
Some tapas of computer algebra |
1999 | •• |
8940 |
Duda R.O., Hart P.E., Stork D.G. |
Pattern Classification |
1999 • | •• |
9002 |
Gacs P., Lovasz L. |
Complexity of Algorithms |
1999 | •• |
9005 |
Goldreich O. |
Introduction to Complexity Theory (lecture notes) |
1999 | •• |
9024 |
Kernighan B.W., Pike R. |
The practice of programming |
1999 | •• |
9026 |
Килин С.Я. |
Квантовая информация |
1999 | •• |
9101 |
Metcalf M., Reid J. |
Fortran 90, 95 explained |
1999 • | •• |
9134 |
Petrou M., Bosdogianni P. |
Image processing: the fundamentals |
1999 | •• |
9195 |
Sag A.I., Wasow T. |
Syntactic Theory: A Formal Introduction |
1999 | •• |
9200 |
Svozil K. |
Quantum logic. A brief outline |
1999 | •• |
9216 |
Uttal W.R., Kakarala R., Dayanand S. |
Computational modeling of vision. The role of combination |
1999 | •• |
9242 |
Xu D. |
Energy, entropy, and information potential for neural computation |
1999 | •• |
9253 |
von zur Gathen J., Gerhard J. |
Modern computer algebra |
1999 | •• |
9259 |
Zito M.A.A. |
Randomized techniques in combinatorial algorithms |
1999 | •• |
9267 |
Weiss G. |
Multiagent Systems: A Modern Approach to Distributed Modern Approach to Artificial Intelligence |
1999 | •• |
9268 |
Yap C.K. |
Fundamental problems in algorithmic algebra |
1999 | •• |
9316 |
Красковский Д., Виноградов А. |
AutoCAD 2000 для всех |
1999 | •• |
9361 |
Scientific american (April 1999) |
1999 | •• |
9363 |
Scientific american (August 1999) |
1999 | •• |
9365 |
Scientific american (December 1999) |
1999 | •• |
9367 |
Scientific american (February 1999) |
1999 | •• |
9369 |
Scientific american (January 1999) |
1999 | •• |
9371 |
Scientific american (July 1999) |
1999 | •• |
9373 |
Scientific american (June 1999) |
1999 | •• |
9375 |
Scientific american (March 1999) |
1999 | •• |
9377 |
Scientific american (May 1999) |
1999 | •• |
9379 |
Scientific american (November 1999) |
1999 | •• |
9381 |
Scientific american (October 1999) |
1999 | •• |
9383 |
Scientific american (September 1999) |
1999 | •• |
9403 |
Mehra J. |
Einstein, physics and reality |
1999 | •• |
9444 |
Антонов В.Ф., Черныш А.М., Пасечник В.И. |
Биофизика |
1999 | •• |
9452 |
Benson S., Nagel R. |
Endangered species (Vol. 1) |
1999 • | •• |
9454 |
Benson S., Nagel R. |
Endangered species (Vol. 2) |
1999 • | •• |
9456 |
Benson S., Nagel R. |
Endangered species (Vol. 3) |
1999 • | •• |
9485 |
Creighton T.E. |
Encyclopedia of Molecular Biology (vol. 1-4) |
1999 | •• |