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Rao C.R., Toutenberg H. — Linear models: least squares and alternatives |
Предметный указатель |
-statistic 318
contingency table 290
-Optimal Estimators 98
-optimal estimators 102
-optimal estimators 103
superiority 191
-superiority 195
superiority 192
a priori restrictions 72 75
ad hoc criteria 50
Adjusted coeffient of determination 51
Aitken estimator 104
Aitken least square 132
Albert’s theorem 376
Algorithm, Fisher-scoring 297
Algorithm, iterative proportional fitting (IPF) 326
Analysis of covariance — Bartlett's method 247
Analysis of variance (Anova) 44
Andrews — Pregibon statistic 228
ANOVA table 45 49
AR(1)-process 343
Association parameters 320 323
Autoregression 109
Available case analysis 242 255
Bahadur-type representation 279
Best linear unbiased estimation 27
Best linear unbiased estimator (BLUE) 104
Beta-binomial distribution 301
Biased 33
Biased linear restrictions 146
Biased stochastic restrictions 168
Binary response 300 316
Binary response variable 305
Binomial distribution 290
Bivariate, binary correlated response 344
Bivariate, regression 44
Bivariate, scatterplot 56
blue 104
Bootstrap, estimator 266
Bootstrap, sample 266
Canonical form 57
Canonical link 292
Categorical response variables 290
categorical variables 303
Cauchy — Schwarz inequality 370
Censored regression 80
Central limit theorem 310
Chain rule 295
Chebyschev’s inequality 387
Classical linear regression model 19
Classical multivariate linear regression model 17
Classical prediction 184
Cluster 300 336
Cobb — Douglas production function 7
Coding of response models 331
Coefficient of determination 47
Coefficient of determination, adjusted 51 52
Cold-deck imputation 243
Column space 25
Complete case analysis 242 254
Compound symmetric 108
Compound symmetric structure 336
Condition number 59
Conditional distribution 304
Conditional least-squares 27
Conditional model 337
Confidence ellipsoid 52 225
confidence intervals 47 52
Constant mean model 181
Constraints 320
Contemporaneously uncorrelated observations 122
Contingency table 303
Contingency table, 290
Contingency table, 322
Contingency table, three-way 322
Contingency table, two-way 303 311 319
Cook’s distance 226 269
Corrected logit 314
Corrected sum of squares 45
Correlated response 337
Correlation coefficient sample 46 47
Covariance matrix 310
Covariance matrix, asymptotic 310
Covariance matrix, estimated asymptotic 326
Cox approach 333
Cramer — Rao bound 37
Criteria for model choice 50
Cross-product ratio 306
Cross-validation 68
Decomposition of 42
Decomposition of a matrix 362
Decomposition of P 213
Decomposition singular-value 364
Deficiency in rank 30
Dependent binary variables 335
Design matrix for the main effects 331
Detection of outliers 220
Determinant of a matrix 356
Determination coefficient adjusted 55
Deviance 299
Diagnostic plots 224
Differences, test for qualitative 333
Dispersion parameter 292
Distribution, beta-binomial 301
Distribution, conditional 304
Distribution, logistic 316
Distribution, multinomial 307
Distribution, Poisson 307
Dummy coding 328
Dummy variable 44
Durbin — Watson test 56 113
Eckart — Young — Mirsky matrix approximation theorem 71
Econometric model 12
Effect coding 326 329
Efficiency of prediction ellipsoids 200
Eigenvalue 360
Eigenvector 360
Endodontic treatment 322
Ergodic 11
Error back-propagation 87
Estimate ridge 78
Estimate shrinkage 64
Estimating equations 301
Estimation of 34
Estimation, best linear unbiased 27
Estimation, minimax 72
Estimation, OLS 51
Estimation, ridge 59—61
Estimator OLS 44
Exact knowledge of a subvector 140
Exact linear restrictions 38
Exact restriction 59
Exchangeable correlation 343
Expected coverage 200
Exponential dispersion model 292
Exponential family 291
Externally Studentized residual 218
F-change 52 56
Filling in the missing values 243
First-order regression 259
Fisher-information matrix 294
Fisher-scoring algorithm 297
Fit, perfect 320
Fixed effect 119
Form, canonical 57
Form, reduced 6 12
Form, structural 6
| Frobenius norm 70
Full rank factorization 365
Gauss — Markov Least Squares 131
Gee 340
Generalized esimation equations (GEE) 340
Generalized inverse 372
Generalized linear model (GLM) 291
Generalized linear models 289
Generalized linear regression model 18 97
GLM 291
GLM for binary response 313
GLSE 108
Goodness of fit 299
Goodness of fit, testing 310
Grouped data 313
Hat matrix 212
Hazard function, model for the 334
Hazard rate 332
Heteroscedasticity 109 225
Hierarchical models for three-way, contingency tables 324
Hot-deck imputation 243
Identification 15
Identity link 292
IEE 340 346
Inclusion of inequality restrictions in an ellipsoid 73
Independence 304
Independence estimating equations (IEE) 340
Independence, conditional 322
Independence, joint 322
Independence, mutual 322
Independence, testing 311
Independent multinomial sample 308
Independent single regression 18
Inequality restricted least squares 72
Inequality restrictions 72
Influential observations 217
Inspecting the residuals 222
Instrumental Variable Estimator 122
Interaction, test for quantitative 333
Internally Studentized residual 218
Intraclass correlation 111
Iterative proportional fitting (IPF) 326
Kernel of the likelihood 309
Keynes's model 13
Kolmogorov — Smirnov test 56
Kronecker product 17
LAD estimator 81
LAD estimator, asymptotic distribution 279
LAD estimator, multivariate case 280
LAD estimator, univariate case 272
Least absolute deviation, estimators 272
Leverage 212
Likelihood equations 37
Likelihood function 308
Likelihood ratio 38
Likelihood-ratio test 312 318
Linear estimators 32
Linear hypothesis 37 39
Linear minimax estimates 75
Linear regression 23
Linear trend model 182
Link 291
Link function 316
Link, canonical 292 338
Link, identity 292
Link, natural 292
Log odds 313
Logistic distribution 316
Logistic regression 313
Logistic regression and neural networks 87
Logistic regression model 313
Logit link 313
Logit models 313
Logit models for categorical data 317
Loglinear model 319
Loglinear model of independence 320
Long-term studies 242
LR test 47
M-estimate, general 281
M-estimate, univariate case 276
Mallows's 52
Manova 271
MAR 244
Marginal distribution 303
Marginal model 337
Marginal probability 304
Masking effect 219
Matrix, decomposition of 362
Matrix, definite 365
Matrix, determinant 356
Matrix, diagonal 355
Matrix, differentiation of 384 386
Matrix, generalized inverse 372
Matrix, idempotent 371
Matrix, identity 355
Matrix, inverse of 358
Matrix, Moore — Penrose inverse 372
Matrix, nonsingular 356
Matrix, orthogonal 359
Matrix, partitioned 358
Matrix, rank of 359
Matrix, regular 356
Matrix, singular 356
Matrix, square 354
Matrix, trace of 355
Matrix, triangular 354
Maximum likelihood 344
Maximum-likelihood, estimates 308 311
Maximum-likelihood, methods 255
Maximum-likelihood, principle 36
MCAR 244
MDE 33
MDE, matrix comparison of two biased estimators 149
MDE, matrix comparison of two biased restricted estimators 156
MDE, matrix comparison of two linear biased estimators 154
MDE, matrix criterion 193
MDE, scalar 58
MDE, superiority 33
MDE-I, criterion 33 146
MDE-I, superiority 78
MDE-I, superiority of 168 169
MDE-I, superiority of b(k) 62
MDE-II, criterion 147
MDE-II, superiority of 170
MDE-III, criterion 147
MDEP 263
Mean dispersion error (MDE) 33
Mean imputation 243
Mean shift model 235
Mean-shift outlier model 220
Measuring the gain in efficiency 167
Method by Yates 246
Minimax, estimate 75
Minimax, estimation 72
Minimax, principle 72 75
Minimax, risk 78
Missing at random (MAR) 244
Missing completely at random (MCAR) 244
Missing data 241
Missing data in the response 245
Missing indicator matrix 244
Missing values in the X-matrix 251
Missing values, filling in 243
Missing values, loss in efficiency 252
Missing values, maximum-likelihood estimates 257
Missing-data mechanisms 244
Misspecification 79
Misspecification of the dispersion matrix 106
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