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Revuz D., Yor M. — Continuous martingales and Brownian motion |
Предметный указатель |
-inequalities for local times 265
-discrete point process 471
-integrable additive functional 410
( ) brownian motion 97
A 0-1 law for additive functionals of BM 422
A bounded ( )-martingale which is the stochastic integral of an unbounded process of 269
A Brownian filtration sandwiched between and 208
A Fourier transform proof of the existence of occupation densities 166
A Girsanov transform of a BM with a strictly smaller filtration 397
A Girsanov transform of a pure martingale which is not pure 393
A local martingale is Gaussian iff its bracket is deterministic 186
A local martingale with strong integrability properties is not necessarily a martingale 194
A progressive set which is not optional 175
A semimartingale X = M + A such that strictly 259
A slowly reflecting boundary 421
A uniformly integrable martingale which is not in 75
Absorbing point 84 97
Action functional 342
Adapted process 42
Additive functional 401
Additivity property of squared Bessel processes 440
An exponential local martingale which is not a martingale 335
An extremal martingale which is not pure 214
Approximations of and 227 233
Associativity of stochastic integrals 139
Asymptotic -field 99
Asymptotic properties for the transition function of the Brownian motion 100
Asymptotic version of Knight's 524
atom 76
Bachelier's equation 268
Backward equation 282
Backward integral 144
Bernstein inequality 153
Bernstein's inequality 153
Bessel bridge 463
Bessel bridges 463
Bessel processes 445
Bismut description of Ito's measure 502
Blumenthal zero one law 95
BMO-martingales 75
Bougerol's identity 388
Bracket of two continuous local martingales 125
Bracket of two semimartingales 128
Brownian bridge 37 154 384
Brownian bridge as conditioned Brownian motion 41
Brownian excursion 480
Brownian meander 493
Brownian motion 19
Brownian motion on the sphere 530
Brownian motion with drift 73 352
Brownian sheet 39
Burkholder — Davis — Gundy inequalities 160
Burkholder — Davis — Gundy inequality 160
Cadlag 34
Cadlag process 34
Cameron — Martin formula 371 445
Cameron — Martin space 339
Canonical process 34
Canonical realization 92
Cauchy process 116
Cauchy r.v. 13
Cemetery 84
Central-limit theorem for stochastic integrals 160
Chacon — Ornstein theorem 548
Chain rule 6
Chaos, Wiener 201 207
Chapman — Kolmogorov equation 80
Characteristic measure of a Poisson point process 475
Chernov inequality 292
Chung — Jacobi — Riemann identity 509
Clark's formula 341
Comparison theorems 393
Complete filtration 45
Conditioning with respect to last exit times 408
Conformal invariance of Brownian motion 190
Conformal local martingale 189
Conformal local martingales 189
Continuous additive functional 401
Continuous local martingales on 135 157
Continuous local martingales on stochastic intervals 136
Continuous process 17
Convergence in distribution 516
Convergence in law 10
Convergence in the sense of finite dimensional distributions 516
Convergence in the sense of finite distributions 516
Cooptional time 313
Covariance 294
Cramer transform 343
Criterions for an exponential local martingale to be a martingale 331 332 338
d-dimensional brownian 20
d-dimensional Ornstein — Uhlenbeck process 360
Dambis 181
Debut 46
Deterministic semimartingales are functions of bounded variation 133 145
Deviations of Brownian motion, large deviations 345
Differentiability of BM, non differentiability 32
Differentiation of stochastic integrals 143
Diffusion coefficient 294
Diffusion process 294
Discontinuous local time for a diffusion 420
Discontinuous local time for a semimartingale 238
Discrete P.P. 471
Discrete point process 471
Discrete, -discrete P.P. 471
Distribution, convergence in distribution 516
Dominated process 162
Donsker's theorem 518
Doob's inequality 54
Doss — Suessmann method 382
Downcrossings 60
Drift coefficient 294
Drift, Brownian motion with drift 73 352
Dubins inequality 66
Dubins — Schwarz 181
Dynkin's operator 310
Elastic BM 408
Energy 527
Enlargement of a filtration 363
Enlargement of a probability space 182
Entrance boundary 305 395
Entrance law 494
Entry time 43
Ergodic theorem 427 548
Ergodic theorem for BM 548
Exceptional points for the law of the iterated logarithm 59
Excessive function 423
Excessive measure 409
Excursions intervals 109
Excursions process 480
Explosions, criterion for explosions 383
Exponential formulas 476
Exponential holding point 97
Exponential holding time 97
Exponential inequality 153
Exponential local martingales 148
Exponentials of semimartingales 149
Extended infinitesimal generator 285
Extremal martingales 213
Extremal probability measures 210
Extremal process 406
Fefferman inequality 76
Fefferman's inequality 76
Feller process 90
Feller property, strong 423
Feller semi-groups 88
Feynman — Kac formula 358
Filtered space 41
Filtering 175 207
Filtration 41
Fine topology 98
| Finite dimensional distributions 18
Finite dimensional distributions of BM 23
Finite variation process 119
Finite-variation process 119
First arcsine law 112
Fokker — Planck equation 282
Forward equation 282
Fractional Brownian motion 38
Fubini's Theorem for stochastic integrals 175
Functions of the BM which are martingales 74
Galmarino's test 47
Garsia — Neveu lemma 170
Gaussian Markov process 86
Gaussian martingales 133 186
Gaussian measure 16
Gaussian process 36
Gaussian random variable 11
Gaussian space 12
Gebelein inequality 205
Gebelein's inequality 205
Girsanov pair 329
Girsanov theorem 327
Girsanov transformation 329
Good inequality 164
Gronwall's lemma 543
Hardy's inequality 75 155
Harris recurrent 425
Hausdorff dimension of the set of zeros of Brownian motion 247
Heat process 20
Hermite polynomials 151
Hitting time 43
Hoelder properties of BM 28 30
Hoelder properties of local times 237
Hoelder properties of semimarts 187
Holding point 97
Homogeneous Markov process 81
Homogeneous transition function 80
Hypercontractivity 206
Image of a Markov process 87
Increasing process 119
Independent, increments 96
Index of a Bessel process 440
Index of a stable law 115
Indistinguishable 19
Infinitely divisible 115
Infinitesimal generator 281
Initial distribution 81
Innovation process 175
Instantaneously reflecting 307
Integrable additive functional 410
Integral, stochastic integral 138 140 141
Integration by parts formula 146
Invariant -field 423
Invariant events 423
Invariant function 423
Invariant measure 409
Irregular points 98
Iterated logarithm, law of the 56
Ito formula 147
Ito integral 138
Ito measure 482
Ito measure of excursions 482
Ito processes 298
Ito — Tanaka formula 223
Joint law of ( , ) 265
Kailath — Segal identity 159
Kazamaki's criterion 331
Kazamaki's criterion is not a necessary condition 384
Kernel 79
Killed 100
Killed Brownian motion 87
Knight's identity 504
Knight's theorem 183
Kolmogorov Extension Theorem 34
Kolmogorov's continuity criterion 19
Kunita — Watanabe inequality 127
L log L class 58
Lamperti's relation 452
Langevin's equation 378
Large deviations of Brownian motion 345
Last exit times 408
Law of a process 34
Law of large numbers for local martingales 186
Lebesgue theorem for stochastic integrals 142
Levy characterization theorem 150 158
Levy measure 115
Levy process 96
Levy — Khintchine formula 115
Limit-quotient theorem 427
Linear continuous Markov processes 300
Linear stochastic equation 377
Local extrema of BM 113
Local martingales 123
Local time of a continuous semimartingale 222
Local time of Brownian motion 238
localization 123
Locally bounded process 140
Markov process 81
Markov processes, linear 300
Markov property 83 94
Markov property of BM, strong 102 156
Markov property, strong 202
Markovian 84
Martingale 51
Martingale problem 296
Master formula 475
Maximal inequality 53
Maximum principle, positive 283
Meander, Brownian meander 493
Measurable process 126
Measure, associated with an additive functional 410
Minkowski inequality for local martingales 136
Modification 19
Modulus of continuity, Levy's 30
Monotone class theorem 2
Motion, killed brownian 87
Motion, reflected brownian 86 238
Motion, skew brownian 87 292
Motion, standard linear brownian 19
Natural boundary 305
Natural filtration 42
Newtonian potential 100
Newtonian potential kernel 100
Normalized excursion 486
Normalized excursions 486
Novikov's criterion 332
Occupation time 20 401
Occupation times formula 224
Operateur carre du champ 351
Optional -field 172
Optional process 172
Optional projection 173
Optional stopping 69
Optional stopping theorem 69
Ornstein — Uhlenbeck process 37
Orthogonal martingales 145
Papanicolaou — Stroock — Varadhan theorem 526
Parameter of a OU process 37
Parameter of a Poisson process 58 471
Path decomposition 255 318
Pathwise uniqueness 367
Pitman's Theorem 253
Point process 471
Points of increase of Brownian motion 461
Poisson ( )-point process 474
Poisson point process 474
Poisson process 471
Polar functions for BM 24
Polar functions for the : they include the functions of bounded variation 197
Polar sets 191
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