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Hajek J., Sidak Z., Sen P.K. — Theory of rank tests |
Предметный указатель |
-topology 217 230 231 234 235 237
-field 12 13 44
-field 32
-field 10 11 12 13
-function 17
Absolutely continuous 14
Adapted 13
Adaptive rank statistics 4 8 341
Adichie, J.N. 3 8 365 366 378
Alanen, J.D. 355
Albers, W. 338 339 340 344
Alignment, aligned rank test 2 3 8
Alternative (hypothesis) 22 23
Andel, J. 322
Andersen, P.K. 4
Anderson, T.W. 273
Andrews, P.C. 355
Ansari — Bradley test 104 105 106 162 182 355
Ansari, A.R. 104 105 106 162 182 355
Antille, A. 381
Antiranks 62 92 122 137 151
Approximate score 67
Approximate slope 336
Asymptotic deficiency 340
Asymptotic efficiency 94 316 318 321 323 324
Asymptotic expansions 7 339
Asymptotic linearity 3 366
Asymptotic power 281
Asymptotic relative efficiency (ARE) 3
Asymptotically distribution free (ADF) 1
Asymptotically maximum most powerful test 300 307
Asymptotically optimum test 94
Average scores 133 137
Average statistics 132
Babington Smith, B. 179
Bahadur efficiency 325
Bahadur, R.R. 7 325 326 327 328 329 330 335 336
Bartlett, N.S. 116
Bassett, G. 395 396
Bauer, D.F. 378
Behnen, K. 259 276 342 352
Behrens — Fisher problem 95
Bennett, B.M. 152
Beran, R. 347 348 351
Best asymptotically normal (BAN) estimator 261
Bhattacharyya — Kakutani — Hellinger BKH) distance 261
Bickel, P.J. 4 337 338 339 341
Billingsley, P. 218 231
Birnbaum, Z.W. 115 160
Blackmail, J. 176
Blomqvist, N. 125
Blum, J.R. 127
Blyth, C.R. 324
Borovkov, A.A. 340
Boulanger, A. 361 381
Bradley, R.A. 104 105 106 162 182 355
Brown, G.W. 114 129
Brownian bridge 219 220 221 225 234 238 247 279 280 283 284 297
Brownian motion 232 235 236 238 239 296 297
Bukac, J. 178
Buringer, H. 116
Burr, E.J. 176
Butler, C.C. 83 119 121
Capon test 103
Capon, J. 103
Carvalho, P.E.O. 172
Censoring, censored data 6 136
Chakravarti, I.M. 355
Chang, L.C. 116
Chatterjee, S.K. 9 83 119 121 138 143 144 152 153 156 157 385
Chebychev norm 178
Chebyshev, P.L. 178 213 255 371
Chernoff, H. 7 289 294 356 387
Ciesielska, L. 79
Collatz, L. 178
Complete (class of distributions) 86
Composite hypothesis 22
Conditionally distribution free (CDF) 1
Contiguity 3 247
Convergence (complete, weak) 303 310
Cox, D.R. 4 57 136 151 403
Cramer — von Mises test 101 108 111 127 161 175 230
Cramer — von Mises test, (type) 111
Cramer, H. 101 102 108 111 115 127 161 175 193 204 230 259
Critical function 23
Critical region 22
Critical value (upper, lower) 22
Csaki, E. 161
Csoergo, M. 233
d'Orey, V. 396
Darling, D.A. 340
David, H.A. 402
David, H.T. 115
David, S.T. 340
Dbcon, W.J. 119 325
Deficiency (Hodges — Lehmann) 336 340
density 11 13
Diagonal symmetry 153 155
Differentiable functionals 83
Discontinuity of the first kind 217
Distribution function 10
Does, R.J.M.M 340
Doksum, K. 337
Doob, J.L. 219 285
Doornbos, R. 116 130
Double exponential density (type) 15
Drion, E.F. 172 182
Dunn, O.J. 117
Dupac, V. 293
Dwass, M. 83 85 116 289
E-test (regression) 6 111
E-test (scale) 108 181
E-test (two-sample) 98 170
Elandt, R. 125 163 324
Envelope power function 25 26
Eraser (normal scores) test, (symmetry) 117
Eraser test 117 324
Error of the first (second) kind 23
Estimable parameter 80
Exact distribution free (EDF) 1
Exact slope 326 335
Excess 90
Expectation 11
Exponential density 15
Farlie, D.J.G. 122 324
Feller, W. 322
Fellingham, S.A. 340
Fieller, E.C. 123 179
First-order efficient (FOE) estimator 261
Fisher information 4 16 17
Fisher — Yates test 122 166 179 324 356
Fisher — Yates — Terry — Hoeffding (normal scores) test, (dependence) 122
Fisher — Yates — Terry — Hoeffding (normal scores) test, (k-sample) 112
Fisher — Yates — Terry — Hoeffding (normal scores) test, (random blocks) 129
Fisher — Yates — Terry — Hoeffding (normal scores) test, (regression) 109
Fisher — Yates — Terry — Hoeffding (normal scores) test, (scale) 103
Fisher — Yates — Terry — Hoeffding (normal scores) test, (two-sample) 95 325 356
Fisher, D.M. 341
Fisher, R.A. 4 16 50 95 96 103 109 112 122 123 129 133 146 149 295 324 341 344 346 356 367 387 392 398
Fisz, M. 115 116
Fix, E. 90 337
Foftova, M. 91
Fourier analysis 346
Fraser, D.A.S. 118 164 324 341
Friedman test 128 176 179 355
Friedman, M. 128 129 176 179 355 384
Functional statistical 79
Galton statistic 182
Galton, F. 182
Gass, S.I. 397
| Generalized functionals 84
Ghosh, M. 145 200 201 202 203 377
Gibbons, J.D. 92 116
Gihman, I.I. 115 340
Glasser, G.J. 179 340
Gnedenko, B.V. 172 340
Goodness-of-fit 100 101 102
Govindarajulu, Z. 116 289 337
Grouped data 136
Gupta, S.S. 116
Gutenbrunner, б 8 395 397
Haga test 98 99 170 180
Haga, T. 98 99 107 170 180 344
Hajek — LeCam — Inagaki convolution theorem 249 261
Hajek, J. 2 3 7 8 97 101 119 124 126 129 136 162 163 165 169 170 175 176 200 224 239 241 243 249 261 272 289 290 291 293 294 298 323 324 332 335 342 343 344 345 346 355 395 397
Hall, R.A. 115
Hampel, F.R. 402
Hart, J.F. 178
Hartley, H.O. 179
Hazard function 57 150
Hazard rate 149
Heiler, S. 378 380
Hellinger distance 7 261
Hellinger, E. 7 261
Hemelrijk, J. 136 164 325
Hettmansperger, T.P. 380 381
Hoadley, A.B. 329
Hodges, J.L.Jr. 6 7 8 90 130 324 336 337 339 340 341 356 358 359 360 361 362
Hoeffding, W. 6 50 79 80 95 96 103 109 112 126 127 129 133 179 289 291 293 324 341 356
Hogg, R.V. 342 344 345
Hotelling, H. 155 156 158
Huang, D.-Y. 116
Huber, P.J. 400 402
Huskova, M. 4 342 349 350 351 352
Husler, J. 345
Hypothesis 22 23
Ibragimov, J.A. 14
Interim analysis 141
Intra-block, inter-block 130
Invariance principles 4
Isserlis, L. 222
Jaeckel, L.A. 360 380 382
Janssen, A. 74 75 79 122
Johnson, B.M. 361
Jones, D.H. 342 343
Jureckova, J. 2 3 8 9 85 360 366 377 378 380 381 382 394 395 397 398 400
k-statistics 89
Kamat test 107 180 325
Kamat, A.R. 108 325
Kemperman, J.H.B. 340
Kendall rank correlation (statistic) 60 82 109 126 173 174 324 356 363
Kendall, M.G. 60 61 82 109 121 124 126 128 173 174 179 324 340 356 363 366
Kendall, S.F.H. 179
Kernel (of a U-statistic) 80 127
Kiefer process 234
Kiefer, J. 115 234
Killeen, T.J. 361
Klose, O.M. 160
Klotz test 104
Klotz, J. 104 118 163 322 325
Koenker, R. 395 396
Kolmogorov — Smirnov test 99 171 174 175 176 283 322 323 357
Kolmogorov — Smirnov test, (type) 111
Kolmogorov — Smirnov type test (k-sample) 114 115
Kolmogorov — Smirnov type test (of regression) 111
Kolmogorov — Smirnov type test (of scale) 108
Kolmogorov, A.N. 6 83 99 100 101 108 111 114 115 116 121 126 128 135 170 174 175 176 209 211 212 222 227 238 247 283 288 322 323 328 340 357 361 397
Kolmogorov-type test (for independence) 126 128
Kolmogorov-type test (for symmetry) 121
Konijn, H.S. 122 324
Korolyuk, V.S. 172 176 340
Koul, H.L. 8 360 366 380
Kraft, C.H. 378 381
Kremer, E. 328 329 336
Krishnaiah, P.R. 97 101 113 115 119 124 126 129
Kruskal — Wallis test 113 176 179 355 356
Kruskal, W.H. 113 121 176 179 355 356
Kullback — Leibler information 330 334
Kullback, S. 330 334
L-estimates (statistics) 402
Lawley, D.N. 156 158
Least favourable density 28
LeCam's lemma: (first) 251 263
LeCam's lemma: (second) 253 263 265 272
LeCam's lemma: (third) 257 270 272 308
LeCam, L. 3 249 251 253 254 256 257 259 260 261 263 265 270 272 289 294 295 308 323 404
Ledwina, T. 79
Legendre system 348
Lehmann statistic 102 161
Lehmann's alternatives 54 106 162
Lehmann, E.L. 7 8 27 30 42 54 55 56 85 88 91 102 106 116 130 150 161 162 324 340 341 336 337 358 359 360 361 362 368 382 384 385
Leibler, R.A. 330 334
Lenth, R.V. 345
Leone, F.C. 355
Level actually attained 24 33 326
level of significance 23
Life testing 6 136 141
Linear rank statistic (for ) 57
Linear rank statistic (for , , ) 62
Littell, R.C. 361
Lloyd, E.H. 402
Local asymptotic efficiency 321 322
Locally asymptotically normal (LAN) 260
Locally asymptotically quadratic (LAQ) 249 260
Locally most powerful (LMP) test 64 94
Locally most powerful rank (LMPR) test 64 94
Loeve, M. 185 211 255 272 369
Log-rank 136 151
Logistic density (type) 15 21
Lukaszewicz, J. 117
M-estimates 400 401
Mann — Whitney test 97 160 359
Mann, H.B. 97 160 339 359 382
Martingale, sub-martingale, super-martingale 3 4 6 13 234
Mason, D.M. 74 75 79 122
Massey, F.J.Jr. 175
Maximin most powerful test 26 27 30 88
McCullagh, P. 403
McKean, J.W. 380 381
McLeish, D.L. 231
Median test (two-sample) 97 168 180 355
Mid-ranks 133 138
Mikulski, P.W. 356
Mohanty, G. 176
Monotone likelihood ratio 32
Mood, A.M. 107 114 119 129 163 355
Moses, L.E. 103 105 163
Most powerful test 26 30
Mosteller, F. 116 181
Motoo, M. 241
Multisample multivariate models 156
Multivariate linear models 156
Multivariate rank test 2 152
Narvarte, J.A. 361
Natanson, I.P. 189
Nelder, J.A. 403
Neuhaus, G. 259 352
Neyman, J. 13 25 27 28 34 43 48 52 251
Neyman-Pearson lemma 13 27
Nievergelt, E. 119
Nikitin, Ya. 325 329
Noether, G.E. 135 323 324 355
Normal density (type) 15 21
Normal scores test see Fisher — Yateserry — Hoeffding test
Null hypothesis 22
Olds, E.G. 179
One-sided test 23
Oosterhoff, J. 262
Optimality 3
Order statistic (for ) 35
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