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Hajek J., Sidak Z., Sen P.K. — Theory of rank tests |
Предметный указатель |
Order statistic (for ) 38
p-value 326
Panchapakesan, S. 116
Partial likelihood (function) 136 150 151
Pearson, E.S. 13 25 27 28 34 43 48 52 123 179 251
Permutation tests 1 12 41 42 43 44
Pfanzagl, J. 341
Pitman test 44
Pitman, E.J.G. 44 179 289 317 318 321 323 336 355 360 387
Power 2 24
Power function 25
Praskova, Z. 340
Prins, H.J. 116 130
Progressive censoring 141
Projection (of a statistic) 7 59 161
Proportional hazards model 4 56 136 151
Psi test 92
Puri, M.L. 2 9 74 83 85 152 154 289 384 389 392 394
Pyke, R. 289
Quadrant test 124 125 169 324 356
Quartile test 105 355
R-estimates 8 358 361 362
Raghavachari, M. 289
Randies, R.H. 342
Random blocks 128
Randomization (of ties) 131
Randomization test 1
Randomized test 23
Rank (for ) 35
Rank (for ) 39
Rank correlation coefficient 126
Rank test (statistic) 52 54
Rank-permutation principle 152 157 385
Rao, P.V. 361 393
Region of acceptance 22
Region of rejection 22
Regression 108
Regression constant 62 109
Regression quantiles 395 396
Regular estimator 261
Regular functional 80
Reimann, J. 176
Renyi test 101 108
Renyi test, (type) 111
Renyi, A. 101 102 108 111 161 224 228 247
Revesz, P. 233
Rieder, H. 400
Rijkoort, P.J. 179
Rizvi, M.H. 116
Rosenblatt, J.R. 324
Ruberg, S.J. 345
Run test 102 161
Ruymgaart, F.H. 276 340 352
Sadowski, W. 117
Sarkadi, K. 182
Savage test 106 162 182
Savage, I.R. 7 105 106 151 162 182 289 294 356 387
Scheffe, H. 65
Schneller, W. 340
Schuster, E.F. 361
Score 62 65
Selecting and ordering populations 116
Semiparametric models 1 4 150 151
Sen, P.K. 2 3 4 7 8 9 74 83 85 101 113 115 119 121 126 129 130 138 143 144 145 152 154 156 157 200 201 202 203 219 223 231 233 235 236 238 239 260 289 348 349 350 351 358 360 361 363 365 366 377 378 384 385 386 387 388 389 392 394 395 398 399 400 403
Sequential nonparametrics 7
Sequential rank tests 236
Serfling, R.J. 399
Sheppard's correction 177
Shirahata, S. 79
Shorack, G.R. 276 289
Sidak, Z. 97 101 119 124 129 136 167 168 169 170 175 176 239 323 324 345 346
Siegel, S. 106 162
Sign test (statistic) 75 119 130 164 169 178 325 362
Sign test bivariate 152
variance principle 154
Signed rank statistics 75 81 117
Signed-rank test multivariate 153
Similar event 12 44
Similar test 42
Simple hypothesis 22
| Simple linear rank statistic 61
Singh, K. 325
Size (of the test or critical region) 23
Skorokhod metric 217
Skorokhod, A.V. 217 218 230 231 232 234 235 237
Slippage problem 116 130 181
Smirnov, N.V. 6 83 99 100 101 108 111 114 115 116 135 170 174 175 176 209 227 247 283 284 322 323 340 357 361 397
Snow, B.A.S. 179
Spearman rank correlation (statistic) 60 82 109 110 124 166 179 324 356
Spearman, C. 60 61 82 109 110 124 126 179 324 356
Steck determinant 176
Steck, G.P. 176
Steel, R.G.D. 117
Stein, C. 30 43 88
Stochastic ordering 80
Stochastic process 13
Stoker, D.J. 340
Stone, M. 329
Strassen, V. 233
Strongly unimodal 14
Stuart, A. 323 340
Sub--field 12 13
Subhypothesis testing 8 381 389 395 396
Sufficiency 87 324
Sufficiency, (asymptotic) 302 335
Sukhatme, B.V. 107 163 325
Sundrum, R.M. 102
Survival analysis (function) 57 136
Tardif, S. 378
Teichroew, D. 325
Terry, M.E. 50 95 96 103 109 112 129 133 179 325 341 356
test 22
Test statistic 23
Thompson, R. 337
Tie 131 246
Tight 218 260
Trend 109
Triangular density 15
Trigonometric system 347
Tukey, J.W. 106 162
Two-sided test 23
U-statistics 79 80 83 85 127 203 289 291 399
Uniform density 15
van Dantzig, D. 160
van der Laan 325
Van der Waerden test, (k-sample) 113
Van der Waerden test, (regression) 109
Van der Waerden test, (symmetry) 325
Van der Waerden test, (two-sample) 96
Van der Waerden test, (type) 123 129
Van der Waerden, B.L. 50 104 109 113 118 119 123 129 133 166 179 325 341
van Eeden, C. 118 323 361 378 381
van Zwet, W.R. 262 276 291 338 339 340 341
Vincze, I. 176
von Mises, R. 6 79 80 84 101 102 108 111 115 127 161 175 230 399
Wald, A. 102
Wallace, D.L. 179
Wallis, W.A. 113 176 179 355 356
Walsh, J.E. 135 324
Weak convergence 4
Wegner, L.H. 102 161
Weibull, W. 74
Westenberg, J. 105
Whitney, D.R. 97 160 339 359 382
Wieand, H.S. 336
Wiener process 232 273
Wiener, N. 273 288 340
Wilcoxon test (one-sample for signed ranks) 81 118 173 178 324 355 356
Wilcoxon test, (regression) 110
Wilcoxon test, (two-sample) 96 106 110 173 178 355 356 359
Wilcoxon, F. 81 84 96 97 104 106 110 113 117 119 133 160 162 164 173 178 324 329 338 339 341 343 344 345 348 350 355 356 359 362 363 364 394 400 402
Willers, R. 378 380
Winter, R.F. 179 340
Wise, M.E. 179
Witting, H. 324
Wolfowitz, J. 102
Woodworth, G.G. 116 329 334
Yang, G.L. 261
Yates, F. 50 95 96 103 109 112 122 123 129 133 166 179 325 341 356
Zajta, A. 161
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