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Поиск книг, содержащих: Macrostate
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Sornette D. — Critical phenomena in natural sciences | | Anderson J.D. — Modern Compressible Flow: With Historical Perspective | 520 | Dill K.A., Bromberg S. — Molecular Driving Forces: Statistical Thermodynamics in Chemistry and Biology | 1 72 | Lim Ch., Nebus J. — Vorticity, Statistical Mechanics, and Monte Carlo Simulation | 35—38, 42—45, 51, 59, 123, 246 | Collins G.W. — Fundamentals of Stellar Astrophysics | 6 | Aoki K. — Nonlinear dynamics and chaos in semiconductors | 240, 248 | Cowan B. — Topics In Statistical Mechanics | 3 | Vincenti W.G., Kruger C.H. — Introduction to Physical Gas Dynamics | 98 | Attard P. — Therodynamics and Statistical Mechanics: Equilibrium by Entropy Maximisation | see "State" | Reif F. — Fundamentals of statistical and thermal physics | 66 | Hristev R.M. — The artificial neural network book | 207 | Hobbie R., Roth B. — Intermediate Physics for Medicine and Biology, | 52, 55 | HarrisR. — Nonclassical physics: beyond Newton's view | 344 | Cooper R.B. — Introduction to queueing theory | 150 | Rosser W.G.V. — An introduction to statistical physics | 4 |