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Anderson J.D. — Modern Compressible Flow: With Historical Perspective |
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Abbett's method for boundary conditions 347—348
Acoustic equations 221
Acoustic waves 218—224
Adiabatic flow 57
Adiabatic process, definition of 19 (See also Drag; Lift)
Aerodynamic forces, drag, definition of 26
Aerodynamic forces, general equation for 26
Aerodynamic forces, lift, definition of 26
Aerodynamic forces, sources of 25—29
Apollo lunar return vehicle 46
Area Mach number relation 155—156
Area Rule 465—468
Area-velocity relation 151—154
Arrhemus equation 564
Artificial viscosity 382—385
Avogadro's number 14
Axisymmetric flow, definition of 294
Bell XS-1 research vehicle 2—3 45 458 463—464
Bernoulli's equation 4
Bernoulli, Daniel 202
Bernoulli, Johann 202
Blunt body flow 128—129 368—380 411—418
Body forces 37
Boltzmann constant 14—15
Boltzmann distribution 527—529
Bose-Einstein statistics 522
Boundary conditions for finite-difference solutions 347—348
Boundary conditions for method of characteristics 322
Busemann, Adolf 283—285 355—356
Caloncally perfect gas, definition of 17
Caloncally perfect gas, role in modern compressible flow 29
Central difference 341
Central second difference 383
Characteristic lines, axisymmetric irrotational flow 334
Characteristic lines, rotational flow 337
Characteristic lines, three-dimensional flow 338
Characteristic lines, two-dimensional irrotational flow 316
Characteristic lines, unsteady flow 228
Characteristic Mach number 56 61 67
Characteristics, method of See Method of characteristics
Chemically reacting gases, dissociation energy of 564
Chemically reacting gases, effective zero-point energy of 552
Chemically reacting gases, elementary reactions of 565
Chemically reacting gases, equilibnum speed of sound of 590—594
Chemically reacting gases, equilibrium flow of, comparison with frozen flow 584—587
Chemically reacting gases, normal shock waves in equilibnum 574—578
Chemically reacting gases, normal shock waves in nonequilibrium 600—607
Chemically reacting gases, quasi-one-dimensional flow of equilibrium 578—584
Chemically reacting gases, quasi-one-dimensional flow of nonequilibrium 607—616
Chemically reacting gases, rate equations for 561—564
Chemically reacting gases, reaction mechanism for 565
Chemically reacting gases, reaction rate constant of 562—564
Chemically reacting gases, reaction rate of 564
Chemically reacting gases, species continuity equation for 595—598
Chemically reacting gases, speed of sound for 590—595
Chemically reacting gases, thermodynamic properties of 547—554
Choked flow, friction, choking 91
Choked flow, heat-addition choking 84
Choked flow, in diffusers 172
Choked flow, nozzles for See Nozzles
Compatibility equations, axrsymmetric irrotational flow 331
Compatibility equations, rotational flow 335
Compatibility equations, three-dimensional flow 337
Compatibility equations, two-dimensional irrotational flow 319
Compatibility equations, unsteady flow 229
Compressibility 5
Compressibility corrections 268—269
Compressible flow, definition 4—6
Compressible flow, modern 29—30
Computational fluid dynamics 29 307—311 340—358
Concentration 14 544
Condensation 224
Cone flow See Conical flow
Conical flow 112 294—306 391—410
Conservation form, definition of 190
Contact surface 208
Continuity equation, differential form 188 192
Continuity equation, integral form 36
Continuity equation, one-dimensional flow 50
Continuity equation, quasi-one-dimensional flow 148 150
Continuum, definition of 11
Contour, nozzle 163
Control volume 33—34
Convective derivative 192
Convergent-divergent duct 152—163 (See also Quasi-one dimensional flow)
Convergent-divergent duct, chemically reacting flows 572—573 578—584 607—616
Convergent-divergent duct, equilibrium flow 578—584
Convergent-divergent duct, nonequilibrium flow 607—616
Convergent-divergent duct, time-dependent finite difference solutions quasi-one dimensional 362—366
Convergent-divergent duct, two-dimensional 380—382
Courant — Friedrichs Levy criterion 349 367
Critical Mach number 278—280 426 455
Critical pressure coefficient 279 426—427
Crocco's theorem 199—201
Crocco, Luigi 200
D'Alembert's paradox 138
D'Alembert, Jean le Rond 251
Dalton's law of partial pressures 544
de Laval, Carl G P See Laval Carl
Degeneracy of molecular levels 519
Detached oblique shock waves 108 128—129
Detailed balancing, principle of 556
Diaphragm pressure ratio 237
Diffusers 153—154
Diffusers, efficiency of 171 173
Dissociation energy of chemically reacting gases 564
Divergence form, definition of 190
Domain of independence 324—325
Drag, definition of 26
Drag, pressure 26
Drag, skin-friction 26
Drag, wave 27 115 276
Drag-divergence Mach number 280 428—429
Driven section of shock tube 208
Driver section of shock tube 208
Effective gamma 594—595
Effective zero-point energy of chemically reacting gases 552
Electronic molecular energy 516
Electronic partition function 534
Elementary reactions of chemically reacting gases 565
Elliptic grid generation 446
Elliptic partial differential equations 316
Energy equation, algebraic forms 57—63
Energy equation, differential form 189 194—197
Energy equation, integral form 43
Energy equation, one-diinensional flow 52
Energy equation, quasi one-dimensional flow 149 151
Energy levels, molecular 517 531—532
Energy states, molecular 518—519
Enthalpy, definition of 17
Enthalpy, equations for 17
Enthalpy, of calorically perfect gas 22
Enthalpy, of chemically reacting gas 17 548
Enthalpy, of real gases 17
Enthalpy, of thermally perfect gas 17
Enthalpy, sensible 548
Enthalpy, total 62
Entropy layer 474—475
Entropy, change across shock wave 69
Entropy, definition of 20
Entropy, equations for 21—22
Entropy, flow equation for 198
Entropy, with second law of thermodynamics 20—21
Equation of state 13—15
Equilibrium constant of chemically reacting gases 538—543
Equilibrium flow of chemically reacting gases, comparison with frozen flow 584—587
Equilibrium of chemically reacting gases 543—547
Equilibrium speed of sound of chemically reacting gases 590—595
Euler's equation 150 193
Euler, Leonhard 202 203—205
| Expansion waves, Prandtl — Meyer 130—137
Expansion waves, reflected 176 230—236
Expansion waves, steady 101 130—139
Expansion waves, unsteady 230—236
Fanno curve 90
Fermi — Dirac statistics 522
Finite waves 217 225—230
Finite-difference solutions and technique 340—352
Finite-difference solutions and technique, explicit and implicit, definition of 343
Finite-difference solutions and technique, shock-capturing and shock-fitting 350—353
Finite-difference solutions and technique, stability criterion for See Stability criterion for finite-difierence solutions
Finite-difference solutions and technique, time-dependent See Time-marching finite-difference technique
First law of thermodynamics 19—20
Fluid element 34
Forward difference 340
Free-molecular flow 12
Free-stream velocity 8
Frozen flow of chemically reacting gases 584—587
Frozen specific heat 588
Frozen speed of sound 592
Gas constant, specific 13
Gas constant, specific, for air 15
Gas constant, universal 13 14
Glauert, Hermann 289—290
Global continuity equation See Continuity equation
Grid points 309
Heat of formation, at absolute zero 550
Heat of formation, at standard temperature 550
Heat of formation, effective zero-point energy 552
Helmholtz, Herman von 249—250
High-temperature gases See Chemically reacting gases
Hodograph plane 116
Hugomot curve 76
Hugoniot equation 74—76 211
Hyperbolic partial differential equations 316
Hypersonic flow 10 472—509
Hypersonic similarity 499—506
Hypersonic small-disturbance equations 495—499
Intermolecular forces 12
Internal energy, definition of 17
Internal energy, equations for 17
Internal energy, of calorically perfect gas 17
Internal energy, of chemically reacting gas 17
Internal energy, of real gases 17
Internal energy, rotational 535
Internal energy, sensible 536
Internal energy, translational 535
Internal energy, vibrational 535
Inviscid flows, definition of 11
Irrotational flow, definition of 243
Isentropic flow properties, table 618—622
Isentropic process, definition of 19
Isentropic process, equations for 23 24
Karman — Tsien, rule 269
Lagrange multipliers 526
Laitone's compressibility correction 268
Laplace, Pierre Simon Marquis de 92
Laval nozzles 2 154—166 Quasi-one-dimensional
Laval nozzles, convergent-divergent nozzles as name for 153—154
Laval nozzles, equilibrium quasi-one-dimensional nozzle flows 578—584
Laval nozzles, nozzle contour 163
Laval nozzles, nozzle solutions by time-dependent finite-difference technique 360—366 607—617
Laval nozzles, Stodola's experiments in supersonic nozzle flows 179—181
Laval nozzles, time-dependent solution of two-dimensional nozzle flows 380—382
Laval, Carl G P de 2 29 177—179
Leeward surface 394
Lift coefficient 262
Lift, definition of 26
Limiting characteristics 368
Linearized flow 251—292
Linearized flow, acoustic theory 218—224
Linearized flow, subsonic 258—268
Linearized flow, supersonic 270—277
Linearized perturbation-velocity potential equation 256
Linearized pressure coefficient 256—258
Local chemical equilibrium of chemically reacting gases 573
Local thermodynamic equilibnum of chemically reacting gases 573
Low-density flow, definition of 12
MacCormack's technique 345—347 405 414
Mach angle 103
Mach number 8 55
Mach number independence 489—494
Mach number, characteristic 56 61 67
Mach number, critical 278—280
Mach number, drag-divergence 280
Mach reflection 126—127
Mach wave 67 102—104
Macrostate 520
Macrostate, most probable 525—527
Mass flow 160
Mass flux, definition of 35
Mass fraction 544
Master rate equation 556
Method of characteristics, comparison with finite-difference technique 352—355
Method of characteristics, steady flow 311—339
Method of characteristics, steady flow, axisymmetric irrotational flow 331—335
Method of characteristics, steady flow, history of 355—356
Method of characteristics, steady flow, rotational flow 335—337
Method of characteristics, steady flow, three-dimensional flow 337—339
Method of characteristics, steady flow, two-dimensional irrotational flow 314—323
Method of characteristics, steady flow, unsteady flow 228
Microstate 521
Minimum-length nozzles 327—329
Molar volume 14
Mole fraction 544
Mole, definition of 13
Mole-mass ratio 14 544
Molecular energy levels 531—532
Molecular energy, electronic 531
Molecular energy, rotational 531
Molecular energy, translational 531
Molecular energy, vibrational 531
Momentum equation, differential form 188 193
Momentum equation, integral form 39
Momentum equation, one-dimensional flow 51
Momentum equation, quasi-one-dimensional flow 149
Newton's sine-squared law 369—371 482—489
Newton's sine-squared law, history of 385—387
Newton's sine-squared law, modified newtonian law 371
Newton, Isaac 91 202
Nonconservation form, definition of 197
Nonequilibnum of chemically reacting gases 554—555 566
Nonequilibnum, vibrational 555—561
Nonsimple wave 233—234
Normal shock waves 48
Normal shock waves in caloncally perfect gas 64—73
Normal shock waves in chemically reacting gas equilibrium 574—578
Normal shock waves in chemically reacting gas nonequilibrium 600—607
Normal shock waves, diagram of 48
Normal shock waves, equations for 65
Normal shock waves, history of 92—95
Normal shock waves, properties of, table 623—626
Normal shock waves, reflected 214—216
Normal shock waves, unsteady wave motion 209—213
Nozzle contour 163 325—331
Nozzle solutions by time-dependent finite-diflerence technique 362—366 380—382
Nozzle(s), Laval See Laval nozzles
Nozzle(s), minimum-length 327—329
Nozzle(s), overexpanded 140 161—162
Nozzle(s), underexpanded 140 161—162
Number density 14
Oblique shock waves 45—47 100—130
Oblique shock waves, detached 108
Oblique shock waves, equations for 105—107
Oblique shock waves, geometry of 105
Oblique shock waves, intersection of of same family 124—126
Oblique shock waves, intersection of opposite family 122—124
Oblique shock waves, Mach reflection 126—127
Oblique shock waves, regular reflection 119—120
Oblique shock waves, three-dimensional 129—130
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