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Anderson J.D. — Modern Compressible Flow: With Historical Perspective |
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One-dimensional flow 45—99
One-dimensional flow, definition of 48
One-dimensional flow, equations for 49—52
One-dimensional flow, with friction 85—91
One-dimensional flow, with friction, table 632—636
One-dimensional flow, with heat addition 77—85
One-dimensional flow, with heat addition, table 627—631
One-dimensional flow, with shock waves 64—73
Overexpanded nozzle 140 161—162
Parabolic partial differential equations 316
Partial pressure 542 544
Particle path 215
Partition function, definition of 528
Partition function, electronic 534
Partition function, in thermodynamic properties 529—531
Partition function, rotational 534
Partition function, translational 534
Partition function, vibrational 534
Perfect gas, definition of 12
Perfect gas, equation of state for 13—15
Perturbation-velocity potential equation 254
Prandtl relation 66
Prandtl — Glauert rule 261—262
Prandtl — Meyer expansion waves 130—137
Prandtl — Meyer function 134
Prandtl — Meyer function and Mach angle, table 637—638
Prandtl, Ludwig 140—143 286—290
Pressure coefficient 256 278—279
Pressure coefficient, critical 279
Pressure coefficient, linearized 256—258
Pressure drag 26
Pressure-deflection diagram 120—122
Principle of detailed balancing 556
Quantum numbers 531—532
Quasi-one-dimensional flow 147—175
Quasi-one-dimensional flow of calorically perfect gas 154—167
Quasi-one-dimensional flow of chemically reacting gas equilibrium 578—584
Quasi-one-dimensional flow of chemically reacting gas nonequilibrium 607—616
Quasi-one-dimensional flow, definition of 49
Quasi-one-dimensional flow, equations for 148—151
Rankine — Hugoniot relations 94
Rankine, W J M 92—95
Rarefaction 224
Rayleigh curve 83—84
Rayleigh, J W S 94—95
Reaction mechanism for chemically reacting gases 565—566
Reaction rate of chemically reacting gases 564
Real gas effects, definition of 15
Real gas, definition of 15
Real gas, enthalpy of 17
Rearward difference 341
Reflected shock waves from free boundary 175—177
Reflected shock waves from solid boundary 119—120 214—216
Refracted shock waves 122—123
Region of influence 324—325
Riemann invariants 229
Riemann, F G Bernhard 92
Rotational flow 243
Rotational internal energy 535
Rotational molecular energy 514
Rotational molecular motion 514
Rotational partition function 534
Round-off error 310
Second law of thermodynamics 20 21
Sensible enthalpy 548—549 552
Shock polar 115—119
Shock tube 208—209 237—239
Shock waves, history of 92—95
Shock waves, normal See Normal shock waves
Shock waves, oblique See Oblique shock waves
Shock waves, one-dimensional flow with 64—73
Shock waves, reflected See Reflected shock waves
Shock waves, refracted 122—123
Shock waves, shock polar 115—119
Shock-capturing finite-difference approach 350—352
Shock-expansion theory 137—139
Shock-fitting finite-difference approach 350—352
Similarity, hypersonic 499—506
Similarity, transonic 430—435
Simple wave 232
Slip line 122—123
Some flow 55
Sonic line 128—129 379
Sound waves See Speed of sound
Space shuttle 47 352—355
Species continuity equation for chemically reacting gases 595—598
Specific heats of calorically perfect gas 18
Specific heats of chemically reacting gas 588—590
Specific heats, definition of 18
Specific heats, of thermally perfect gas 18
Specific heats, temperature variation of 537
Speed of sound 8 52—56
Speed of sound, acoustic theory 218—224
Speed of sound, equation for 54—55
| Speed of sound, for chemically reacting gases 590—594
Speed of sound, history of 91—92
Stability cnterion for finite-difference solution, steady flow 349—350
Stability cnterion for finite-difference solution, unsteady flow 367
Stagnation pressure See Total pressure
Stagnation temperature See Total temperature
Statistical weight 519
Sterling's formula 525
Stodola, Aurei B 179—181
Stokes, George 249
streamline 8
Subsonic flow, definition of 8 55
Substantial derivative 190—192
Supercritical airfoil 466 469 470
Supersonic wind tunnel 153
Surface forces 37
Taylor — Maccoll solution 296—306 (See also corneal flow)
Thermodynamic probability 524
Thermodynamics 12—25.
Thermodynamics, first law of 19
Thermodynamics, second law of 20
Thin shock layers 474
Three-dimensional flow 389—423
Time-marching finite-difference technique 360—387
Time-marching finite-difference technique, for blunt body flow 372—380
Time-marching finite-difference technique, for two-dimensional nozzle flows 380—382
Time-marching finite-difference technique, nozzle solutions by 362—366 607—616
Total energy 42
Total enthalpy 62 71 149 196 213
Total pressure, change across shock wave 71
Total pressure, definition of 56
Total pressure, equation for 59
Total pressure, friction effects 87 90
Total pressure, heat addition effects 79 83
Total pressure, unsteady flow effects 213
Total temperature, change across shock wave 71
Total temperature, definition of 56
Total temperature, equation for 58—59
Total temperature, heat addition effects 78 83
Total temperature, unsteady flow effects 213
Transition probability 555
Translational internal energy 535
Translational molecular energy 514
Translational molecular motion 514
Translational partition function 534
Transonic Euler solutions 450—458
Transonic flow 8 424—471
Transonic full potential theory 441—450
Transonic similarity equation 434
Transonic similarity parameter 434
Transonic small-perturbation equations 432 434
Transonic small-perturbation theory 441—450
Transonic testing 460—465
Truncation error 310
Underexpanded nozzle 140
Unsteady wave motion 206—240
Unsteady wave motion, acoustic waves 218—224
Unsteady wave motion, expansion waves 230—236
Unsteady wave motion, normal shocks 209—213
Unsteady wave motion, reflected shocks 214—217
Unsteady wave motion, shock tubes 237—239
Upwind differences 437—438
Van der Waals equation 15
Velocity potential 246
Velocity potential equation 245—249
Velocity potential equation, linearized form 256
Velocity potential, definition of 246
Velocity potential, history of 249—250
Vibrational internal energy 535
Vibrational molecular energy 514
Vibrational molecular motion 514
Vibrational nonequilibnum 555—561
Vibrational partition function 534
Vibrational rate equation 559 599
Vibrational relaxation time 559—560
Vibrational temperature, definition of 611
Vibrationally frozen flow 586—587
Viscosity, artificial 382—385
Viscous interaction 475—477
Volta conference 280—286
von Karman, Theodore 32 45 100 143
Vortical singularity 394—397
Vorticity 243
Wave diagram 214 215
Wave drag 27
Wave motion, unsteady See Unsteady wave motion
Wave reflection from free boundary 175—177
Wave reflection from solid boundary 119—120
Wavy wall solutions, subsonic 263—268
Wavy wall solutions, supersonic 274—277
Wedge flow 111—115
Windward surface 394
Yeager, Charles 2 45 458
Zero-point energy for chemically reacting gases 517 548—550
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