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Поиск книг, содержащих: Hyperfine interaction
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Guimaraes A.P. — Magnetism and Magnetic Resonance in Solids | 159—160, 173, 175, 182, 188, 227, 229—230 | Atkinson D., Johnson P.W. — Exercises in Quantum Field Theory: A Self-Contained Book of Questions and Answers | 34, 49 | Deák P. — Computer Simulation of Materials at Atomic Level | 665, 670 | Efros A.L. (ed.), Pollak M. (ed.) — Electron-electron interactions in disordered systems | see “Interaction, hyperfine” | Basdevant J.-L., Dalibard J. — The Quantum Mechanics Solver | 119, 120 | Pavičić M. — Quantum Computation and Quantum Communication: Theory and Experiments | 100, 103, 147 | Thomas A.W., Weise W. — The structure of the nucleon | 212, 213, 239, 241 | Atkins P. — Molecular Quantum Mechanics | 440 | Reif F. — Fundamentals of statistical and thermal physics | 557 | Goldsmid H.J. (ed.) — Problems in solid state physics | 10.9 | Brewer D.F. — Progress in Low Temperature Physics. Volume X | 164 | Atkins P.W., Friedman R.S. — Molecular Quantum Mechanics | 437 | Suter D. — The physics of laser-atom interactions | 144—145, 191—192 | Davies P. — The New Physics | 407 | Benoit H. (ed.), Cantow H.-J. (ed.), Dall'Asta G. (ed.) — Polymer Physics | 145, 215 | Bok J., Deutscher G., Pavuna D. — The gap symmetry and fluctuations in High-Tc conductors | 316 | Bok J., Deutscher G., Pavuna D. — The gap symmetry and fluctuations in High-Tc conductors | 316 |