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Guimaraes A.P. — Magnetism and Magnetic Resonance in Solids
Guimaraes A.P. — Magnetism and Magnetic Resonance in Solids

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Íàçâàíèå: Magnetism and Magnetic Resonance in Solids

Àâòîð: Guimaraes A.P.


The first text that focuses on the research aspect of the magnetism of matter and magnetic resonance. Explores the properties of magnetic materials and their applications to our world today from magnetic media and recording to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ôèçèêà/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: 1st edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1998

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 312

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 19.03.2008

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
$180^\circ$ wall      134—136 152
$90^\circ$ domain wall      135
$A$ (exchange stiffness)      151
$B_1$ (time-dependent field)      203—204 214—215 220 224 227—228 232 237—240 242 248—249 278
$B_2$ (effective rf field)      236—237
$B_j$ (magnetoelastic coupling constants)      130
$B_n^m$ parameters      57—58
$c_{ij}$ (elastic moduli)      128 130
$g_1$ (nuclear g-factor)      160
$H_a$ (anisotropy field)      124 145
$H_c$ (coercivity)      148
$H_c$ (critical field)      118
$H_d$ (demagnetizing field)      8 120—121 140 242
$H_{cl}$ (critical field)      118
$J(\omega)$ (spectral density function)      205
$m_e$ (electron mass)      27 48 94
$M_e$ (equilibrium magnetization)      120—121
$M_l$ (local magnetization)      177
$m_p$ (proton mass)      48 160 192
$M_r$ (remanence)      148
$M_s$ (saturation magnetization)      120—121 124 141 148—149 243 248
$N_d$ (demagnetizing factor)      8—10 116 121 239
$O^m_n$ operators      57
$p_{1/2}$ electron      164 169
$p_{\textrm{eff}}$ (effective paramagnetic moment)      45—46
$T^{3/2}$ law      87 90
$T_1$      194—195 199 203—207 210—211 213—214 225
$T_2$      190 194—196 199 203—207 210—211 213—214 216 220 222 249 281
$T_2^'$      204 206
$T_2^*$      215—216 218—219 220
$T_c$ (Curie temperature)      13 52—55 74—79 105 108—109 111 124 129 178
$T_f$ (freezing temperature)      17
$T_L$ (lattice temperature)      208 210
$T_N$ (Neel temperature)      14 259
$T_s$ (spin temperature)      208
$V_{zz}$      163 185 221
$\alpha$ (direction cosines)      123
$\alpha$-Mn      14
$\alpha_J$ (2nd order crystal field constant)      56 57
$\beta_j$ (4th order crystal field constant)      57
$\chi$ (susceptibility tensor)      244—245
$\chi$ (susceptibility)      118
$\chi'$      200 202
$\chi''$      200 202—203
$\chi(\mathbf{R})$ (nonuniform susceptibility)      71
$\chi_0$ (Pauli susceptibility)      97
$\chi_m$ (susceptibility per mole)      77—78
$\chi_n$ (nuclear susceptibility)      48 200—201
$\chi_P$ (Pauli susceptibility)      71
$\chi_\alpha$ (spin wavefunction)      81
$\chi_\beta$ (spin wavefunction)      81
$\chi_{\textrm{CGS}}$ (X in the CGS system)      5
$\Delta$ (hyperfine anomaly)      173
$\delta_{ij}$ (Kronecker delta)      161
$\eta$ (asymmetry parameter)      163
$\eta$ (enhancement factor)      220 233 237 239—240 248
$\eta_d$ (domain enhancement factor)      237—238
$\eta_w$ (wall enhancement factor)      238—241
$\gamma$ (gyromagnetic ratio)      28 48 80 151 153 160 182 189 191 193 197 214 231 239
$\gamma_J$ (6th order crystal field constant)      57
$\gamma_\infty$ (Sternheimer factor)      183
$\lambda$ (magnetostriction)      129
$\lambda$ (spin-orbit coupling constant)      34
$\lambda_m$ (molecular field parameter)      50 53 103 105 259
$\lambda_s$ (saturation magnetostriction)      130—131
$\mathbf{B}$, $B$ (magnetic induction)      2 7 149 165 167 169 181 185 194—195 260 269
$\mathbf{B}_{\textrm{a}}$ (anisotropy field)      153 225 232 237 244
$\mathbf{B}_{\textrm{cp}}$ (core polarization hyperfine field)      170 174—175 179
$\mathbf{B}_{\textrm{c}}$ (contact hyperfine field)      169—170
$\mathbf{B}_{\textrm{dip}}$ (dipole field)      174—175
$\mathbf{B}_{\textrm{hf}}$ (hyperfine field)      173—174 179—180 185 232 239 248
$\mathbf{B}_{\textrm{orb}}$ (orbital hyperfine field)      175
$\mathbf{B}_{\textrm{s}}$ (spin magnetic dipole field)      168
$\mathbf{N}_d$ (demagnetizing tensor)      9 242
$\mathbf{\mu}$ (magnetic dipole moment)      189
$\mathcal{H}_{cf}$      56—58 61 160 188 261 263 275
$\mathcal{H}_{el}$      175
$\mathcal{H}_{hf}$      160 173—175 183
$\mathcal{H}_{\mathrm{LS}}$      55—56 160 175
$\mathcal{H}_{\textrm{coul}}$      55—56
$\mathcal{H}_{\textrm{exch}}$      160
$\mathcal{H}_{\textrm{mag}}$      56 183
$\mathcal{H}_{\textrm{Q}}$ (electric quadrupole hamiltonian)      162—164 183
$\mathcal{J}$ (exchange integral)      65—68 73—74 77 82 89 105 108—109 127
$\mathcal{P}$ (absorbed power)      202—203
$\mathrm{B} \times \mathrm{X}$ curve      121 138
$\mathrm{C}_p$ (specific heat)      75
$\mathrm{E}_a$ (activation energy)      207
$\mathrm{E}_{\mathrm{el}}$ (elastic energy)      128
$\mathrm{E}_{\mathrm{F}}$ (Fermi energy)      74 94—95 109
$\mathrm{E}_{\mathrm{K}}$ (magnetic anisotropy energy)      123—124 128 133
$\mathrm{E}_{\mathrm{ME}}$ (magnetoelastic energy)      128 131
$\mathrm{E}_{\mathrm{ms}}$ (magnetostatic energy)      120—121
$\mathrm{K}_0$ anisotropy constant)      123—124
$\mathrm{K}_1$ (anisotropy constant)      123—124 143
$\mathrm{K}_2$ (anisotropy constant)      123—124
$\mathrm{K}_s$ (surface anisotropy constant)      126
$\mathrm{K}_u$ (uniaxial anisotropy constant)      126 131 135
$\mathrm{LuFe}_2$      108
$\mathrm{LuNi}_2$      108
$\mathrm{t}_t$ (total current density)      2
$\mu$ (chemical potential)      95 266
$\mu$ (permeability)      5 118 140 154
$\mu_0$ (vacuum permeability)      2—3 73 119 121 140 166 235
$\mu_B$ (Bohr magneton)      160
$\mu_i$ (initial permeability)      138 147
$\mu_m$ (maximum permeability)      138
$\mu_N$ (nuclear magneton)      160 174 192 276
$\mu_r$ (relative permeability)      5—7
$\nu$ (Poisson ratio)      128
$\nu$ (Rayleigh coefficient)      147
$\omega$ (angular frequency)      150 154 189 198—199
$\omega(k)$ (dispersion relation)      84
$\omega_0$ (Larmor frequency)      199 205—206 235
$\omega_L$ (Larmor frequency)      29
$\pi / 2$ pulse      214—216 218
$\pi$ pulse      218
$\rho$ (electric charge density)      2
$\sigma$ (magnetization per unit mass)      104
$\sigma$ (projection of S along J)      68—69 177—178 180
$\sigma$ (stress)      127—128
$\tau$ (order parameter)      74 78—79
$\tau$ (pulse separation)      214 218—219 221 223
$\tau$ (torque)      124 0
$\tau_0$ (correlation time)      204—206
$\textrm{(BH)}_{\textrm{max}}$      23 141 148
$\textrm{AB}_2$      108
$\textrm{Am}^{2+}$      170 183
$\textrm{BaFe}_{12} \textrm{O}_{19}$      124
$\textrm{Co}^{2+}$      33—34 36
$\textrm{Cr}^{3+}$      44
$\textrm{Cr}_2 \textrm{O}_3$      18
$\textrm{Eu}^{2+}$      174—175
$\textrm{Eu}^{3+}$      46
$\textrm{FeB}$      229
$\textrm{Fe}^{3+}$      44
$\textrm{Fe}_2 \textrm{O}_3$      18 21
$\textrm{Fe}_3 \textrm{Mn}$      14
$\textrm{Fe}_{86} \textrm{B}_14$      228
$\textrm{GdCo}_2$      223
$\textrm{GdFe}_2$      15 108
$\textrm{GdNi}_2$      108
$\textrm{Gd}^{3+}$      33 44 163 170 175 180
$\textrm{Mn}^{2+}$      233
$\textrm{RAl}_2$      177—178
$\textrm{RbMnFe}_3$      84
$\textrm{RFe}_2$      107
$\textrm{RNi}_2$      108
$\textrm{R}_2 \textrm{Fe}_{17}$      107 203
$\textrm{R}_2 \textrm{O}_3$ oxide      46
$\textrm{Sm}^{3+}$      46
$\textrm{Sm}_2 \textrm{Fe}_17$      229
$\textrm{Tb}^{3+}$      188
$\textrm{ZrZn}_2$      111
$\theta$ (Stoner molecular field parameter)      103 105
$\theta_p$ (paramagnetic Curie temperature)      55 78
$\varepsilon_{ijk}$ (Levi-Civita symbol)      167
$\varepsilon_{ij}$ (strain)      127 128
$\zeta$ (relative magnetization)      100 103—104
$^57 \textrm{Fe}$      179 181 212 228
$^{147} \textrm{Sm}$      229
$^{157} \textrm{Gd}$      224
$^{165} \textrm{Ho}$      180
$^{59}\textrm{Co}$      213 223 229—230
$^{61} \mathrm{Ni}$      212
$^{87} \textrm{Rb}$      274
$_BH_c$ (coercivity)      140
$_HH_c$ (coercivity)      140
(BH) (energy product)      12 23
3D      34
3d electrons      22 31 91—93 103
3d elements      73 108
3d metals      88
3d series      22 56—57 91 180
3d shell      13 92
3d transition elements      20
4f electron      47 70 91 93
4f ion      58
4f orbital      70 108
4f series      56
4f shell      13 46 92 175
4f state      73
4s electrons      22 91—92
5d series      56
5f electrons      93
5f shell      92
A (hyperfme interaction constant)      173
a (lattice parameter)      90 151
A (mass number)      160
a (quadrupole interaction parameter)      221—222
A(r) (vector potential)      166—167
Abe et al. (1966)      221 224
Abragam (1961)      161 186 187 223
Abragam and Bleaney (1970)      163 186 187 223
Absolute sensitivity      see “NMR absolute sensitivity”
Absorbed power      202—203 236—237 279 280
Absorption      199
Absorptive part of the susceptibility      202
Actinides      40 91 93 170 180
Activation energy      17 207
AFMR      see “Antiferromagnetic resonance”
After-effect      148—149
Aging      149
Ailion and Ohlsen (1983)      223 246
AL      181
Aleksandrov (1966)      223
Alkali metals      91 188
Allen (1976)      186
Aluminum      40 180
Amorphous      13 228
Ampere law, generalized      2
Amperes per meter      3
Amplification      227 232 238
Amplification factor      233 237 281;
An (actinides)      93
Anderson and Clogston (1961)      73
Angular frequency      150 154 182 189 194 197—199 204 215
Anhysteretic curve      141
Anisotropy axis      144—145
Anisotropy constant      123—124 143
Anisotropy energy      25 123—124 127—128 131 133 225 255 271
Anisotropy field      124 135 141 145 153 157 232 237 243—245 278
Anisotropy mechanisms      132
Anisotropy tensor      244
Antiferromagnet      15 60 178 227
Antiferromagnetic resonance (AFMR)      153 245—246
Antiferromagnetism      14—15
Antisymmetry      65—66
Arif et al. (1975)      161 187
Arrott plot      109 111—112
Ashcroft and Mermin (1976)      35 87 266 281
Asperomagnetism      17
Asymmetry parameter      163
Atomic radius      37 40
Avogadro constant      60 259
Axial anisotropy constants      132
Azbel — Kaner resonance      153
B-H curve      23 140—141
B-H plot      115
Baker and Williams (1962)      174 187
Band      91—93 100—102 107 113 270
Barata and Guimaraes (1985)      223 224
Barbara (1988)      155
Barium ferrite      124
Barkhausen effect      137
Barkhausen noise      137
Basal plane      124
Bethe — Peierls — Weiss method      79
Bleaney (1967)      165 169 186 187
Bleaney (1972)      186
Bloch $\mathrm{T}^{3/2}$ law      87 90
Bloch (1946)      195 224
Bloch equation      153 191 195—196 198—199 207 210 227 230 236
Bloch functions      168
Bloch wall      134—135 157 240 245
Blocking temperature      17
Bloom (1955)      220 224 240 247
Bobek et al. (1993)      212 224
Bohr magneton      28 48 60 160 172 192 259
Boll (1994)      142 155 156
Boltzmann distribution      35 41 190 207—209
Boltzmann population      187
Borovik-Romanov et al. (1984)      217 224
Bose statistics      65
Bosons      65
Boundary conditions for H and B      4
Bowing      136
Brillouin function      20 43—44 48 60
Buschow (1994)      143 156
Butterworth (1965)      221 224
C (Curie constant)      78 259
c-axis      124
Cahn et al. (1994)      143 155
Canted magnetism      17
Carr (1969)      155
Carr and Purcell (1954)      214 224
Carrington and McLachlan (1967)      205 223 224
Centimeter-gram-second (CGS)      2—5 9—11 28 124 177
CESR      see “Conduction electron spin resonance”
CF      see “Crystal field”
cgs      see “Centimeter-gram-second”
chemical potential      95 266
Chikazumi (1997)      155
Closed shells      92 170
Closure domain      133
Cluster glass      17
CO      54 91 229—230
Co/Cu multilayer      229—230
Cobalt      3 135 213
Cobalt metal      124
Coehoorn (1990)      70
coercive field      18 140—141 148
Coercive force      24 140
Coercivity      24 115 140—141 143 148
Coey (1996)      135 155 156
Cohen and Giacomo (1987)      1 24
Coherence      204 215
Combined electric and magnetic interactions      183
Complex susceptibility      236
Conduction band      74 100
1 2 3 4
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