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Guimaraes A.P. — Magnetism and Magnetic Resonance in Solids
Guimaraes A.P. — Magnetism and Magnetic Resonance in Solids

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Íàçâàíèå: Magnetism and Magnetic Resonance in Solids

Àâòîð: Guimaraes A.P.


The first text that focuses on the research aspect of the magnetism of matter and magnetic resonance. Explores the properties of magnetic materials and their applications to our world today from magnetic media and recording to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ôèçèêà/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: 1st edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1998

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 312

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 19.03.2008

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
K (potassium)      91 0
Kapusta et al. (1996)      229 231 247
Kennelly convention      5
Kittel (1949)      119 127 129 130 155 156
Kittel (1986)      80 84 89 156
Knight shift      177 181—182 212
Korringa relation      212
Kronecker delta      161
Kronmiiller (1995)      143 156
Kuendig (1967)      186 187
L (total orbital angular momentum)      32 172—173 175
la      40
Landau and Lifshitz (1959)      128 155 156
Landau and Lifshitz (1968)      109 112
Landau diamagnetic susceptibility      29
Landau diamagnetism      13
Landau expansion      109
Landau — Lifshitz equations      153 245
Lande g-factor      35 47 68
Landolt-Boernstein (1962)      6 24
Landolt-Boernstein (1986)      3 21 24 73 89 182 187 237 247
Landolt-Boernstein (1991)      39 59 102 112
Langevin      17 48
Langevin function      48—49
Langevin magnetism      60
Langevin paramagnetism      47
Lanthanide      40 93
Laplace's equation      163 256
Laplacian      80 164
Larmor diamagnetic susceptibility      29
Larmor frequency      29 59 196—199 203—206 215
Leaetal (1962)      58 59
Lee (1979)      155
Legendre polynomial      30 61
Lenz's law      28 150
Levi-Civita symbol      167
Li      91
Lifetime      215
Linear chain      83 88
Lines of force      7 117—119
Linewidth      178 211 221 224 228
Ln (lanthanides)      93
Load line      121
Local field      206
Local magnetization      177 248
Local order      74—77 79
Local technique      19
localization      70 92
Localized magnetism      18 105
Localized spin fluctuations      16
Localized-itinerant systems      107
Longitudinal relaxation      196 203 207 211—212
Lorentz field      177
Lorentz force      2 29 257
Lorentz sphere      177
Lorentzian      200 218
Loss factor      151
Loss of memory      214 220
LS coupling      32—33 172
lu      40
m (magnetic dipole moment)      119
M (magnetization)      104—105 120 149 154
M, $M$ (magnetization)      69 104—105 115 120 125—126 135 149 154 168 177 189 192 194—195 201 225 228 237 242—243 256 270 278
M-H curve      115 118 140 144—145
M-H loop      138 140 148
Magnet      2 7 22 132
Magnetic anisotropy      119 121 123 135
Magnetic anisotropy energy      125
Magnetic circuit      10
Magnetic dipole interaction      63 165
Magnetic dipole moment      3 27 119 159—160 165 167—168 170 189
Magnetic field      1 69 123 129 132 135 144 149—150 152—154 167 181—182 188—192 195 198 200 203 205—207 213—215 220—221 225 227 231 244—245 260 273—274
Magnetic field definition      1
Magnetic field gradient      214
Magnetic field intensity      2—3
Magnetic field intensity definition      3
Magnetic flux      150 220
Magnetic flux density      2
Magnetic induction      1—3 216
Magnetic material      19—20 119—120 122 127 129 137 143 145 150 160 165 178 212 214 216 227—228 237 240 243
magnetic moment      2—3 25 27—28 32 60 69—70 75—76 91—92 96 98 107 122 132 134 151 153—154 165 167 171 175 178 181 191—193 210 213—214 217 227 229—230 238—239 242 248 259 263
Magnetic moment definition      3
Magnetic orbital moment      27 32 34
Magnetic permeability      5 6 118 147 149—150 154
Magnetic pole density      25
Magnetic poles      119
Magnetic quantities      1—2 11
magnetic quantum number      31
Magnetic recording      19
Magnetic recording media      18
Magnetic resonance      153 189—192 200 211 230 232 242
Magnetic saturation      130
Magnetic self-energy      25
Magnetic shield      117
magnetic susceptibility      5 244
Magnetic susceptibility tensor      244 245
Magnetic units      1—2 11
Magnetically hard material      18
Magnetically soft material      18
Magnetism      1 229
magnetite      15 21
magnetization      2—3 69 72 74—75 77 79—80 82 86—87 89—90 97—100 102—103 105—106 109 113 115 118 120—122 124—125 127 129 131—133 135 137—138 141 144—145 148—150 152 154 157 168 170 175 179 181 189—190 193 195 197 199—204 214—220 222 225 227—228 230 232 234 236—237 239 241—243 246 248 256 259 268 270 277—278 280
Magnetization curve      115 118 123 137—141 146—147
Magnetization definition      3
Magnetization intensity (I)      5
Magnetization loop      120
Magnetization process      137
Magnetocrystalline anisotropy      123
Magnetoelastic coupling      156
Magnetoelastic coupling constants      129—130 157
Magnetoelastic energy      127—128 131—132
Magnetoelastic interaction      119
Magnetogyric ratio      28 191
Magnetostatic energy      119—121 125 133
Magnetostriction      119 127 129 131—132
Magnetostriction constant      130
Magnon      19 84 86 89—90 211—213 229
Martin (1967)      71 80 89 155
Matthias et al. (1962)      186 187
Maximum permeability      138—139
Maxwell equations      2
McCausland and Mackenzie (1980)      58 59 174 180 186 187 212 224 231 246 247
McCurrie (1994)      155
McMorrow et al. (1989)      174 177 187
mean field      50 69 74 246
Mean field approximation      63 100
Measurement time      178
Medium crystal field      56
Metal      13 46 70 72 91—92 95 107 124 153 161 165 175 181—183 188 207 211—213 249
Metallic film      22
Metamagnetism      15—16
Meyers (1987)      39 40 59
Micromagnetism      17
Microstruture      24
Minis (1972)      224
Minor loop      138—139
Mixing      74
Moessbauer effect      164
Moessbauer spectroscopy (MS)      19 164 174 179 181
Molecular field      50 53 63 72—74 79 100 103 188 246
Molecular field approximation      69 112 232
Molecular field coefficient      50 60 73
Molecular field constant      50 70 77
Molecular field parameter      53 232
Moment rotation      141
Morrish (1965)      59 153 155 156 245 246 247
Morup (1983)      17
Motional narrowing      205
Multidomain sample      123 240 245
Multiplet      33 36—37 45—46
Muon      19
Muon spin rotation      19
Mydosh (1996)      18
N (north)      7
n(E) (density of states per volume)      92 94 96 98
N(E) (density of states)      93 95—96
Narath (1967)      181 187 237 246 247
NdFeB      18 148
Neel (1954)      126 156
Neel temperature      14 60 259
Neel wall      135
Netz (1986)      170 187
Neutron      19 79 84
Neutron diffraction      19 92
NI      18 20 54 70 76 91 102 122 213 242
Nickel      3 13 20 92 102 107 121 129
NMR      see “Nuclear magnetic resonance”
Noble gases      37 40
Noble metals      40 92—94
Nonsecular broadening      204 206
Normal metals      40 92 94
Normal modes      233
North pole      7 118
Nuclear g-factor      48 160 173 182 191
Nuclear magnetic relaxation      229
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)      19 153 174 177—180 204 227 237
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) absolute sensitivity      201 254
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) experiment      201 212 214 221—222
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) frequency      181—182 224 233 242
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) in metals      242
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) line      214 218 248
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) nuclide      229
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) pulsed      214 218 248
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) relative sensitivity      201 254
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) sensitivity      201 254
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) signal      201 229
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrum      217 221 223—224 228 230
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrum shape      217
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) technique      214 220 229
Nuclear magnetic susceptibility      48—49 200—201
Nuclear magnetism      48 160 165
Nuclear magneton      48 160 174 192 273
Nuclear radius      164 173
Nuclear resonance frequency      235—236
Nucleation      137
Nutation      214
Oersted (Oe)      3 4
Oguchi (1955)      74 75 89
Oguchi method      73
Oguchi model      77 79
One-dimensional chain      127
Operator equivalents      56
Orbital angular momentum      27 28 31—32 123 168 172 175
Orbital contribution      170
Orbital quantum number      31
Order parameter      74—75 78—79
Oscillating field      192 199 201 211 227
oscillations      221 223
p (pole strength)      119
p orbital      61
PAC      174
pair      75—77 79 85 127 133 269
Palladium      73
Palladium group      40
Paramagnet      1 19 53 103
Paramagnetic Curie temperature      55 78
Paramagnetic material      55 178
Paramagnetic moment, effective      45—46
Paramagnetic sample      45
Paramagnetic susceptibility      93
Paramagnetism      13
Paramagnetism, Van Vleck      19
Paramagnon      16
Parity      162
Parker (1990)      155 186 187
Partition function      260 273
Patterson (1971)      63 89
Pauli matrices      81
Pauli paramagnetism      13 91
Pauli principle      34
Pauli susceptibility      29 71 98—99 112—113 181
pd      102
Penetration depth      154
Periodic table      37—38 40
Permalloy      18 129
Permanent magnet      3 18 21 23—24 108 116 141 148
Permanent magnet material      143 147—148
Permeability      150—151
Permeance coefficient      121
Perturbation theory      185
Perturbed angular correlations      174
Phonons      211 77
pinning      136—137
Planck distribution      86
Platinum group      40
Poisson equation      164
Poisson ratio      128
Polarization      3 5 140 175 177 181—182
Pole strength      119
Poole and Farah (1971)      224
Portis and Gossard (1960)      239 247
Portis and Lindquist (1965)      246
Positron      19
Positron annihilation      19
power transformers      150
principal quantum number      31
Pulsed magnetic resonance      203 214
Pulsed resonance      199 203
Q (electric quadrupole moment)      160 165 221
Q (quality factor)      220
Quadrupole interaction      162 165 221 223—224 261
Quadrupole interaction parameter      221—222
Quadrupole oscillation      221—223
Quality factor      220
quantum mechanics      63 162 229
Quantum number      170
Quenching      57 61 188
R (EFG correction factor)      183
Radiofrequency      190 214
Raghavan et al. (1975)      187
Rare earth      13 24 40 46—47 56 58 68 70—71 73 91 93 107—108 160 165 170 175 177—178 180 183 188
Rathenau (1969)      155
Rayleigh coefficient      147
Rayleigh curve      146—147
Rb      91
Reduced magnetization      104—105
Reduced mass      30
Relative magnetic permeability      6—7
Relative magnetization      100
Relative permeability      5
Relative permeability tensor      245
Relative sensitivity, NMR      201 254
Relaxation      190 203 211 214 224 231 236 245 277
Relaxation mechanisms      212
Relaxation process      193—194
Relaxation time      195 203—204 206—207 211—212
Remanence      140—141 147—148
remanent magnetization      140
Resonance      148 152—154 220
retentivity      115 140—141 147
RF      201 214
rf field      203 228 236—242 244—245 248
Rhyne (1972)      54 59
Rotating axes      196 199 203
Rotating coordinate system      197—198 214 216 219 224—225 276—278
Rotating field      196 201
Rubidium      188
Ruderman and Kittel (1954)      72 89 181 187
Ruderman — Kittel      213
Ruderman — Kittel — Kasuya — Yoshida (RKKY) interaction      213
1 2 3 4
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