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Guimaraes A.P. — Magnetism and Magnetic Resonance in Solids
Guimaraes A.P. — Magnetism and Magnetic Resonance in Solids

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Íàçâàíèå: Magnetism and Magnetic Resonance in Solids

Àâòîð: Guimaraes A.P.


The first text that focuses on the research aspect of the magnetism of matter and magnetic resonance. Explores the properties of magnetic materials and their applications to our world today from magnetic media and recording to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ôèçèêà/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: 1st edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1998

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 312

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 19.03.2008

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Conduction electron      70—72 92—93 108 113 153 161 170 177 181 211—213
Conduction electron spin resonance (CESR)      153
Contact hyperfine field      173
Continuous wave (CW) technique      199 220
Convection currents      2
Coordinate system      196 198 261
copper      40 154 182
Copper oxide      13
Core correction factor      183
Core polarization      170 175 179
Correlation function      78 204—205
Correlation time      204—206
Coulomb energy      65
Coulomb interaction      72 159
Coulomb potential      64
Coulomb term      161 167
Coulomb's law      119
Coupled two-spin system      227 230
CR      44
Craik (1995)      59 89 246
Crangle (1991)      36 49 59 112 155
Critical exponents      112
Critical field      118
Crooks (1979)      XII 2 24
Crystal anisotropy      123
Crystal field      55—56 58 61 129 160 175 179 188 262
Crystal field interaction      55—57
Crystalline anisotropy      68 132 144 243—244
Crystalline field (CF)      46—47 123 188
Crystalline materials      13
Crystallites      132
CS      91
Cu-Ni alloys      104—105
Culken (1994)      155
Cullity (1971)      155
Cullity (1972)      132 155 156
Curie constant      45 78 259
Curie law      13—14 45 48 201
Curie temperature      13 22 51—55 74 130
Curie — Weiss dependence      107
Curie — Weiss law      13—14 55 76
Current density      2 166—167 171
CW      see “Continuous wave”
Cyclotron      153
Cyclotron resonance      153
D (diffusion coefficient)      214
D (displacement vector)      2
D (stiffness constant)      80 84 88—89 154
d electrons      57 92 108
d group      107
d series      46
d transition metal      24 107
d-d interaction      107—108
Damping      245
de Gennes et al. (1963)      232 233 247
de Gronckel et al. (1991)      230 247
defects      136—137
Demagnetization curve      120—121
Demagnetizing factor      8—10 25 116 125 177 239 242—243 256
Demagnetizing field      8 10 119—121 125 140 152—153 177 228 232 242
Demagnetizing tensor      9 242
density      5 104 164
Density matrix      193
Density of free poles      8
Density of states      92—96 98 101 103 113—114 211—212 266
Detailed balance      209
Diamagnet      1 13—14 18
diamagnetic susceptibility      49 60 99
Diamagnetic volume susceptibility      28—29
Diamagnetism      13 28
Differential susceptibility      28
Diffusion      149 214
Diffusion coefficient      214 219
dipolar field      168 175—177 205 210
Dipole-dipole interactions      211
Dirac's equation      61
Dirac's theory      31
Direction cosines      123 129—132
Direction of easy magnetization      122 124
Direction of magnetization      61 115 124 130 136 145—146 213 240 248 261
Disaccommodation      149
Disordered materials      13
dispersion      199
dispersion relation      84 89 93
Dispersive part of the susceptibility      202
Displacement vector      2
Domain      13 49 115 119 123 132—135 137 141 144—147 151—152 157 212 214 227 237—238 240 248
Domain wall      132—133 135—137 141 144 149—150 152 212 214 228 237 238 240 259
Domain wall center (DWC)      239
Domain wall edge (DWE)      238
Domain wall motion      115 150
Domain wall thickness      133—134
Dormann (1991)      231 246 247
Dynamic effects      148
Dynamic frequency shift      229 233
E (electric field)      7
E (Young's modulus)      128
E(k) (dispersion curve)      94
Easy axis      125
Easy direction      122 126 132 137
Easy magnetization      124—125 133 135 145
Easy plane      122 126
Eddy currents      149 150 245
effective mass      133
Effective paramagnetic moment      45—46
efg      see “Electric field gradient”
Elastic energy      128
Elastic moduli      128 130
Electric charge density      2 162 164
Electric field gradient (EFG)      162—163 165 182—184 203 221
Electric field gradient (EFG) tensor      163 183
Electric monopole moment      159
Electric quadrupole interaction      162 221 224 228
Electric quadrupole moment      159—160 162—163
Electric quadrupole moment tensor      162
Electron gas      101 114 211 213 266—267
Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR)      153—154
Electron spin resonance (ESR)      153
Electron-electron interaction      72—73 100 102
Electronic susceptibilies      235
Elliott (1972)      47 59
Elliott and Stevens (1953)      165 187
Ellipsoid      9 125
Emu      3—4
Energy product      12 23 141 147—148
Energy product, maximum      148
Enhanced Pauli paramagnetism      15
Enhanced susceptibility      73 235
Enhancement      227 232
Enhancement factor      73 220 232 237 240 248
EPR      see “Electron paramagnetic resonance”
Equilibrium magnetization      121
ER      58
Eu      46 174
Evetts (1992)      10 23 24 143 156
Exchange constant      70—71 89
Exchange energy      127 133 135 157—158 269
Exchange integral      65 70 72—73
exchange interaction      13 63 69 113 119 123 126—127 135 160 175 188 270
Exchange parameter      127
Exchange stiffness      151
expectation value      67 193 258 275
Extraionic field      56 177—178
Extraionic interactions      175
F (correlation function)      204
F (enhancement factor)      73
F (total angular momentum)      48 174 274
f electrons      57
f states      73
f(E) (Fermi — Dirac distribution)      98
Faraday law      2 150
Farrar and Becker (1971)      223
FE      18 44 54 70 91—93 102 122 170 180—181 212 242
Fe-Al      181
Fe-C alloy      149
FeO      14
Fermi contact      169 175 212
Fermi distribution      97
Fermi energy      94—95
Fermi level      93 96 98 102 81 212
Fermi surface      113
Fermi temperature      112
Fermi — Dirac distribution      98 211 266
Fermi — Dirac function      95 105
Fermi — Dirac statistics      65
fermions      65
Ferrimagnet      16
Ferrimagnetism      15—16
Ferrite      49 150
Ferromagnet      1 15 18 53 55 74 79—80 86 178 225 227 235—236 242 244—245 248
Ferromagnetic material      132 144 148 150 242
Ferromagnetic nuclear resonance (FNR)      227
Ferromagnetic resonance (FMR)      153—154 225 234 242 244—245
ferromagnetism      13 15 49 63 91 100 102—103 113—114
FeSi alloy      150
FID      see “Free induction decay”
Figiel (1991)      246
Filling factor      220
Fluctuations      69 203—206 210—211 213 215 220
Flux density      150
FMR      see “Ferromagnetic resonance”
FNR      see “Ferromagnetic nuclear resonance”
Foner (1963)      246
Forced magnetization      129 144
Fourier intensity      206
Fourier spectrum      203 220 247
Fourier transform      205 217—218
Fourier transform NMR      220
Free electrons      93—96 98—99 101 104 113—114
Free energy      109
Free induction      217 220
Free induction decay (FID)      215 218—220 240—242
Free ion      70 165 174—175 179 182
Free poles      7 10 177
Frequency diffusion      214
Frequency pulling      229 232
Frustration      18
Fukushima and Roeder (1981)      223
g (g-factor)      28 35 154 189
G (gauss)      2 4
Gadolinium      13 53 70
Gauss      2 4
Gauss law      2
Gaussian      219
GD      44 54 74 87
Gerl (1973)      94 112
Gerstein and Dybowski (1985)      224 254
Giant magnetoimpedance      154
Gignoux (1992)      112
Gilbert equation      153 245
Givord (1996)      148 149 155 156
Gold      40
Goldanskii (1968)      186
Gradman (1993)      22 24 126 156
Grandjean and Long (1990)      10 24 155
Grant and Phillips (1990)      1 2 24
Greenwood and Gibb (1971)      186
Guimaraes (1971), unpublished      231 247
gyromagnetic ratio      28 48 80 151 153 160 182 189 191 193 197 211 214 231 239
H, $H$ (magnetic field intensity)      2 7 115 200
Hagn (1986)      183 186 187
Hahn      218
Hahn (1950)      219 224
Hahn echo      221—222
Hard magnetic material      116 141 147
Heisenberg Hamiltonian      63 68—69 81 87—88
Heisenberg representation      192
Helimagnet      18
Henry (1952)      44 59
Herring (1964)      89
Herrmann (1991)      115 116 117 118 156
Ho      58
Holmium      180
Homogeneity      221
Homogeneous broadening      216 220
Hooke's law      128
Hund's rules      33—34
Hurd (1982)      13 14 15 16 17 18 24
Hutchings (1966)      57 59
hybridization      73 93
Hydrogen      60
Hyperfine anomaly      173—174
Hyperfine field      57 165 167—168 170 172—175 177—181 185 221 224 227—228 230 232—233 237 239 248 280
Hyperfine interaction      159—160 173 175 182 188 227 229—230
Hyperfine interaction constant      173
Hyperfine quantum number      174
Hyperfine splitting      174
Hysteresis      17 141 150
Hysteresis curve      140—141 145 147
Hysteresis cycle      137 141
Hysteresis loop      137 141 147—148
Hysteresis loss      120 141 150
I (magnetization intensity)      5
I, $I$ (nuclear angular momentum)      160 200—201 213 221
Iannarella et al. (1982)      108 109 110 112
Ideal demagnetized state      145
Ideal diamagnet      115 118
Ideal diamagnetic material      117 119
Ideal hard magnetic material      115—116
Ideal magnetic materials      115
Ideal nonmagnetic material      115—116
Ideal soft magnetic material      115—117
Imaginary part of the susceptibility      236
Impurity      116 136—137 180—181
Incipient ferromagnetism      15
Incomplete shell      12—13 55 93 170 174—175
Indirect interaction      70 72 229
Induction, magnetic      1
Ingram (1979)      155
Inhomogeneity      215—216 220—221 242
Inhomogeneous broadening      248
Initial permeability      138—139 147
Intermediate magnetic material      141 143
Intermetallic compound      107—108 124 177—178 230
Intraionic interactions      175
Intrinsic susceptibility      244
Inverse magnetostrictive effect      129
Ion-electron system      110
Iron      3 13 20—21 60 70 92 95—96 102 121—122 132 135 154 178—180 241 259
Iron carbon      21
Iron group      13 40 91
Irreversible process      135—136 150
Ising Hamiltonian      68
Isochromat      215 217 219
Isochrone      215 217—218
Isomer shift      164
Itinerant antiferromagnet      14
Itinerant electron      71 91 93 100 105
Itinerant ferromagnet      102
Itinerant magnetism      18 107
Itinerant moment      107
j (current density)      2
J (polarization)      3 5 140
J (total angular momentum)      69 75 165 173—174 261
Jackson (1975)      166 167 169 186 187
Jaynes (1995)      220 224
Jensen and Mackintosh (1991)      58 59
Jiles (1991)      155
jj coupling      33
k (Boltzmann constant)      103
1 2 3 4
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