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Brewer D.F. — Progress in Low Temperature Physics. Volume X |
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phase 23
tensor 44
characteristics 85 90 91 92
vortex 19 52
-wave pairing 10
-wave scattering length 337
-operator 246
vortex 19 24 53
vortex 58
-Decay 356
texture 60 64 65 66
texture 14 23 27 30 39 41 65
texture in cylinder 26
-integrated Green’s function 396
atomic impurities 96 104
impurities 127
in 122
bcc phase 97
— liquid solutions 124
A-phase radial disgyration 53
Accommodator 194
Activation energy 91 93 94 95 97 98 99 105 106 114 115 125 127 129 130 131 132
Adatom 104 105 128 129 130 133
Adsorption energy 154 174 195 205 207
Adsorption isotherm 153 155 201 347 349 350
Adsorption potential 175 176
Adsorption time 178
Agnolet, G. 353 368; D.
Ahlrichs, R. 170 564
Ahn, R.M.C. 291 311 312 313 318 564
Alexander, J.A.X. 413 415 421
Allen, A.B. 409 422; F.S.
Allen, A.R 78 94 134
Allen, D.W. 157 566; H.
Allen, P.B. 373 402 408 409 412 415 416 419 421 406 420 421 406 408 423; F.J Butler W.H
Allison, A.C. 307 364
Alt, E.O. 253 364
Ambegaokar, V 23 70
Amdur, I 239 364
Amit, D. 83 134
Andersen, O.K. 402 423; A.R.
Anderson — Toulouse vortex, doubly quantized 55
Anderson, P.W. 3 11 25 55 70 21 403 421; W.F. Cohen M.L Engelsberg S.
Andreev, A.F. 77 78 108 109 110 112 114 352 134 364
Andronikashvili, E.L 3 70
Anisotropic energy gap 49
Anisotropy 43 63
Anisotropy in 67
Anisotropy of ionic mobility 68
Antonov, V.N. 406 420 422; W.
Appel, J. 413 421
APW 406
Araki, K. 90 135; J.
Archie, C.N. 21 71; W.P
Areal density 15
Ashcroft, N.W. 401 406 422; J.E.
Ashkenazi, J. 406 412 415 420 423; M
Ashraf, M 406 421
Atkins, K.R 79 179 352 353 134 364
Audoin, C, 157 368; P.
Avery, J. 399 401 421; J.P
Axisymmetric modes 38
Axisymmetric structure 18
Axisymmetric vortices 22
Axisymmetry 17
B heim.J. 184 365
B-phase energy gap 25
B-phase superfluid density 15
Balian, R 15 70
Balling, L.C. 303 364
Band-structure Hamiltonian 393
Band-structure theory 401
Bardeen, J. 412 421
Baron, R. 88 134
Barrier 82
Barrier 121
Barwell, M.G, 164 567; R.J
Bashkin, E.P 226 341 564
Bass, A.M. 155 564
Bassani, F. 402 421
bcc 91 119 127 129
bcc 94 98
bcc-hcp phase transition 92 95 96 97 130
BCS coherence length 12
BCS Theory of Superconductivity 10
Bear, D.R. 95 127 131 135; S.M.
Beasley, M.R 375 421
Bedell, K.S 21 70
Bell, D.A. 220 223 233 235 564 148 153 188 206 207 220 229 233 234 235 293 357 566; H.F
Bell, R.J. 331 564
Bending energy 12
Benneman, K.H. 375 421
Bergmann, G. 412 419 421
Berk, F.M 400 421
Berk, N.F. 375 376 400 421
Berkhout, J. 163 214 216 227 228 370; G.H.
Berlinsky, A.J 151 222 225 303 306 307 310 340 356 564 365
Berlinsky, A.J, 239 241 258 366 155 163 174 188 189 211 212 224 225 241 259 566 163 178 186 207 208 209 212 361 567 163 187 188 205 206 207 209 210 212 303 307 368 206 207 220 221 229 369 163 203 214 218 221 229 258 311 345 369 181 361 570; J.M Hardy W.N. Jochemsen R. Morrow M. Reynolds M.W. Statt B.W. Zimmerman D.S.
Bernstein, R.B. 239 369; R.E.
Bigelow, N. 151 163 189 226 227 345 567 163 206 207 212 213 217 218 219 222 225 226 370; B.R. Yurke B.
Bilz, H. 410 422; W.
Bird, R- 320 365; J.
Bishop, D M. 170 565
Bloch functions 394
Bloch-function representation 394
Bodensohn, J. 133 134 123 137; D.
Bohr magneton 156
Bolometric detection 196
Bonzel, H.P. 105 134
Bose condensation 4
Bose statistics 149 153 185 349 356
Bouchaud, j.p. 303 307 346 365
Bound dimer 167
Bound ion-vacancy state 132
Bound pair 62
Bound states 64
Bound states in two dimensions 66
boundary conditions 24 36
Boyer, L.L. 410 422 410 420 423; B.M. Papaconstantopoulos D.A.
Bozler, H.M. 24 71; U.E
Bredohl, H. 239 240 365
Brenig, W. 182 365 184 365; J.
Bridges, F. 206 207 220 221 229 369; M.W.
Brinkman, W.F. 12 13 21 24 25 26 28 32 36 43 45 49 69 70 11 70 25 32 71 24 36 72see P.W. Engelsberg S. Osheroff D.D. Smith H.
Briscoe, C.V. 84 137; W.
Brisson, J.G. 206 207 222 363 366 163 214 216 227 228 370; H.P. van G.H.
Broida, H.P. 155 364; A.M.
Broken spin-orbit symmetry 23
Bruschi, L. 117 118 154
Bubble decay 224
Buchholtz, L.J. 36 55 70
Buhrman, R.A. 21 71; W.P.
Bulk order parameter 12 14
Bulk phases; and 11
Bulk quadratic energy 12
Bunkov, Yu.M. 69 70 23 30 31 32 38 71; P.J.
Butler, W.H. 406 408 409 415 420 421 423; F.J.
Callaway, J. 84 136; R.W.
Canonically conjugate operators 33
Carbotte, J. 419 423; B.
Carbotte, J.P. 406 419 421 419 423 406 408 424; S.G. Tomlinson P.G.
Careri, G. 80 91 117 134
Cartesian basis 16
Castaing, B. 183 365
Causal response 36
Centrifugal barriers 18 22
Characteristic length 25 27 30 48
Charge trapping 91
Charged droplets 123
Chatteijee, P. 410 421
| chemical potential 154
Chester, G.V, 149 321 323 328 333 334 368; R.M.
Choi, S.- I. 84 135; J.P.
Circular 15
Circulating superflow 29
Circulation 50 51
Clark, J.W. 327 328 333 365 327 333 334 367 149 321 323 328 333 334 368; E. Panoff R.M.
Classical theory 130
Clausing factor 193
Cline, R.W. 151 188 189 197 198 206 207 212 213 215 216 218 219 222 365 188 206 229 233 234 366; H.F.
Coexisting fluid phases 323
Cohen, M.H. 82 121 134 83 121 137; B.E.
Cohen, M.L. 403 421 412 423; S.G.
Coherence length 6 10 45
Collaudin, B. 177 368; M.
Commutation relations 33 34 35 63
Complex orbital component 42
Composite boson 149
Composite fermion 149
Compression experiments 229 233
Compression of bubbles 358
Compression ratio 193
Condat, C.A. 337 365
Condensate amplitude 10
Condensate fraction 336
confinement 192
Constants 157
Constraints 45
Continuous cores 56
Cooper pairing in state 23
Cooper pairs 10 43
Cooper, L. 412 421; J.
Core 9 61
Core radius 61
Cotts, R.M. 94 136; D.S
Coulomb interaction 164
Coulomb pseudopotential 398 416
Coupling constant 29 32
Crabtree, G.W. 408 421 408 422; W.
Crampton, S.B. 163 174 188 195 365 157 368; B.S.
Crank, J. 122 134
Critical angular velocity 8 50
Critical pressure 154
Critical temperature 154
Crooker, B.C. 356 365 24 71; U.E.
Cross, M.C. 43 45 49 70 12 13 24 25 26 28 32 36 43 45 49 69 70; W.F.
Crystal strain 90 99
Crystal structures 402
Culetto, F.J. 419 423; D.
Cunsolo, S. 89 134 117 134; G.
Current transients 118
Curtiss, C.F. 239 369; R.E.
Curtiss, L.A. 171 368; M.B.
Cut-off 398 417 418
Cut-off function 170
Cylindric potentials 65
Dabrowski, I. 164 170 239 240 290 306 365
Dacorogna, M. 406 409 412 415 420 425; M.
Dahl, J.P. 399 401 421
Dahm, A.J. 92 122 134 119 120 131 135 94 98 119 125 126 136 92 93 94 104 122 125 136 137 83 84 129 137; B.M. Lau S.C. Sai G.A. Smith J.B.
Dakshinamoorty, M. 410 421
Danilowicz, R.L. 149 327 365 327 329 330 366; R.D.
Davison, W.D. 186 565
de Boer parameter 321
De Boer, J. 320 365
de Goey, L.P.H. 220 234 288 291 365 302 370; B.J.
De Simone, C. 176 365
Decay 203
Dederichs, P.H. 391 421
defects 3 7
Denker, J.S. 151 163 189 226 227 345 567 163 206 207 212 213 217 218 219 222 225 226 370; B.R. Yurke B.
Density of states 395
Density profiles 336 339
Density-functional method 399
Depolarization 320
Desaintfuscien, M. 157 368; P.
Deuterium 158 209
Deville, G. 95 126 137; N.
Dharma — Wardana, M.W.C. 400 425; A.H.
Diffusion coefficient 78 79 93 95 102 103 104 105 106 112 122 125 126 127 128 130 131 132 133
Dilute — solution 123
Dionne, V.E. 84 121 134
Dipole coupling 24 48 49
Dipole coupling constant 13
Dipole energy 25 33 58 59
Dipole energy density 14 35 48
Dipole interaction 22
Dipole length 13 64 65
Dipole locking 52 58
Dipole-locked bending coefficients 49
Dirty limit 415
Disgyration 53
Dislocation loops 118 119 133
Dislocation ring 116
Dislocations 86 118 119 120 121 122 133
Dissociation 189
Dissociation energy 164
Distinct defects 52
Distorted wave 245
Distorted-wave Bom approximation 313
Distortions of the vortex structure 22
Distributed vorticity 48 54 55 56
Dolgov, O.V. 373 421
Doniach, S. 400 422
Double polarization 214
Double-polarized hydrogen 151 203
Doubly quantized nonsingular lattice 68
Doubly quantized nonsingular texture 61
Doubly quantized nonsingular vortices 65 66
Doubly quantized vortices 20 62
Drachman, R.J. 84 134
Driesen, J.P.J. 220 234 291 565; L.P.H.
Dugan, J.V. 327 329 565 149 327 565 327 328 329 331 333 334 565; R.L. Etters R.D.
Dupre, F. 117 134; G.
DWBA 313
Dye, D.H. 408 421; G.W.
Dynamical instability 340
Dynes, R.C. 402 409 412 421 406 421; P.B. Carbotte J.P.
Dyson’s equations 381 391 392
Eckardt, J.R. 352 565
Eckstein, Y. 359 369; R.L.
Economou, E.N. 407 424; A.D.
Edmonds, A.R. 47 70
Edwards, D.O. 150 155 175 302 347 352 565 352 565 176 177 368; J.R. Mantz I.B.
Effective free energy density 35 63
Effective Hamiltonian 33
Effective magnetic free-energy density 32 33
Effective magnetic moment 161
effective mass 14
Effective range potential 337
Effective rate constants 200
Efimov, V.B. 85 87 90 94 95 97 99 100 108 115 125 126 129 131 134 135 89 94 97 98 100 118 125 135 149 565 100 101 136; A.I. Mezhov-Deglin L.P. Ehrenfest P.
Eigenfunctions 36 64
Eigenstates of and 16
Eigenvalues 36 64
Eilenberger, G. 396 422
Elastically strained medium 103
Elastically stressed region 107
Electron cavity 121
Electron Green’s function 379
Electron self-energy 389 390
Electron-phonon interaction 380 394 402 403
Electron-phonon interaction function 404
Electron-phonon vertex 393 396
Electrostriction 79 80 82 83 84
Eliashberg theory 411 412 414 415 416 417
Eliashberg, G.M. 411 422
Eliel, E.R. 206 207 222 363 366 188 370; H.P. Walraven J.T.M.
Ellis, F.M. 353 363 565
Emrich, K. 400 422
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