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Brewer D.F. — Progress in Low Temperature Physics. Volume X |
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Energy gap 43
Engelsberg, S. 25 70 400 422 24 25 36 72; S. Smith H.
Equation of state 357
Esel’son, B.N. 78 135 94 135 78 136; V.N. Mikheev V.A.
ESR 162 216 227 310 345
Etters, R.D. 188 327 328 329 330 331 333 334 365 366 340 565 149 327 565 327 329 565 300 329 330 337 366; A.J. Danilowicz R.L. Dugan J.V. Friend D.G.
Euler angles 46 47 48 52 53 57
Evans, R. 407 422
exchange interaction 169
Exchange recombination 262
Exchange-correlation potential 399 402
Excitation potential 393 399 401
Explosive recombination 232
External rf magnetic field 32
Faddeev equations 253
Fantoni, S. 400 422
Farberovich, O.V. 410 424; S.V.
Fasoli, V. 80 134; G.
Fatouros, P.P. 352 565 175 565; J.R. Edwards D.O.
Feedback mechanism 21
Feenberg, E. 328 333 566 332 567 332 370; H.W. Wu F.Y.
Feng, D.H. 341 368; J.
Fenton, E.W. 419 423; C.R.
Fermi contact interaction 156
Fermi surface variable 395
Fermi-liquid corrections 32 45 49
Ferrante, R.F. 171 370; Y.H.
Ferrell, R.A. 80 135
Feshbach, H. 65 71; P.M.
Fetter, A.L. 6 21 25 36 42 45 46 47 49 51 55 57 58 63 67 68 76 81 383 70 135 422 55 70 36 38 41 72 61 63 65 66 67 72 50 68 72; L.J. Theodorakis S. Vulovic V.Z. Williams M.R.
Feynman, R.P. 3 70
Field gradient 191
First-order transition between two types of vortex cores 21 40
Fong, C.Y. 401 402 406 420 423; C.M.
Free energy in rotating frame 50
Free-energy density 13
Freed, J.H. 149 341 342 345 366 151 163 189 226 227 345 567 163 206 207 212 213 217 218 219 222 225 226 370; B.R. Yurke B.
Frenkel, J. 82 135
Friend, D.G. 300 329 330 337 366
Fujita, T. 50 56 57 58 70 68 71 16 23 27 71; M. Ohmi T.
Fumi, F. 402 421; F.
Furth, H.P. 151 356 367; R.M.
Fusion 151 356
Gaeta, F.S. 80 134; G.
Garland, J.W. 375 421; K.H.
Gaspari — Gyorffy analysis 406
Gaspari, G.D. 406 410 422 407 422; R.
Gasparini, F.M. 352 365; J.R.
Gauge substitution 50
Geballe, T.H. 375 421; M
Geldart, D.J.W. 206 207 222 363 366; A.H. 400 423
Generators of spin rotations 33
Gillaspy, J.D. see Godfried H.P.
Ginzburg, V.L. 373 422
Gjostein, N.A. 105 134; H.P.
GL bending coefficients 45
GL coherence length 12 19 67
GL equations 19
GL formalism 13 32
GL free-energy density 23
GL regime 14 42 48
GL theory 49
Glcke, W. 253 566
Gltzel, D. 406 408 420 422
Glaze, J. 157 56 5; H.
Glukhov, N.A. 183 184 290 292 351 567; Yu
Godfried, H.P. 206 207 222 363 566 196 369; l.F.
Golden Rule 235
Golden, D.E. 84 135
Goldenberg, H.M . 148 567; D.
Goldhaber, M. 151 356 567; R.M.
Goldman, V.V. 337 339 349 566 340 365 155 347 369; A.J. Silvera l.F.
Golov, A.I. 89 94 97 98 100 118 125 135 101 756; L.P.
Gompf, F. 406 423; G.
Gongadze, A.D. 27 28 29 71
Gorkov, L.P. 413 422
Gould, C.M. 24 71; U.E.
Grabowski, M. 400 422
Gradient energy 49
Gradients of 15
Grain boundaries 119 120 121
Grassberger, P. 253 364; E.O.
Greben, J.M. 239 241 258 566
Greenberg, A.S. 94 136; D.S.
Greytak, T.J. 155 231 320 356 357 566 220 223 233 235 364 151 188 189 197 198 206 207 212 213 215 216 218 219 222 565 163 174 188 565 148 153 188 206 207 220 229 233 234 235 293 357 566 151 253 567; D.A. Cline R.W. Crampton S.B. Hess H.F. Kleppner D.
Greywall, D.S. 83 135
Grigor’ev, V.N. 94 135 78 135 78 136; B.N. Mikheev V.A.
Grimvall, G. 373 403 412 422
Gross, E.P. 102 338 135 366 83 134; D.
Ground state in cylinder 54
Ground-state energy 327 330
Group-theoretic classification 19
GTB 239
Gudenko, A.V. 86 89 90 94 135
Guenin, B.M. 119 120 131 135
Gully, W.J. 3 11 32 71; D.D.
Gumey, R.W. see Mott N.F.
Gupta, M. 410 422
Gurgenishvili, G.E. 128 136; A.D. 27 28 29 71
Guyer, R.A. 77 78 175 176 180 353 354 355 135 366 337 365; C.A. Ellis F.M.
GW-model 400
Gyorffy, B.L. 407 422 406 410 422; R. Gaspari G.D.
Gyromagnetic free-energy density 29 30
Gyromagnetic ratios 156
Gyroscopic measurements 41
Hbral, B. 356 365; B.C.
Hafner, J. 410 422; W.
Haftel, M. 282 293 36 5
Hakonen, P.J. 21 23 26 30 31 32 38 39 40 71 69 70 40 41 71 51 61 62 63 65 66 72 51 59 62 63 72; Yu.M. Pekola J.P. Seppala H.K. Volovik G.E.
Hall, H.E. 69 71; J.R.
Hallock, R.B. 353 363 365; F.M.
Halperin, W.P. 21 71
Hanke, W. 403 410 422
Hannon, B.N. 401 406 408 420 422
Hanson, R.J. 303 364; L.C.
Hardy, W.N. 155 163 174 187 188 189 209 211 212 224 225 241 259 366 151 225 307 356 364 163 178 207 208 209 212 361 367 163 187 188 205 206 207 209 210 212 368 206 207 220 221 229 369 163 203 218 221 227 229 258 345 369; A.J. Jochemsen R. Morrow M. Reynolds M.W. Statt B.W.
Harmonic-oscillator modes 340
Harriman, J.E. 171 172 366
Harrison, W.A. 401 422
hcp 96 127
hcp 91 94 98 105 119 121 127 129 133
HE 4
Heald, S.M. 95 127 131 135
Healing length 338
Heat piping 195
Hecht, C.E. 188 320 326 366
Hedin, L. 400 422 424; U.
Heisenberg ferromagnet 52
Helfrich, W. 88 135
Helical distortions 22
Helical form 44
Helium surface 150 174
Hellwig, H. 157 366
Helmbrecht, U. 327 368; V.R. 175 368
Hemraer, P.C. see Nilsen T.S.
Hernandez, J.P. 84 135
Herzberg, G. 164 240 366 239 240 365; H.
Hess, H. 360 366
Hess, H.F. 148 153 188 206 207 220 229 233 234 235 293 357 366 233 235 364; D.A.
Hess, R. 155 366
Hetherington, J.H. 77 135
High-energy range 385
High-field limit 158 163
High-field vortex 59
Highly strained transition region 82
Hirai, A. 94 131 136; T.
Hirayoshi, Y. 94 131 136; T.
Hirsch, J.E. 400 422
Hirschfelder, J.O. 171 172 366 368; J.E. Milleur M.B.
| Ho, T.- L. 43 50 54 56 62 71
Ho, T.L. 45 50 54 71; N.D.
Hohenberg, P. 399 422
Hohenberg, P.C. 351 366
Hole hopping 106
Hook, J.R. 69 71
Hopfield, J.J. 376 409 422
Houston, S.K. 84 134; R.J.
Howe, L.L. 240 366; G.
Huang, K. 154 366
Huse, D.A. 337 367
Hydrodynamic coefficients 49
Hydrodynamic modes 352
Hydrodynamic Theory 45 55
Hydrogen maser 148 151 356
Hyperbolic texture 55
Hyperfine deuterium 249
Hyperfine energies and states 156 159
Hyperfine frequency 185
Hyperfine hydrogen 248
Hyperfine interaction 164
Hyperfine states 158
Hysteresis 67
Identical-spin rotation effect 341
Iffi, E.L. 91 94 95 135
Ikkala, O.T. 21 40 71; P.J.
Impurities 130 216
Impuritons 78
Impurity relaxation 221
Indistinguishability 165
Inequivalent vacuum states 22
Interatomic interactions 163
Internal degrees of freedom 11
Intervortex spacing 8 15 28 67
Ion cavity structure in He 81 82 83 84 101 102 103 122 129
Ion drift velocity 109
Ion mobility 82 97 101 121
Ion pulse 68
Ion structure 81 113 131
Ion velocity 85 101 110 111 112 113 114 115 120 131
Ion-vacancion complexes 113
Ion-vacancy bound states 114
Ions as quasiparticles 112 132
Iordatti, V.P. 400 422
Irrotational condition 46
Irrotational condition on 45
Irrotational frame 7
Islander, S.T. 21 40 71; P.J.
Isotopic impurities 76 77 93 109 125 130 131 133
Israelsson, U.E. 24 71
Iwasa, J. 90 135
Iyakutti, K. 410 421; M.
Izyumov, Yu.A. 373 424; S.V.
Jaakkola, S. 178 180 361 369 196 223 229 232 359 370; K. Tommila T.
Jackson, H.W. 332 367
Jacobsen, K.W. 26 27 38 39 40 71
Jaffe, J.E. 401 406 422
Jain.S.C. 406 422
Janak, J.F. 410 420 423; D.A.
Jarlborg, T. 410 419 422 409 420 423; M.
Jastrow wavefunction 328
Jeffers Jr, W.A. 94 98 119 125 126 136; S.C.
Jochemsen, R. 163 178 186 207 208 209 212 361 567 155 163 189 211 212 224 225 241 259 366 163 187 188 205 206 207 209 210 212 368; W.N. Morrow M.
John, w. 406 420 422
Johnson, B.R. 151 163 189 226 227 341 345 367 163 206 207 212 213 217 218 219 222 225 226 370; B.
Johnson, M.H. 151 236 367; J.T.
Jones Jr, J.T. 151 236 567
Jortner, J. 82 121 134 137; M.H. Springett B.E.
Joss, W. 408 422
Junod, A. 410 419 422; T.
Krten, K.E. 175 567
Kachanov, L.M. 108 135
Kachhava, C.M. 406 422; S.C.
Kadanoff, L.P. 415 423; D.
Kagan, Yu 78 131 181 183 184 185 220 223 231 232 233 234 240 241 259 280 290 292 301 303 311 319 320 340 351 359 362 135 367
Kalos, M.H. 149 321 323 328 333 334 368; R.M.
Kapitza resistance 150 151 182 359
Karhunen, M. 178 180 361 569; K.
Karim, D.P. 408 421; G.W.
Katz, S. 151 236 567; J.T.
Kelly, R. 103 105 135
Keshishev, K.O. 79 84 85 86 89 90 92 93 94 96 97 99 108 110 111 114 115 116 125 131 135 136
Ketterson, J.B. 68 72 124 136 408 421; G.W. Roach P.D. Roach P.R.
Khan, F.S. 409 422
Kharadze, G.A. 27 28 29 71; A.D.
Kim, D.J. 403 422
Kirzhnits, D.A. 373 422; V.L.
KKR 406
Klein, B.M. 404 410 422 410 420 423; D.A.
Kleppner, D. 148 151 253 567 220 223 233 235 364 151 188 189 197 198 206 207 212 213 215 216 218 219 222 565 163 174 188 565 155 320 356 357 366 148 153 188 206 207 220 229 233 234 235 293 357 366 157 368; D.A. Cline R.W. Crampton S.B. Greytak T.J. Hess H.F. Mathur B.S.
Kochanski, G.P. 220 223 233 235 364 148 153 188 206 207 220 229 233 234 235 293 357 566; D.A. Hess H.F.
Koelling, D.D. 401 402 422 408 421; G.W.
Kohn, W. 399 422 413 421 423; J. Hohenberg P. Sham L.J.
Kolos — Wolniewicz potential 164
Kolos, W. 164 165 169 170 239 240 306 321 329 331 567
Kompaneets, D.A. 352 364; A.F.
Kon, L.Z. 400 422; V.P.
Kopnin, N.B. 58 72; G.E.
Kosterlitz — Thouless transition 349 352
Kosterlitz, J.M. 352 567 352 368; D.R.
Kovdrya, Yu.Z. 84 92 135; K.O.
Krotscheck, E. 327 333 334 367 327 328 365; J.W.
Krupczak, J.J. 195 365; S.B.
Krusius, M. 40 41 68 69 70 23 30 31 32 38 71 51 61 62 63 65 66 72 196 223 229 232 359 370; Yu.M. Hakonen P.J. Paulson D.N. Pekola J.P. Seppala H.K. Tommila T.
Kubrik, P.R. 163 189 211 212 241 259 566; W.N.
Kulsrud, R.M. 151 356 367
Kumar, P. 180 367 570; B.J.
Kurmaev, E.Z. 373 424; S.V.
KVS 240
Lvy, L.P. 227 344 345 346 567
LaBahn, R.W. 84 136
Lagendijk, A. 219 222 223 292 311 313 317 318 319 567
Lalo, F. 246 303 304 368 370; M. Tastevin G.
Laloe, F. 226 341 346 368; C.
Lamb shift 148
Lamb, W.E. 148 567
Lampert, M.A. 85 89 136
Landau, J. 359 369; R.L.
Landau, L.D. 65 362 383 71 367 422
Landesman, A. 78 136 163 189 211 212 241 259 566 95 126 137; W.N. Sullivan N.
Langer, J.S. 3 71
Lantto, L.J. 349 351 567
Large magnetic field 59
Larkin, A.I. 396 422
Larmor frequency 34 35 39 64 67 344
Larmor’s theorem 10
Lattice strain 82 83 84
Lau, S.C. 87 94 95 98 99 114 115 119 125 126 136
Le Comber, P.G. 76 137; W.E.
Leavens, C.R. 412 419 425 406 423; A.H.
Leduc, M. 345 370; G.
Lee, D.M. 11 71 151 163 189 226 227 345 567 362 363 368 3 11 32 71 163 206 207 212 213 217 218 219 222 225 226 370 149 321 323 328 333 334 368; B.R. Lovelace R.V.E. Osheroff D.D. Yurke B. Panoff R.M.
Legg, J. 84 137; W.
Leggett, A.J. 11 12 23 25 32 33 34 150 341 343 71 367 337 339 566; V.V.
Leiderer, P. 123 133 134 137; J. Savignac D.
Lennard — Jones potential parameters 326
Lenz Jr.W. 83 136
LeRoy, R.J. 164 165 567 152 368; D.N.
Levchenko, A, A. 119 136
Levin, K. 21 71
Levine, J. 83 136
Levine, K. 400 423
Levine, M. 157 566; H.
Levinson, J. 88 146; A.
Levy, L.P. 151 163 189 226 227 345 567 163 206 207 212 213 217 218 219 222 225 226 370; B.R. Yurke B.
Lhuillier, C. 226 307 341 342 343 344 346 359 567 368 303 307 346 365; J.P.
Lie, S.G. 419 423
Lieb, E.H. 327 368
Liew, Y.C. 186 365; W.D.
Lifshitz, E.M. 65 362 383 71 367 422; L.D.
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