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Suter D. — The physics of laser-atom interactions
Suter D. — The physics of laser-atom interactions

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Название: The physics of laser-atom interactions

Автор: Suter D.


This book provides a throrough introduction to the interaction of atoms and atomic ions with optical and magnetic fields. The author places particular emphasis on the wealth of important multilevel effects, where atomic vapors exhibit anisotropic behavior. As well as covering the classic two-level atom approach to light-atom interactions, Suter describes in detail a general multilevel formalism, which he uses to discuss optical pumping, two-dimensional spectroscopy and nonlinear optical dynamics. The final chapter deals with the mechanical effects of light, including the cooling and trapping of atoms. With full theoretical and experimental coverage, and over 250 illustrations, the book will be of great interest to graduate students of laser spectroscopy, quantum electronics and quantum optics, and to researchers in these fields.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2005

Количество страниц: 471

Добавлена в каталог: 30.08.2014

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
"Pudding with raisins" analogy      2
$D_{1}$ line      159
$\Lambda$-type systems      92
3j symbol      128
Absorption      42 46 62 104—105 203 282
Absorption coefficient      206 208
Absorption losses      372
Absorption/emission cycle      396
Absorptive detection      235—236
Adiabatic approximation      113
Adjacent transitions      92
Alignment      187 189
Alkali atom      163
Amplitudes      311
Angular momentum, conservation      151—152 161 229
Angular momentum, multiple reservoirs      153—154
Angular momentum, selection rules      152—153
Anisotropic collisions      161
Anisotropic susceptibility      241
Annihilation operators      9
Anti-Helmholz configuration      413
Anti-Stokes      106 248 250 278—279
Anticrossing      43 59
Antiholes      201 258
Antiparticles      360
Apparent magnetic field      306
Arbitrary polarisation      223—225
Aristotle      1
Asymmetry parameter      252—253
Atom-light interaction      12—20
Atomic diffusion      364
Atomic fountain      414
Atomic hypothesis      1—2
Atomic velocity      386
Atoms, early      1—3 Atoms energy
Atoms, internal structure      2—3 Atoms sublevels
Balanced detection      233—234
Basis operators      49
Basis transformation      102
Beam diameter      371
Beam displacement      229 230
Beam profile      362—363
Beam splitters      404—405 419
Beat signal      266
Bessel function      380 381
Bichromatic excitation      97—98 274—276
Bichromatic field      82—83 97 268 272—273
Birefringence      25 224—225 Birefringence circular
Bloch equations      33 48 60 150 169
Bloch — Siegert shift      56
Block structure      85
Block-diagonal structure      41
Bohr — Sommerfeld model      134
Bohr, Niels      3
Boltzmann's law      18
Bottleneck      402
Buffer gas      23 164 281
Capture range      394
Chaos      374 375 382—383
Chirp cooling      411
Circular birefringence      210 215 223 225 247
Circular dichroism      210 215 223 224
Circular polarisation      12
Clock transition      147
Closed two-level system      410
Coherence      33 75—79 281
Coherence transfer      77 85—87 90 324—336 338 348 350 352
Coherence transfer echoes      321 349—353
Coherences between sublevels      209
Coherent emmission      67—69
Coherent population trapping      100—105
Coherent Raman beats      266—269 272 275
Coherent Raman processes      248—279
Coherent Raman processes, frequency domain experiments      256—263 Coherent Raman processes overview
Coherent Raman Scattering      105—109 226 239 249—251 258—260 266 267
Coherent state      10 45
Collapse      367
Collision-induced relaxation      167 313
Collisional broadening      283
Collisions      60 110 161 164
Commutation relations      48 78
Complete basis      139
Complex Lorentzian      214
Cone      174
Connected transition      89
Conservation laws      160—161
Conservation of angular momentum      120 129—130 229
Continuous-wave (cw) excitation      270
Continuous-wave (cw) experiments      30
Coordinate rotations      121
Coordinate system      120
Coulombs law      140
Counterpropagating laser beams      392 394 412—414
Counterrotating components      180
Coupled absorption      359—361
Coupled beams      374—376
Coupled wave equations      227
Coupling coefficients      128
Coupling scheme      154
Coupling strengths      97
Creation operators      9
Critical intensity      366
Critical value      378
Cross peaks      321 327 328 335
Crystal      417
Crystal field      251—252 254
Cummings collapse and revival      46
Curie point      120
Cycling transition      410
Damping      99—100 115—117 162 171 174 196—198 229
Dark resonance      100 102
Dark state      101
DeBroglie wavelength      37 417 421
Decay rate      108 170
Decreased absorption      201
Defocusing      298
Democritus      1 2
Density operator      49—52 Density operator components
Dephasing      71 111 353
Depopulation pumping      193
Derrick's theorem      369
Destructive interference      298
Detection period      316
Detection system      283
Diagonal initial condition      84—85
Diagonal peaks      321
Diamagnetic ground states      198—200
Dichroism      25 Dichroism circular
Dielectric susceptibility      11
Difference frequency      109
Difference frequency mismatch      98 276
Difference in dispersion      236
Differential absorption      236
Diffusion      109 161 320 363—364
Dipole force      388 399—402
Dipole operator      47
Dirac, P.A.M.      6
dispersion      46 62 104—105 203
Dispersive detection      236—237 296
Displacement      219 228—230
Doping      256
Doppler broadening      87 90 281 283 323
Doppler limit      397—399 415 419
Doppler shift      60 71 390 391 394 412 414
Double quantum coherence      352
Double resonance experiments      315
Dressed states      43 58
echo      321
Echo formation      89—90 265—266 322
Echo modulation      263—265 269
Effective atomic density      210
Effective coupling strength      103
Effective evolution      118
Effective field      57 59 174 290 300
Effective frequency      99
Effective interactions      28
Effective observables      333—334 338—339
Effective optical path length      370
Effective potential      417
Effective quadrupole interaction      253
Effective Rabi frequency      96
Eigenmodes      7—9
Eigenpolarisations      221—222
Einstein, Albert      386
Electric dipole approximation      14
Electric dipole interaction      40 140—141
electric dipole moment      48 400
Electric dipole moment operator      213
Electric dipole transitions      75 151—159
Electric field gradient tensor      143
Electrodynamics      3
Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR)      29 34
Electronic structure of rare earth ions      251—252
Electrooptic modulator (EOM)      182 376
emission      42
Enhanced nuclear Zeeman interaction      254—255
Ensemble of atoms      49
entropy      161
Equilibrium magnetisation      170
Equilibrium, far from      325
Euler angles      123 125
Evanescent wave      403—404
Evaporative cooling      411
Even harmonics      184
Evolution      84 86—87 93—95 315 326
Exchange of coherence      264
Exchange of order      325
Excitation bandwidth      96 185
Excitation efficiency      95 98 276—277
Excitation period      273
Excited state reorientation      193 246
Expansion coefficients      138
Experimental setup      283
Exponential decay      64
External degrees of freedom      16 119—120
Faraday effect      215—217 220
Faraday rotation      13 216—217
Faraday, Michael      3
Feedback      377 381
Feynman, Richard      6
Field gradient (EFG) tensor      252—253
Field inhomogeneity      320
Field states      9—10
Fine structure      136
Focusing atomic beam      405—406
Forbidden multipoles      336—353
Forbidden transition      90
Formalism      10—11 212—213
Fourier transform pair      70 71
Fourier transformation      271 272 276 281 288 308 309 311 313 315 326 334 346
Fractal dimension      382
Fraunhofer, Joseph      3
Free atoms      61
Free induction decay (FID)      285 286 291—296 315 317—319 352
Free precession      63—64 66—67 264 265 309 316 317
Frequency chirp      391 399
Frequency dependence      62—63
Frequency doubling      358
Frequency mismatch      98
Frequency-domain      231 270
Frequency-domain experiments      256—263 269 307—308
Friction force      394
Gaussian beam      300 362—363 405 406
Generalised Rabi frequency      43
Gradient (dipole) force      388 399—402
Grating      404
Ground-state coherences      116 244
Group theory      120
Growth rate      378
Hahn echo      352
Hanle effect      218 219
harmonic oscillator      7—8 51
Heisenberg's uncertainty relation      36
Heisenberg, Werner Karl      3 6
Heterodyne detection      69—70 231—233 250
Hexadecupole element      337
Hexadecupole moment      139
High-order effects      237—239
Higher harmonics      239
Hilbert space      84 85 126
hole      201 258
Hyperfine coupling      136
Hyperfine coupling constant      136
Hyperfine interaction      144—145 191—192
Hyperfine multiplets      147—148 247
Hyperfine pumping      187—188
Hyperfine splitting      186 246 312
Hyperfine structure      137
Ideal probe      355
Incoherent mechanism      75
Increased absorption      257
Increased transmission      257
Independent subspaces      85
Index of absorption      222
Index of refraction      222
Index profile      364 365
Induced dipoles      205
Inertial reference frame      53
Inhomogeneous broadening      201—202 256 267—268 277
Inhomogeneous decay      167
Inhomogeneous Hamiltonian      71 88
Inhomogeneous laser beam      336
Initial condition      171 325
Intensity gradient      408
Intensity modulation      178 273
Intensity profile      364
Interaction Hamilton      40 77 81—83
Interaction representation      54 80—82 86 107
Interference      90
Intermediate field      148
Internal angular momentum      132
Internal degrees of freedom      16 119—159 Internal angular
Internal dynamics      314
Irradiation of single transition      79—81 84 Irradiation
Irreducible tensor operators      77 328 330 340
Isotropic atoms      203—209
Jahn — Teller distortion      120
Jaynes — Cummings model      14 38—39 41—45 58
Kerr effect      358 362
Kerr media      366
Kramers — Konig relations      104
Ladder-type systems      92
Lande factor      144 145
Larmor precession      149—151 170 175 238 339—340 419
Laser cooling      403
Laser detuning      290 291
Laser frequency detuning      98—99
Laser frequency jitter      278
Laser frequency mismatch      276
Laser spectroscopy      21—22 Laser spectroscopy compared
Lateral displacement      229 230
Lensing effect      356 406
Level crossing      218
Level schemes      22
Level shifts      162
Lie group      122
Lifetime broadening      167 320
Light shift      24—25 115—117 171—174 196—198 229 291 326 407 415 416
Light, classical description      10—12 Light quantum
Light-induced drift      162 385
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