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Basdevant J.-L., Dalibard J. — The Quantum Mechanics Solver |
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3 136
decay 17 53
(methyl) 121
Absorption 2 121 222
Adiabatic theorem 228
Alkali halides 1
Anderson, M.H. 204
Andrews, M.R. 204
Annihilation 40 94 129
Annihilation and creation operators 27
Antineutrino 53
Antinode 24
Antiquark 63
Ashkin, A. 226
Aspect, A. 112 118
Band structure 227
Barnett, S.M. 174
Baryons 63
Basdevant, J. — L. 68
Bell, J.S. 118
Bell’s inequality 109 112 117
Bell’s Theorem 112
Ben Dahan, M. 235
Bennett, C. 107
Berkhout, J.J. 215
Berko, Stephan 134
Berlinsky, A.J. 215
Biraben, F. 58
Bjorkholm, J.E. 226
Bloch index 228
Bloch oscillations 227 228 234
Bloch theorem 227
blue shift 22
Bohr radius 53 58 121
Bose — Einstein condensate 197
Bose- Einstein condensation 195
Bouchoule, I. 235
Bradley, C. 204
Bragg angle 83
Bragg reflection 235
Brassard, G. 107
Brillouin zone 231 234
Broad line condition 223
Brown, L.S. 98
Brune, M. 37 52
Cable, A. 226
Carbohydrate ions 21
Castin, Y. 235
Cat paradox 27
Cesar, C.L. 215
Cesium atoms 229 233
Chain of coupled spins 135
Chain of molecules 136
Chazalviel, J.N. 121
Chu, S. 134 226
Circular creation and annihilation operators 94
Cohen — Tannoudji, C. 226
Coherence properties 195
Collela, A.R. 91
Colored centre 2
Conductor 235
Cooling time 224
Corben, H.C. 134
Cornell, E.A. 204
Correlated pairs of spins 100
Correlation coefficient 110
Crane, H.R. 80
creation 40 94
Cryptography 99
Dalibard, J. 118
Damped oscillation 43
Damping 31
Damping time 44 51
DeBenedetti, S. 134
Decay 129
Decoherence 37
Degeneracy 3 138
Dehmelt, H. 226
Delande, D. 58
Density matrix 217
Density operator 149 153
Diatomic molecule 11
Diffraction peak 74
dispersion relation 207
Doppler cooling 217 219
Doppler shift 162
Dorner, B. 145
Doyle, J.M. 215
Dress, W.D. 163
Dreyer, J. 37 52
Durfee, D.S. 204
Ehrenfest’s theorem 47 73 75 80
Einstein 110
Einstein — Podosky — Rosen paradox 115
Einstein, A. 118
Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen 109
Ekert, A. 107
Electric Dipole 181 217
Electric dipole coupling 227
electric dipole moment 173
Electromagnetic transitions 180
Electron magnetic moment anomaly 79
Electron spin 110
Electron spin resonance 119
emission 5
energy bands 231
Energy loss 187
Ensher, J.R. 204
Entangled states 109
Excitation energy 13
excitons 138
F-center 2
Factorized spin state 109
Farbenzentrum 2
Field quantization 39
Franck — Condon principle 8 181
Free radicals 119
Fukuda, F. 17 19
Gabrielse, G. 98
Gay, J. — C. 58
Grangier, P. 118 174
Gravitational field 83
Gravitational potential 89
Greenberger, D. 91
Greene, G.L. 163
Greytak, T.J. 215
Gyromagnetic anomaly 93
Gyromagnetic ratios 119
Hagley, E. 37 52
Hansch, T.W. 226
harmonic oscillator 27 37 179 199
Harmonic potential 195
Haroche, S. 37 52
Heisenberg 74
Hermite functions 11
Hidden variables 109 111
Hijmans, T.W. 215
Holes 143
Hollberg, L. 226
Hulet, R.G. 204
Hydrogen 57 127 151 205
Hyperfine interaction 119 120
Hyperfine splitting 127
Hyperfine structure 119
Hyperfine transition 128
Interaction time 188 191
Interference 165 169
Ionic crystal 1
| Ionization energy 53
Ions in matter 187
Isotope 53
Jacobi variables 63 66
Jahn — Teller effect 3
Joint probability 176
Ketterle, W. 204
Kinoshita, T. 134
Kleppner, D. 215
Kurn, D.M. 204
Larmor frequency 81
Larmor precession 157
Laser cooling 217
Laser oscillation 185
liquid helium 97 205 208
Lithium atoms 199
Local hidden variable theory 113
Local probe 147
Local theory 115
Locality 112
Logarithmic potential 67
Lower bounds 61
Luiten, O.J. 215
Luminescence 4
Maali, A. 37 52
Magnetic excitations 135
Magnetic excitons 135 138
Magnetic interaction 87
Magnetic moments 71 93
Magnetic resonance 165
Maitre, X. 37
Mampe, W. 163
Martin, A. 68
Matthews, M.R. 204
Measurement 168
Measuring apparatus 77 169
Mesons 63
Mesoscopic 37
Metcalf, H. 226
Mewes, M. — O. 204
Miller, P.D. 163
Mills, A.P. 134
Mizusaki, T. 215
Molecular ions 21
Molecular lasers 179
Mollwo — Ivey law 2
Muon neutrino 17
Muon spin 147
Muonium 147
Muonium in silicon 149
N photon state 40
Neutrino 17
Neutrino masses 17 56
Neutrino oscillations 17
Neutrinos 155
Neutron beam 69 83 157
Neutron gyromagnetic ratio 159
Neutron interference 83
Neutron magnetic moment 73
Neutrons 69 138 165
Nitrogenous ions 22
Niu, Q. 235
Node 24
Nuclear reaction 187
Nuclei 180
Nucleus 53
Optical Bloch equations 217 221
Overhauser 83
Overhauser, A.W. 91
Pairs of photons 112
Pauli 57
Pauli matrices 86 99 119
Pauli principle 21
Peik, E. 235
Pendlebury, J.M. 163
Pendleton, Hugh N. 134
Penent, F. 58
Penning trap 93
Periodic potential 227
Perrin, P. 163
Phillips, W.D. 226
Photon 40
Photon pairs 107
Pigments 21
Podolsky, B. 118
Poizat, J.P. 174
Polyethylene 21
Population inversion 179 185
Positive muon 147
Positron 127 155
Positronium 127
Potential well 2 21
Precession 79
Prodan, J.V. 226
Proton spin 110 115
Quantum cryptography 99 102
Quantum eraser 165 169
Quantum paths 165 172
Quantum reflection 205
Quantum revival 45
Quantum superposition 30 31
Quark masses 64
Quark model 63
Quasi-classical states 28 41
Quasi-particles 135
Rabi oscillations 39 51
Radiation pressure 218
Radioactive 53
Raimond, J.-M. 37 52
Raizen, M. 235
Ramsey fringes 157 166
Ramsey, N.F. 157 163
Red shift 22
Reflection 205
Reichel, J. 235
Relaxation 181 217
Resonance curve 160
Revival time 52
Richard, J.-M. 68
Ripplon 205 207 213 215
Roger, G. 118
Rosen, N. 118
Rotational motions 180
Rubidium atoms 42
Sackett, C.A. 204
Salomon, C. 235
Sandberg, J.C. 215
Scattering length 196
Schmidt — Kaler, F. 52
Schollkopf, W. 14
Schroedinger’s cat 27
Semiconductor detectors 189
Setija, I.D. 215
Shawlow. A. 226
Singlet states 105 130 131
Smith, J.H. 173
Smith, K.F. 163 173
Sodium atoms 218 219
Sodium condensate 198
Spatial state 71
Spin excitation wave 139
Spin state 71 87 100 148 157 165 168 169
Spin transitions 120
Spin-spin interactions 136 148
Spontaneous emission 218 222
square well potential 2
Squids 37
Standing laser wave 227
Stark effect 57
Statistical mixture 30 31
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