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Поиск книг, содержащих: Early Universe
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Liddle A. — An Introduction to Modern Cosmology | 85 | Kapusta J.I. — Finite-temperature field theory | 121, 171, 179—180 | Padmanabhan T. — Theoretical astrophysics, vol. 3 | 263 | Chaisson E.J. — Cosmic Evolution: The Rise of Complexity in Nature | 106—112, 242—247, 248 | Dalvit D.A.R., Frastai J., Lawrie I.D. — Problems on statistical mechanics | 2.11 | Ludvigsen M. — General relativity. A geometric approach | 7 | Collins P.D., Squires E.J., Martin A.D. — Particle Physics and Cosmology | 369 | Collins P.D.B., Martin A.D., Squires E.J. — Particle Physics and Cosmology | 369 | Carrol B.W., Ostlie D.A. — An introduction to modern astrophysics | 1230—1275, see “Big Bang”, “Cosmology” | Halzen F., Martin A.D. — Quarks and Leptons: An Introductory Course in Modern Particle Physics | 352 | Christensen S.M. — Quantum theory of gravity | 49 | Sachs R.K., Wu H. — General relativity for mathematicians | 203ff | Huggins E.R. — Physics 2000 | (see Universe, early) | Goldenfeld N. — Lectures on Phase Transitions and the Renormalization Group | 336 | Shu F.H. — The Physical Universe: An Introduction to Astronomy | 388—391, 396—400 | Amelino-Camelia G., Kowalski-Glikman J. — Planck Scale Effects in Astrophysics and Cosmology (Lecture Notes in Physics) | 268 | Collins P.D.B., Martin A.D., Squires E.J. — Particle Physics and Cosmology | 369 |