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Поиск книг, содержащих: Larmor radius
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Wesson J. — Tokamaks | 41 | Rammer J. — Quantum transport theory | 483 | Frank J., King A., Raine D.J. — Accretion Power in Astrophysics | 41 | Beyer H.F., Shevelko V.P. — Introduction to the Physics of Highly Charged Ions | 147 | Kivelson Margaret G., Russell Christopher T. — Introduction to Space Physics (Cambridge Atmospheric & Space Science Series) | 29, 54, 306 | Carrol B.W., Ostlie D.A. — An introduction to modern astrophysics | 552 | Bogaevski V.T., Povzner A. — Algebraic Methods In Nonlinear Perturbation Theory | 61 | Kundt W. — Astrophysics. A Primer | 46 | Padmanabhan T. — Theoretical Astrophysics: Volume 1, Astrophysical Processes | 108 | Cramer N.F. — The Physics of Alfvén Waves | 40, 53 | Amoroso R.L. (ed.), Hunter G. (ed.), Vigier J.-P. (ed.) — Gravitation and Cosmology: From the Hubble Radius to the Planck Scale | 364—365 | Freidberg J.P. — Plasma Physics and Fusion Energy | see "Gyro radius" | Dolan T.J. — Fusion Research: Principles, Experiments and Technology | 152 | Chandrasekhar S. — Plasma Physics | 15 | Ichimaru S. — Statistical Plasma Physics, Volume I: Basic Principles (Frontiers in Physics, Vol 87) (v. 1) | 199, 209, 214, 316 | Krall N., Trivelpiece A. — Principles of Plasma Physics | 7—8, 22 | Helander P., Sigmar D.J. — Collisional Transport in Magnetized Plasmas | 2 |