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Amoroso R.L. (ed.), Hunter G. (ed.), Vigier J.-P. (ed.) — Gravitation and Cosmology: From the Hubble Radius to the Planck Scale |
Предметный указатель |
Absolute space 58—60
Absorber Theory of Radiation 81 82
Action at a distance 81 520
Advanced waves 60
Aether 242—243
Affine connection 1
Affine structure 298 369 481
Affine Theory of Gravity 295 299
Aharonov — Bohm effect 3 242 257
Amoroso, Richard L. 27 59 147 241
Angelidis, Thomas 525—536
Anomalous Red Shift 22—23
Antiphoton 235—8
Arp, H. 23 104
Arrow of time 74 324 491 494—496
Aspect experiment 149
Astrophysical Processes 111 119
Atomic hydrogen 207
Axisymmetric model 126 133—134
Backaction 424
Beil, Ralph G. 233
Bell, Sarah B. 303
big bang 14 42 33 46 51 59 65
Birkoff’s law 28
Black hole 28 103 427
Blackbody radiation 27 29 59 65 113 117
Blackett effect 332
Blueshift 103 106
Bogomolny sections 358
Bohm, D. 85 152 155 405 419
Bohr orbits 28 214 217 220 361 364—365
Bohr — Sommerfeld atom 305—6
Borzeszkowski, Horst V. 295
Bosons 341—343
Brandenburg, John 267
Brownian motion 96—97 100
Burns, Jean 491
Cartan, E. 1 197
Casimir effect 115 459
Cauchy problem 127
Causality 377 409—410
Cavity QED 27 35 58 113—115
Cavity-QED Resonance 27 35
Chaotic-stochastic Atom 357—366
Charge-Neutral 469
Chew, Geoffrey 51
Chouinard, Edmond 223
Ciubotariu, Ciprian 85 357
Ciubotariu, Corneliu 85 357
Classical Electromagnetism 197
Clifford algebra 502
CMBR 27 37 60 138
Cohomology 199
Cole, Daniel C. 111
Compactification 35 36 60 62
Complex Minkowski space 28 62—63 184—186
Composite particle 469
Compton wavelength 434
Consciousness 60 223 425
Continuous state 59
Continuous State Universe 28 59 62
Copenhagen interpretation 149 401
Cosmological constant 41 68 262 315 319
Cosmology 39 59 65 313 517
Coulomb force 518
Coulomb potential 241 250
Coxeter graphs 188
Cramer J.G. 60
Creation of matter 11—26 58
Cremona transformations 507
Croca, Josee R. 377 385
Crowell, Lawrence B. 321
Culleme, John P. 279 303
Curved spacetime 98 303
Cyclotron resonance 361
Cyganski, David 499
Dark energy 60
Dark matter 19 103
Datta, S. 103
de Broglie 153 155 242 360 377 419
Dechoum, K. 393
Di Pietro, Vincent 267
Dialectric constant 440
Diaz, Bernard M. 303
Dimensional reduction 27 59
Dimensionality 314 406 507
Dirac equation 304 417 522
Dirac vacuum 31 37 57 147 252—253 257
dispersion 147
Divergence of electromagnetic field 128 132 251
Doppler effect 24 58 106 110
Double-slit Interferometry 147 150—151
Dragic, A. 349
Dualism 57
Dvoeglazov, Valeri V. 167
Eddington, A. 33
Einstein action 259 368
Einstein — Yilmaz tensor 443
Einstein, Albert 148 518
Electromagnetic field theory 197
Electromagnetic fields 189
Electron mass 485
Electron spin 517
Engineering the Vacuum 459
Engler, Fritz 157
entropy 76 491—496
EPR correlations 421
Equivalence principle 426
Euclidian metric 41 59 62
Evans — Vigier Field 167
Expanding Universes 39 121
Extended Electromagnetic Theory 125
Far field 147 154
Fermi sea 338
Feynman, R.P. xii 51
Finsler geometry 3 89 369
Flat spacetime 43 66 95 98 248 257 310 437
Floyd, Edward R. 401
Fourier transforms 224 386
Fractal Universe 85 90—92 97
Franca, Humberto 393
Friedman universe 11 39 44
General relativity 254 303 310 429 431 443—444
Geometrodynamics 457—458
Geon 39 62 63
Grand unification 279 282
Gravitation theory 56 259 271 279 287
Gravitational Energy-Momentum 291
Gravitational Magnetism 331 335
Gravitational potential 251
Gravitational redshift 24
Gravity and Electromagnetic Field 241 267
Grebeniuk, M.A. 313
Haisch, Bernard 268 447
harmonic oscillator 365
Hawking radiation 31 427
Hawking, S.W. 480
Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Limits 385
Higgs boson 447 456
Hiley, B. 422
Holographic connection 227
Holographic Mind 223 424
Homaloidal Webs 507
Homogeneity 43
Hopf map 200 203
Hoyle, F. 39 83
Hubble constant 42 262
Hubble radius 269 487
Hunter, Geoffrey 147
| Ibison, Michael 483
Ignatov, A.M. 511
Imaginary dimensions 61 183
Inertia 255
Inertia Reaction Force 449 452 455
Inertial mass 456 485
Inflation 39 44 66
Interferometry 147 377
K-mesons 495
Kafatos, Menas 65 147
Kaluza — Klein theory 3 268 271 334 370 419
Kerr — Newman solution 427
Kiehn, Robert M. 197
Klein — Gordon equation 93 153 329 416
Kline, J.F. 267
Kostro, Ludwik 413
Kowalski, Marian 157
Kugelstrahlung 148 151 234
Lagrangian density 438—440
Landau — Ginzburg theory 456
Lange, Bogdan 409
Larmor equation 212
Larmor radius 364—365
Lehnert, Bo 125 426
Length scale 248 488
Leshan, Constantin 515
Light nuclei 18—19
Line element 16 61
Lithium seven 149
Long-range interactions 143
Lorentz force 440
Lorentz transform 167 170—171 245 291 453
M-theory 314 328 334 419
Macgreggor, Malcolm H. 337
Mach’s principle 426 457—458 521
Magnetic monopoles 125 130
Magnetic resonance 349 351
Malta, C.R. 393
Mani, R. 147
Maric, Z. 349
Marshall, Trevor 459
Marto, Joao 377
Mass-Neutral 469
Matter creation 60 88
Maxwell’s equations 147 184—185 250 370 431 475 512
Meat brain 517—518
Melnikov, Vitaly N. 313
Metric tensor 435
Microwave background 17
Milne’s cosmology 42 314
Minkowski space 40 62 183 289
Minkowski time 229
Modanese, Giovanni 259
Mossbauer effect 437
Multidimensional Gravity 313
Multiple scattering theory 103—110
Munera, Hector A. 469
Nadelstrahlung 148 151 154
Narlikar, Jayant V. 11 81 103
naturalism 57
Near-field 147 154
Nester, James M. 288
Non-Abelian Gauge Groups 183
Nonlocality 72 142
Nucleosynthesis 18
Observation in Cosmology 65
Occam’s razor 458
Olber’s paradox 60
Page, William S. 499
Pallikari, Fotini 95
Particle horizons 43—44
Path integrals 83 87—88 421
Peano — Moore curve 89
Peebles, P.J.E. 57 62
Penrose, R. 63 205
Permittivity 248
Phase 46 190 464
Phase space 365
Photon 133 135 147 163 205 212 233 373—374 469 496
Photon Diameter 157
Photon emission 149 207 214 222
Photon gas 127 137
Photon mass 60 128 137 147 250
Photon spin 197
Photon Wave-packet 151
Physical vacuum 27 59 241
Pilot wave 422
Planck constant 1—10 323 413
Plane waves 132
Polarizable-vacuum 247 431—434 438 443—445
Poponin, Vladimir 511
Post-Quantum Physics 419
Preferred frame 370
Pregeometry 477—482
Preons 470—471 475
Pribram, K. 424
Proca equation 93 128 173 175 252
Puthoff, Harold E. 249 268 431
Pythagorean Theorem 427
qed 265 460
QSO Redshift 103
Quantization 307
Quantum gravity 259 303 311 321
Quantum Hall effect 281 337—348
Quantum Measurements 389
quantum mechanics 401 409 367 413
Quantum potential 421 423
Quantum theory 211
Quasars 23 104 110
Quasi Steady-state cosmology 15 18 20—22
Quasiparticles 341
Quaternions 499
Radiation resistance 216 395
Radiation theory 210
Random walk 95 98
Rauscher, Elizabeth 60 183
Raws, W. 477
Redshift 11 24—25 60 103 106 138 256 437
Reissner — Nordstrom metric 438 442
Relational space 58 59
Retarded waves 60 421
Richardson, Tim 157
Riemannian curvature 2
Rindler, Wolfgang 39
Rowlands, Peter 279
Roy, Sisir 103
Rueda, Alfonso 119 268 447
Runge — Kutta algorithm 364
Rydberg states 34 210
Sachs, M. 503—504
Sagnac effect 127
Sakharov — Puthoff theory 8 256—257 268
Salam, A. 334
Saniga, Metod 507
Sarfatti, Jack 419
Schrodinger equation , 351 393 415
Schwarchild radius 103 261
Schwarchild solution 444
Shipov, G. 504
Simultaneity relations 367—368 371
Singularity 64
Sirag, Saul-Paul 331
Solitons 158 254 373
Sommerfeld theory 207
Space resonance 518 519
Spacetime 33 95
Spectral lines 105
Spin 32 198 199 355 523
Spinors 289 291 295 500
Squid 332
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