Adiabatic invariants in the motion of charged particles 37 61
Alfven velocity 142
Boltzmann equation in the absence of collisions 11
Boltzmann equation in the absence of collisions, equivalence to particle orbit theory 11
Charge density in a plasma 2
Conductivity of a partially ionized gas 209
Conductivity of a plasma, electrical 204
Conductivity of a plasma, thermal 194
Conservation laws 1
Conservation of energy 9
Conservation of momentum 3
Current density due to an external force 66
Current density in a plasma 2
Current density in a time dependent electric field 20 65
Current density in an inhomogeneous magnetic field 65
Curvature drift 28
Curved lines of force 69
Damping of plasma waves 165
Dielectric constant of the plasma 22 144
Diffusion of plasma across a magnetic field 180
Dispersion relations see "Waves in a plasma"
Distribution function 2
Drifts in a plasma 14
Drifts in a plasma due to a constant electric field 18
Drifts in a plasma due to curvature of the lines of force 28
Drifts in a plasma due to external force 23
Drifts in a plasma due to gradient of the field lines 31
Drifts in a plasma in an inhomogeneous magnetic field 26
Drifts in a plasma in time dependent electric field 20
Electric drift velocity 19
Electrical conductivity in the presence of neutrals 209
Electrical conductivity of a plasma 204
Electromagnetic oscillations in a plasma see "Waves in a plasma"
Electrostatic oscillations in a plasma see "Waves in a plasma"
Equation of motion of a charged particle 2
Equations of motion, macroscopic 5 99
External force drift 23
Fluting instability from hydromagnetics 87
Fluting instability from particle orbit theory 92
Flux of guiding centers across a magnetic field 182
Fokker — Planck equation 183
Gradient B drift 31
Gravity drift 24
Guiding center of a charged particle 15
Guiding center, flux across a magnetic field 182
Gyration of a charged particle, radius of 15
Gyro-relaxation effect 58
Heat flow vector 9
Hydromagnetic equations 99
Hydromagnetic waves see "Waves in a plasma"
Interchange instability from hydromagnetics 87
Interchange instability from orbit theory 92
Jeans's theorem 13
Landau damping 165 178
Larmor frequency 15
Larmor radius 15
Lines of force, motion of 31
Longitudinal invariant 61
Longitudinal oscillations see "Waves in a plasma"
| Magnetic moment in a discontinuous magnetic field 45
Magnetic moment in a slowly varying magnetic field 48
Magnetic moment of a charged particle 15 16
Magnetic moment, constancy of 24 37
Magnetization current 15 17
Maxwell's equations 1
Momentum of the electromagnetic field 7
Motion of a charged particle along the lines of force, equation of 27
Neutrals, effect on the conductivity of a plasma 209
Normal mode analysis 100
Normal to the surface, equation of motion of 107
Orbit theory 14
Orbit theory, applications of 65 87 115 146
Partially ionized gas, electrical conductivity of 209
Particle orbit theory 14
Particle orbit theory, applications of 65 87 115 146
Particle orbit theory, equivalence to the Boltzmann equation 11
Pinch, stability of 97
Pinch, stability of, criterion of 110 127
Pinch, stability of, from hydromagnetics 99
Pinch, stability of, from orbit theory 115
Pinch, stability of, in the absence of conducting walls 112
Pinch, stability of, in the absence of trapped axial field and conducting walls 111
Plasma diffusion 180
Plasma in a torus 73
Plasma oscillations see "Waves in a plasma"
Plasma supported against gravity 71
Polarization drift 21
Poynting vector of electromagnetic field 10
Pressure tensor 3
Pressure tensor in a magnetic field 115
Rayleigh — Taylor instability 80
Rutherford scattering formula 192
Shape factor 96
Stability of the pinch see "Pinch"
Stability, thermodynamic description of 85
Stationary state 7 67
Stress tensor of electromagnetic field 6 7
Thermal conductivity of a plasma 194
Thermodynamic description of stability 85
Transport phenomena in ionized gases 180
Transverse oscillations in a plasma see "Waves in a plasma"
Two-dimensional problem, general 75
Unit vector along the magnetic field lines, change in 122
Waves in a plasma 135
Waves in a plasma from orbit theory 146
Waves in a plasma in a magnetic field 131 140
Waves in a plasma of low density 160
Waves in a plasma with a tensor pressure 131 146
Waves in a plasma, dielectric constant 136
Waves in a plasma, dispersion formula of Bohm and Gross 154
Waves in a plasma, dispersion formula of Gross 157
Waves in a plasma, dispersion formula of Thomson 156
Waves in a plasma, effect of thermal motions 143
Waves in a plasma, hydromagnetic waves 140
Waves in a plasma, Lagrangian description 165
Waves in a plasma, Landau damping 165 178
Waves in a plasma, longitudinal or electrostatic oscillations 139
Waves in a plasma, review of dispersion relations 151
Waves in a plasma, transverse or electromagnetic oscillations 138