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Freidberg J.P. — Plasma Physics and Fusion Energy |
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see "Lawson parameter"
for ignition see "Ignition condition"
the engineering gain factor 72 73
-definition 56
-pinch 264 283
-pinch, stability 317 320
Adiabatic equation of state 251
Adiabatic invariants 166 171
Advanced tokamak, AT see "Tokamak"
Alfven waves see "MHD waves"
Alpha particle heating 63 65 66 80 534
Anomalous transport see "Transport losses"
ARIES 86 418
Aspect ratio expansion see "Tokamak"
Auxiliary heating power see "External heating power"
Axisymmetric instability see "Tokamak"
Ballooning modes see "MHD stability"
Banana orbits 485
Beta, , cylindrical definition 269
Beta, , limits 301 305 see "RFP" "Spheromak" "Tokamak"
Beta, , reactor 87 104
Binding energy curve 29
Blanket and shield see "Fusion reactor"
Bootstrap current 334 408 490 496
Bootstrap current, AT profiles 527
Bootstrap current, bootstrap fraction 524 526
Bounce frequency see "Trapped particles"
Bremsstrahlung radiation 52 54 63 65 66 70 534
Canonical momentum see "Single particle motion"
Chemical reactions 22
Coal see "Energy option"
Coal, energy content 7
Coal, environmental issues 7
Coal, reserves see "Energy reserves"
Cold plasma dispersion relation 569
Collective effects 129 130
Collision frequency see "Coulomb collisions"
Collision frequency, concept 41
Collisionless damping 535 571
Collisionless damping, generalized Landau damping 583
Collisionless damping, Landau damping 572
Collisionless damping, O-mode cyclotron damping 583
Collisionless damping, X-mode cyclotron damping 577
Confinement time see "Energy confinement time"
Conservation (energy supply) see "Energy options"
Conservation of energy 234
Conservation of energy, alpha power 238
Conservation of energy, basic principle 234
Conservation of energy, Bremsstrahlung radiation 240
Conservation of energy, compression work 235
Conservation of energy, energy equilibration 240
Conservation of energy, equation 240
Conservation of energy, external heating power 238
Conservation of energy, ohmic heating power 238
Conservation of energy, rate of change of internal energy 234
Conservation of energy, thermal conduction 236
Conservation of mass 227
Conservation of mass, basic principle 227
Conservation of mass, equation 229
Conservation of momentum 229
Conservation of momentum, basic principle 229
Conservation of momentum, collisional friction force 232
Conservation of momentum, electric field force 230
Conservation of momentum, equations 233
Conservation of momentum, inertial force 230
Conservation of momentum, magnetic field force 230
Conservation of momentum, pressure gradient force 230
Conservation relations 142
Coulomb collisions 51 140 183 460
Coulomb collisions, Bremsstrahlung radiation 52
Coulomb collisions, conservation of angular momentum 187
Coulomb collisions, conservation of energy 187
Coulomb collisions, Coulomb logarithm 194
Coulomb collisions, Debye shielding 194
Coulomb collisions, mathematical derivation 185 190
Coulomb collisions, net energy exchange 218 219
Coulomb collisions, net momentum exchange 212 213 215 217
Coulomb collisions, test particle momentum 191 196 197
Cross section, blanket 91
Cross section, charge exchange 542
Cross section, Coulomb 198
Cross section, fusion 49 140
Cross section, general concept 38
Cross section, hard sphere 47
Current drive 119 334 534 536 551
Curvature, average curvature 304
Curvature, favorable curvature 303
Curvature, single particle picture 306
Curvature, unfavorable curvature 303
Cyclotron damping see "Collisionless damping"
Cyclotron frequency see "Gyro frequency"
Debye length 122
Debye length, derivation 123
Debye length, formula 125 129
Debye shielding, AC fields 126
Debye shielding, DC fields 122
Debye shielding, physical picture 122 127
Debye sphere 131 133
demo 633 642
Density limit see "Greenwald density limit"
Deuterium, abundance 16
Diamagnetic current see "Magnetization current"
Dielectric tensor see "Electromagnetic waves"
Diffusion equation 451
dispersion relation see "Electromagnetic waves"
Disruptions 383 424
Distribution function 42
Divertor 501
ECH see "Electron cyclotron heating"
Economics, fusion see "Fusion reactor"
Edge localized modes see "ELMs"
Electromagnetic waves 551
Electromagnetic waves, accessibility 565
Electromagnetic waves, cutoffs and wave resonances 562
Electromagnetic waves, dielectric tensor 558
Electromagnetic waves, dispersion relation 560
Electromagnetic waves, methods of analysis 566
Electromagnetic waves, phase and group velocity 560
Electromagnetic waves, polarization 563
Electromagnetic waves, reflection, transmission, absorption, and mode conversion 564
Electromagnetic waves, sources and launching structures 552
Electromagnetic waves, wave particle resonances 563
Electromagnetic waves, wave propagation 558
Electron cyclotron heating (ECH) 535 586
Electron cyclotron heating (ECH), O-mode absorption 589
Electron cyclotron heating (ECH), O-mode accessibility 588
Electron cyclotron heating (ECH), X-mode absorption 594
Electron cyclotron heating (ECH), X-mode accessibility 592
ELMs 504
Empirical scaling relations see "Transport loses"
Energy confinement time, , definition 64
Energy confinement time, , fusion reactor 88 103
Energy conservation equation, three dimensional 61
Energy conservation equation, zero dimensional 60 62
Energy options, coal 6
Energy options, conservation 15
Energy options, fusion 16
Energy options, hydroelectric 12
Energy options, natural gas 8
Energy options, nuclear 10
Energy options, oil 8
Energy options, solar 14
Energy options, wind 13
Energy reserves 6
Energy usage, electricity 4
Energy usage, total usage 4
Equilibrium see "MHD equilibrium"
Ethanol 9
Eulerian coordinates 227
External heating power, definition 63
| External heating power, minimum required 63 78 80
External heating power, power balance 70
Fast magnetosonic wave 316
Feedback control of MHD instabilities 334 360 384 387
Field reversed configuration (FRC) 335 344 442
Field reversed configuration (FRC), magnetized target fusion 345
Field reversed configuration (FRC), reactor prospects 349
Fission energy production 23
Fluid models see "Self consistent fluid models"
Flux surfaces see "MHD equilibrium"
Friction force see "Collisional friction force"
Frozen-in-field line concept see "MHD stability"
Fusion cross section see "Cross section"
Fusion energy see "Energy options"
Fusion energy production 24
Fusion energy, economics 18
Fusion energy, environmental issues 17
Fusion energy, fuel reserves 16
Fusion energy, safety 17
Fusion energy, technological complexity 17
Fusion nuclear reactions, reaction 27
Fusion nuclear reactions, D-D reaction 27
Fusion nuclear reactions, D-Treaction 27
Fusion nuclear reactions, Lithium reaction 28
Fusion power density 42 50
Fusion reactor 85 92 384 418 437
Fusion reactor, blanket and shield 91
Fusion reactor, capital costs 96
Fusion reactor, neutron wall loading 89
Fusion reactor, plasma properties 101 111
Fusion reactor, power output 89
Fusion reactor, superconducting magnets 89 96 98
Goldston scaling see "Transport losses empirical
Greenhouse gases 3
Greenwald density limit 499 500
Guiding center motion 139 252
Guiding center motion, drift 148 149
Guiding center motion, combined grad-B and curvature drifts 159 160
Guiding center motion, curvature drift 156 159
Guiding center motion, definition 144
Guiding center motion, grad-B drift 151 153
Guiding center motion, parallel gradient in B 167
Guiding center motion, perpendicular gradient in E 155
Guiding center motion, polarization drift 160 162 164 167
Guiding center motion, summary of relations 178
Gyro frequency 134 144 146
Gyro motion 139 143
Gyro motion, parallel motion 143
Gyro motion, perpendicular motion 144
Gyro motion, summary of relations 177
Gyro radius 134 144 146
Gyrotron 535 553
Heat flux 64 452
Heating 118 333 534 535
Heating profile effects 469
Helical magnetic field 289 423
Hoop force 271 280
Hydroelectric power see "Energy Options"
Hydrogen Economy 9
ICH see "Ion cyclotron heating"
Ideal ignition 65
Ignition condition 67
Ignition condition, external power 68
Ignition condition, heating limits 534
Ignition condition, ITER 633
Ignition condition, no external power 66
Ignition condition, transport limits 449
Ignition experiment design 450 513
Ignition experiment design, constraints 515
Ignition experiment design, device volume 514
Ignition experiment design, heating to ignition 521 523
Ignition experiment design, minimum cost 519
Ignition experiment design, power balance 500
Ignition experiment design, relation to ITER 519
Ignition experiment design, thermal stability 521
Ignition temperature 67
Impact parameter 187
Index of refraction 559
Instabilities see "MHD stability"
Internal inductance 281
Internal transport barriers 506
International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor see "ITER"
International Tokomak Reactor (INTOR) 637
Ion cyclotron heating (ICH) 535 597
Ion cyclotron heating (ICH), fast mode absorption, minority heating 605
Ion cyclotron heating (ICH), fast mode absorption, second harmonic 601
Ion cyclotron heating (ICH), fast mode accessibility, minority heating 602
Ion cyclotron heating (ICH), fast mode accessibility, second harmonic 600
Ion cyclotron heating (ICH), X-mode accessibility, fundamental harmonic 598
Ion source 541
Ionization see "Cross section"
Iter 112 120 498 534 536 633 637
ITER, history 637
ITER, parameters 639
Kinetic theory 223 449
Kink instability see "MHD stability"
L-H transition 500 503
Lagrangian coordinates 227
Landau damping see "Collisionless damping"
Larmor radius see "Gyro radius"
Levitated dipole 335 443
Levitated dipole, equilibrium 338
Levitated dipole, m = 0 stability 342
Levitated dipole, m = 1 stability 341
Limiter 500
Linearization 75 see
Lithium blanket 91
Lithium reactions 28
Lithium reserves 17
ln L 194
Lower hybrid current drive (LHCD) 536 609
Lower hybrid current drive (LHCD), accessibility 612
Lower hybrid current drive (LHCD), driven current 619
Lower hybrid current drive (LHCD), slow wave power absorption 615
Lower hybrid frequency 613
Magnetic fusion concepts 116
magnetic moment see "Adiabatic invariant"
Magnetization current 255
Magnetized target fusion (MTF) see "Field reversed configuration"
Magnetohydrodynamics see "MHD"
Magnetosonic waves see "MHD waves"
Magnets, high field 334
Mass deficit 23
Maxwellian distribution function 46
Maxwell’s equations 558 568
Mean free path 39
MHD equilibrium 115 258
MHD equilibrium, current surfaces 262
MHD equilibrium, flux surfaces 261
MHD equilibrium, magnetic pressure 263
MHD equilibrium, magnetic tension 263
MHD equilibrium, model 261
MHD equilibrium, radial pressure balance 245 259 264
MHD equilibrium, summary 292
MHD equilibrium, toroidal force balance 246 259 271 278 282 283
MHD model 245 246
MHD model, conservation of energy 251
MHD model, conservation of mass 249
MHD model, conservation of momentum 249
MHD model, mathematical ordering 246 247
MHD model, single fluid variables 248
MHD model, summary of equations 252
MHD stability 115 296 333
MHD stability, axisymmetric mode see "Tokamak"
MHD stability, ballooning mode 301 304
MHD stability, ballooning-kink mode 302
MHD stability, conducting wall versus no wall 302
MHD stability, frozen-in-field line concept 299
MHD stability, general concepts 297
MHD stability, general formulation 307
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