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Freidberg J.P. — Plasma Physics and Fusion Energy |
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MHD stability, ideal MHD 300
MHD stability, interchange mode 301 303
MHD stability, internal and external modes 301
MHD stability, kink mode 301
MHD stability, linear stability 308 309 310 312
MHD stability, mechanical analogs 297
MHD stability, pressure driven and current driven modes 301 305
MHD stability, resistive MHD 300
MHD stability, resistive wall mode 302 334 367 370 409
Mhd waves 313
MHD waves, compressional Alfven wave 315
MHD waves, general derivation 313
MHD waves, shear Alfven wave 314
MHD waves, sound wave 316
Micro-instabilities see "Plasma turbulence"
Mirror effect 172 175
Mirror machine 167 175 198
Mirror machine, calculation of 198
Mirror machine, power balance 200
Natural gas see "Energy options"
Natural gas, energy content 8
Natural gas, environmental issues 8
Natural gas, reserves see "Energy reserves"
Neoclassical transport see "Transport losses"
Net exchange collisions see "Coulomb collisions"
Neutral beam heating 535 540 550
Neutral beam heating, physics 544
Neutral beam heating, technology 546
Neutron heating 63 70
Nuclear Power see "Energy options"
Nuclear power, environmental impact 10
Nuclear power, fuel reserves 11
Nuclear power, nuclear waste 11
Nuclear power, proliferation 11
Nuclear power, safety 10
Nuclear reactions 23
Ohmic heating 472 534 537 539
Ohm’s Law 245
Ohm’s law, anisotropic 451
Ohm’s law, generalized 250
Ohm’s law, ideal 250 300
Ohm’s law, resistive 250
OIL see "Energy options"
Oil, energy content 8
Oil, environmental issues 9
Oil, reserves 9
Particle motion see "Gyro motion"
Passing particles 479
Pedestal 502
Perfectly conducting wall 274
Plasma definition 113 121 135
Plasma definition, Coulomb collisions 121
Plasma definition, fusion constraints 121
Plasma definition, macroscopic length and frequency 121
Plasma elongation, axisymmetric modes see "Tokamak"
Plasma frequency 126
Plasma frequency, derivation 127
Plasma frequency, formula 129 130
Plasma parameter 121 131
Plasma sheath 123
Plasma turbulence 449
Polarization see "Electromagnetic waves"
Power balance 62 64 65 74
Poynting vector 558 568
q see "Safety factor"
Q, the physics gain factor 69 71
Quasi-neutrality 126
Radiation losses see "Bremsstrahlung radiation"
Radio frequency heating see "Heating"
Radius of curvature vector 157 159
Random walk model 454 456
Random walk model, like particle diffusion 458
Random walk model, particle diffusion 456
Random walk model, thermal conduction 463
Random walk model, unlike particle diffusion 460 462
Reaction rate, concept 42
Reaction rate, fusion 50
Reactor see "Fusion reactor"
Resistive instabilities see "MHD stability"
Resistive wall mode see "MHD instability"
Resistivity, classical 239 250
Resistivity, neoclassical 538
Reverse field pinch (RFP) 335 358 442
Reverse field pinch (RFP), equilibrium 360
Reverse field pinch (RFP), m = 0 mode 364
Reverse field pinch (RFP), m = 1 mode 364
Reverse field pinch (RFP), reactor prospects 359
Reverse field pinch (RFP), stability formulation 361
Reverse shear 408
Rotational transform 246 284 286
Rotational transform, axisymmetric torus 287
Rotational transform, cylinder 286
Rotational transform, stellarator 292
Runaway electrons 207
Runaway electrons, properties 210
Runaway electrons, threshold condition 208
Safety factor q 287
Safety factor q, MHD stability limit 301
Safety factor q, toroidal 334 387
Sawtooth oscillations 386
| Scaling laws, confinement see "Transport losses"
Screw pinch 268
Self consistent plasma models 114 223 450
Self consistent plasma models, applicability 226
Self consistent plasma models, fluid elements 225
Self consistent plasma models, macroscopic averages 224
Self consistent plasma models, properties 224
Self consistent plasma models, summary of the two-fluid model 241 248
Shafranov equilibrium relation 282
Shear 408
Sheath see "Plasma sheath"
Shield, neutron 86
Single particle motion 113 141 see
Single particle motion, constants of motion 142 143
Single particle motion, equations of motion 141
Single particle motion, Lorentz force 141
Single particle motion, parallel force 142
Slow magnetosonic wave 316
Slowing down time 201
Slowing down time, alpha particle 203 205
Slowing down time, beam heating 206
Slowing down time, ion beam 202
Slowing down time, preferential heating of electrons versus ions 203
Solar power see "Energy options"
Sound waves see "MHD waves"
Spherical tokamak see "Tokamak"
Spheromak 335 373 442
Spheromak, equilibrium 376
Spheromak, reactor prospects 375
Spheromak, tilt instability 377
Steady state operation 333
Stellarator 288 334 423 442
Stellarator, Boozer coordinates 428 429
Stellarator, heliotron 424
Stellarator, Large Helical Device (LHD) 424
Stellarator, National Compact Stellarator Experiment (NCSX) 424 434
Stellarator, particle orbits 426
Stellarator, quasi-symmetry 430
Stellarator, reactor prospects 424
Stellarator, stellarator coordinates 427
Stellarator, Wendelstein 7-X (W7-X) 424 431
Superconducting magnets see "Fusion reactor"
Surface current model 335 350
Surface current model, equilibrium 351
Surface current model, stability 354
Surface current model, summary of results 357
Temperature equilibration 466
Test particle collision frequencies see "Coulomb collisions"
Thermal conduction losses see "Transport loses"
Thermal stability 75 77
Thermal transit time 134
Tire tube force 272 280
Tokamak 333 380 442
Tokamak research, status 633
Tokamak research, status, alpha particle physics 635
Tokamak research, status, heating and current drive 635
Tokamak research, status, macroscopic equilibrium and stability 633
Tokamak research, status, technology issues 636
Tokamak research, status, transport 634
Tokamak, limit 383 388 393 395 405 406 413
Tokamak, advanced tokamak (AT) 334 384 408 442
Tokamak, aspect ratio expansion 385
Tokamak, circular cross section tokamak 385
Tokamak, conducting wall stabilization 409 410
Tokamak, current limits 383 392 393 406
Tokamak, elongated tokamak 384 398
Tokamak, Equilibrium 386
Tokamak, n = 0 axisymmetric mode 399
Tokamak, pressure versus 414 418
Tokamak, reactor prospects 381 411
Tokamak, spherical tokamak 335 384 411 442
Tokamak, stability 389 392
Tokamak, Troyon limit 397 407
Tokamak, volume neutron source 411 419
Toroidal 1/R force 273 280
Toroidal current limit see "Safety factor"
Toroidal geometry 141 146
Transport losses 117 333 449 534
Transport losses, classical coefficients 453
Transport losses, cylindrical plasma 451 452 453
Transport losses, empirical scaling relations 449 497 508
Transport losses, heat conduction 449 464
Transport losses, neoclassical coefficients 482 489
Transport losses, neoclassical transport 167 450 478
Transport losses, passing particles 479
Transport losses, power balance 66 70
Transport losses, trapped particles 483 484
trapped particles 483
Trapped particles, bounce frequency 485
Trapped particles, fraction 485
Trapped particles, trapping, condition for 484
Tritium breeding 92
Turbulence see "Micro-instabilities"
Vacuum tube 553
Vertical instability see "Tokamak n
Vertical magnetic field 276 282
Wall loading see "Fusion reactor"
Wind power see "Energy options"
Z-pinch 266 303 320
Z-pinch, stability of the m = 0 mode 322 323
Z-pinch, stability of the m = 1 mode 324 326 328
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