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Krall N., Trivelpiece A. — Principles of Plasma Physics |
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"Alice" device 281—283
"Fourth state of matter" 1—2
"Snow-plow" model 44 124—126
2X experiment 273—275
Aamodt, R.E. 658
Abraham-Shrauner, Barbara 655
Adiabatic invariant in particle motion 614 627—628
Adlam, J. 655
Akhiezer, A.I. 441
Akhiezer, I.A. 441
Albares, D. 51
Alexeff, I. 655
Alfven waves 11 106—108 121—122 192—193 212 416
Alfven waves, fire-hose instability of 228—229
Alfven waves, velocity of 107
Alfven, H. 8
Allen, C.W. 186
Allen, J. 655
Allis, W.P. 213 441
Anderson, D.A. 658
Anderson, J.E. 128 213
Anderson, K.A. 40
Anderson, O.A. 657
Angerami, J.J. 189
Anisotropic ions, instability due to, in cold electron background 494
Anisotropic ions, instability due to, in hot electron background 493
Anisotropic plasmas, bimaxwellian, electromagnetic instability of 488—493
Anisotropic plasmas, instabilities in 482—483
Anisotropic plasmas, magnetized, stability of 495—496
Anker-Johnson, B. 659
Appleton — Hartree equation 181
Armstrong, T.P. 656
Artsimovich, L.A. 128 285 511 658
Astron 283—285
Auer, R. 655
Babikin, M.A. 654
Bachynski, M.R. 128 214
Baker, D.A. 657
Baker, J.C. 589
Baker, W.R. 658
Baldwin, D.E. 162 166
Balescu — Lenard equation 602—604
Balescu, R. 77 600
Ballistic effect 392 539
BBGKY hierarchy 360
Beal, J.W. 283
Beam, relativistic, large current 124
Beam, slowing of, by plasma 301—303
Beam, spreading of, by plasma 304—307
Beard, D.B. 589
Bekefi, G. 51 590 605
Bell, P.R. 479
Bennett, W.H. 100 495
Berk, H.L. 538 656 659
Bernstein modes 407—413
Bernstein, I.B. 256 257 410 411 432 441 445 505 511 514 583 586 587 603
Bers, A. 213 227 441
BGK waves 432—437
Bhatnagar, P.L. 317
Bimaxwellian plasma, electromagnetic instability of 488—493
Bird, M.A. 657
Birdsall, C.K. 656
Birdsall, D.H. 657
Birmingham, T. 599 657
Bishop, A.S. 2 216 265 347
Biskamp, D. 656
Blackbody 3
Blackbody radiation 24 590—592 see
Blears, J. 657
Bobeldijk, C. 658
Bodin, H.A. 511
Bogen, P. 655
Bogolyubov, N.N. 77 360 367 605
Bohm diffusion 20—23 337
Bohm — Cross dispersion 157—158 161 167
Bohm, D. 21 257
Boltzmann II theorem 5
Boltzmann transport equation and Lorentz model for weakly ionized plasma 311—315
Boltzmann transport equation, definition of 312
Boltzmann transport equation, modified 315—317
Book, D.L. 70 554 555 656
Boris, J. R 655 656
Born, M. 360 367 605
boundary conditions 245—246
Boundary conditions, plasma-perfectly conducting rigid-wall interface 246
Boundary conditions, plasma-plasma interface 245
Boundary conditions, plasma-vacuum interface 245
Boundary conditions, sharp 249—251
Bow shock 39 115
Bowers, R. 54
Bowles, K.L. 576
Boyd, G.D. 29
Braginskii, S.I. 128 347
Brandstatter, J.J. 213
Bremsstrahlung, definition of 24 575
Bremsstrahlung, electron-ion 597—599
Breun, R.A. 658
Brillouin flow 117
Brogan, T.R. 342 347
Brown, I.G. 658
Brown, S.C. 35 128 590
Buchsbaum, S.J. 213 441
Budden, K.G. 213 441
Buneman, O. 449 505 657
Burgers, J.M. 656
Burkhardt, I.C. 657
Burlaga, I.F. 659
Burnett, S.C. 657
Burt, P.B. 505
Butt, E.P. 657
Cahill, L.J., Jr. 54
Callen, H.B. 77
Cambel, A.B. 128
Carpenter, d.l. 189 190
Carpenter, J.P. 655
Carruthers, R. 657
Case, K.M. 657
Cavallo, A.J. 658
Cerenkov radiation 25 574—575 595—597
Cerenkov waves 563
Cgs gaussian system of units 644—645
Chandrasekhar, S. 54 505 630
Chang, R.P.H. 658
Chapman — Enskog closure scheme 88
Chapman, S. 5 77 88
Chen, F.F. 46 54
Chew — Goldberger — Low (CGL) theory 119—121 see
Chew, G.F. 119
Chodura, R. 656
Christofilos, N.C. 656 657
Chu, T.K. 511
Clark, M., Jr. 265 286 348
Clauser, F.T. 656
Closure schemes 88
Closure schemes, random-phase approximation 550—551
Coensgen, F.H. 30 53 273
Colchin, R.J. 658
Cold-plasma approximation 227
Colgate, S.A. 658
Collisional plasma relaxation 599—605
Collisional slowing of beam 303
Collisionless Boltzmann equation see "Vlasov equation"
Collisionless damping see "Landau damping"
Collisionless shock wave 18 114—115
Collisionless skin depth 123
Collisions 18—20
Collisions, binary 3
Collisions, binary, rate of 82
Collisions, frequency, choice of, in weakly ionized plasma 321
Computer techniques in plasma physics, bibliography 656—657
| Condit, W.C., Jr. 657
Conductivity in terms of collision frequency 92
Conductivity of fully ionized plasma 307—309
Conductivity of weakly ionized plasma 320—321 330—331
Conductivity, electrical 19
Conductivity, infinite, limit 100
Confinement of high-temperature plasma 13
Confinement, plasma experiments 267—285
Confinement, plasma experiments, closed 275—281
Confinement, plasma experiments, open 267—275
Constants, physical, list of 647
containment see "Confinement"
Conte, S. 431 489
Continuity equation 85—86 324
Controlled thermonuclear fusion 12—16
Controlled thermonuclear fusion and stability theory 265—285
Controlled thermonuclear reactors, objective of 216
Controlled thermonuclear reactors, Project Sherwood 2 265
Controlled thermonuclear reactors, radiation representing energy loss from 24
Conversion factors, list of 647
Coppi, B. 654 658
Correlation function 58—60 356
Correlation function, properties of 62
Correlation function, two-particle 59—63
Correlations 56 556—605
Correlations, triplet 66
Coulomb collisions 289—295
Coulomb collisions, binary 289—291
Coulomb collisions, multiple, deflection of charged particle by 291—295
Coulomb cross section 18—19
Coulomb cross section, multiple scattering cross section 294
Coulomb energy 74—76
Coulomb force 1 56
Coulomb interaction 2
Coulomb plasma, statistical equations for 355 357
Counterstreaming plasmas, instabilities in 481—482
Counterstreaming plasmas, schematic of 23
Cowling, T.G. 5 54 77 88 128 656
Crookes, W. 1
Cross sections see also "Coulomb cross section" "Rutherford "Thomson
Cross sections for fusion of two deuterons 19
Cross sections for nuclear reactions 18
Cummins, W.F. 30 53 273
Cumulants 550—551
Curvilinear coordinates 631—643
Curvilinear coordinates, cylindrical 638—640
Curvilinear coordinates, differential operations in 639
Curvilinear coordinates, spherical 639—643
Cutoff Frequencies 200—201
Cutoff, high-density, of electromagnetic waves 150
Cyclotron radiation 25 52
Cyclotron radiation from plasma in magnetic field 592—594 see
Cyclotron radius see "Larmor radius"
Cyclotron resonance 35 186
Cyclotron waves 416
D'Angelo, N. 33 441
Damm, C.C. 281
Damping, collisional 136
Damping, collisionless see "Landau damping"
Dandl, R.A. 36
Davidson, R.C. 187 454—456 490—492 505 539 550 554 603 605 657
Davis, J.A. 227
Dawson, J.M. 505 599 605 657
DCX 284—285 479—480
De Boer, J. 77 360 367 605
de Hoffman, F. 655
de la Fuente, H.V. 658
Debye correction 65
Debye length 3—4
Debye shielding 4 72
Debye sphere 4
Debye — Huekel theory 4
DeKluiver, H. 654
Delcroix, J.L. 54 214 441
Denisse, J.F. 214 441
Dense Plasma Focus (DPF III) 38
Density as moment of the distribution 6
Density, electric current, defined 83
Density, kinetic energy 141—142
Density, mass and charge, defined 83
Density, zero limit 150
DeSilva, A.W. 654
dielectric constant 167 629
Dielectric constant and wave energy 138—140
Dielectric constant for moving and stationary electrons 16
Dielectric constant for plasma of warm electrons and cold ions 144
Dielectric constant of cold magnetized plasma 178—182
Dielectric constant of field-free fluid plasma 130—133
Dielectric constant, high frequency, for cold homogeneous isotropic plasma 10
Dietz, K.J. 655
Diffusion 20—23
Diffusion coefficient for gas of neutral particles 21
Diffusion coefficient in magnetic field 21
Diffusion coefficient of weakly ionized plasma 320—321
Diffusion coefficient, ambipolar 21 322
Diffusion in weakly ionized magnetized plasma 331—333
Diffusion, ambipolar 21 321—327
Diffusion, ambipolar, across magnetic field 333—339
Diffusion, ambipolar, experimental tests of 336—339
Diffusion, ambipolar, from pulsed line source 325—327
Diffusion, ambipolar, of weakly ionized plasma, in finite-size magnetized plasma 334—336
Diffusion, ambipolar, through a slab 324—325
Diffusion, Bohm 20—23 337
Diffusion, configuration-space 22
Diffusion, loss cone 22—23
Diffusion, resistive 105—106
Diffusion, velocity-space 22—23
Dimarco, J.N. 657
Dippel, K.H. 655
Discharge, low-pressure, cold-cathode 27
Discharge, thermionic-arc 27—29
dispersion 111
Dispersion relation for electromagnetic waves 11
Dispersion relation for longitudinal electrostatic waves 16
Dispersion relation for plasma or space-charge waves associated with a drifting plasma or an electron beam 137 142
Dispersion relation for space charge waves in cold finite plasma in a finite magnetic field 202—206
Dispersion relation for waves propagating in a cold collisionless homogeneous plasma in a uniform magnetic field 181
Dispersion relation for waves right and left circularly polarized 192
Dispersion relation for waves, in a general plasma equilibrium 395—398
Dispersion relation for waves, in a general plasma equilibrium, in nonuniform plasma 207—213
Dispersion relation, characteristics of 10
Dispersion relation, equation for zeros of the dielectric 380
Dispersion, Bohm — Gross 157—158 161 167
Distribution function 5—6 see "Maxwellian
Distribution function, Maxwell — Boltzmann 13—14 53
Distribution function, monotone decreasing, stability of 445—449
Distribution function, multipeaked, stability of 449—458
Distribution function, nonthermal 12
Distribution function, one-body, one-particle 79—82 352
Distribution function, perturbed, local approximation to 424—427
Distribution function, perturbed, local approximation to, for plasma waves 391—395
Distribution function, quasilinear equations for changes in 514—518
Distribution function, reduced 58 352
Distribution function, temperature and other moments of 6
Distribution function, two-body, two-particle 79 352
Distribution function, two-stream 443
Doppler shift 16
Doppler shift in light scattering 53
Double-adiabatic theory 118—122
Double-adiabatic theory, description of Alfven waves 121—122
Double-adiabatic theory, used to close macroscopic fluid equations 228—229
Drake, J.R. 658
Dreicer, H. 655
Drift waves 206—213 230—232 422—427
Drift waves, definition of 206 422
Drift waves, electromagnetic 211—213
Drift waves, electrostatic 208—211
Drift waves, low-frequency, propagating oblique to 430—432
Drift waves, low-frequency, propagating perpendicular to in a low plasma 429—430
Drift waves, polarization of 617—618
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