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Krall N., Trivelpiece A. — Principles of Plasma Physics |
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Radiation, synchrotron, from a plasma in a magnetic field 592—594
Radiation, test sources 595—599
Random-phase approximation 550—551
Ratcliffe, J.A. 128 214
Rawcliffe, A.S. 657
Rayleigh — Jeans law 592
Rayleigh — Taylor instability 50 215—221 233 235 249—251
Rayleigh — Taylor instability with a sharp boundary 249—251
Rayleigh — Taylor instability with exponential density variations 248—249
Rayleigh, Baron John W.S. 1 233
Reactors see "Controlled thermonuclear reactors"
Reflection coefficient 157
Reid, G.W. 278
Relativistic beams, large current 124
Relaxation, collisional plasma 301—307 599—605
Rem, J. 658
Resistive diffusion 105—106
resistivity 42
Resistivity in terms of collision frequency 92
Resonant-mode coupling 552—553
Ribe, F.L. 657
Rigid-rotor equilibria 117—118
Ripin, B.H. 395
Roberts, K.V. 97 438 538 656
Roberts, S.J. 656
Rogister, A. 568
Rosa, R.J. 343—347
Rose, D.J. 54 265 286 348 655
Rosenbluth, M.N. 235 238 257 269 295 348 438 497 505 511 557 589 600 656
Rostoker, N. 66 286 438 557 600
Rotational transform 277
Rothmann, M.A. 658
Rudakov, L.I. 654
Rudmin, J.W. 658
Rutherford cross section 18
Rutherford, P.H. 568 655 656
Rynn, N. 33 34
Sagdeev, R.Z. 214 511 514 554 555 655
Sawyer, G.A. 657
Scattering of incoherent radiation from a plasma-density fluctuation 575—588
Scattering, experiments 166—167
Scattering, large angle 19
Scattering, light 53—54
Scattering, ninety degrees 19 293
Scattering, small-angle 19
Scattering, studied by plasma-column resonances 159
Scharer, J.E. 498
Scheuer, P.A.G. 599
Schluter, A. 655
Schmidt, G. 286
Schofield, A.E. 657
Schumann, W.O. 659
Scott, F.R. 480
Scyllac 284
Sesnic, S. 51 52
Shafranov, V.D. 214 441
Shanny, R. 505 657
Shawan, S.D. 189
Sherman, A.E. 30
Shielding of a moving test charge 557—563
Shielding, sheath region around probes 46—49
Shkarofsky, I.P. 128 214
Shock waves 16—18
Shock waves, bibliography 655
Shock waves, bow 39 115
Shock waves, collisionless 18 114—115
Shock waves, conversion to, from solitary waves 18
Shock waves, ion-acoustic 110—115
Shock waves, schematic of 17
Siambis, J.G. 271
Siemon, R.E. 657
Siemsen, F. 655
Simon short-circuit effect 334—336
Simon, A. 54 286 336—339 342 347 425 427 441 449 507 511 599 605
Sinclair, R.M. 658
Single particle trapping 268
Sitenko, A.G. 441
Skin depth, collisionless 123
Skin depth, reactive 152—153 175
Skoryupin, V.A. 654
Sloan, M.L. 658
Smerd, S.F. 592
Smullin, L.D. 26
Solar wind 22 39—40 115
Solid state plasmas, bibliography 659
Solitary waves 16—18 112
Solitary waves in a plasma 17
Solitary waves, ion-acoustic 110—115
Soliton see "Solitary wave"
Space physics, applications of plasma physics to, bibliography 659
Space-charge waves in cold finite plasmas in finite magnetic field 202—206
Space-charge waves in finite plasmas 167—178
Space-charge waves in plasma-filled cylinder in infinite axial magnetic field 168—170
Space-charge waves in warm plasma 143—147
Space-charge waves, definition of 11
Space-charge waves, measured phase characteristics of, in unmagnetized plasma column 206
Space-charge waves, phase velocity of, in finite-size plasma 172
Space-charge waves, two-stream instabilities of 222—228
Spitzer, L., Jr. 54 214 286 321 630
Sprott, J.C. 658
Stability of anisotropic magnetized plasma 495—496
Stability of fluid plasma supported against gravity by magnetic field 230—233
Stability of fluid plasma supported against gravity by magnetic field, drift analysis 230—232
Stability of fluid plasma supported against gravity by magnetic field, energy analysis 232—233
Stability of magnetically confined plasma from macroscopic fluid equations 229—264
Stability of magnetically confined plasma from thermodynamic considerations interchange instability 233—241
Stability of monotone decreasing distributions 445—449
Stability of multipeaked distributions 449—458
Stability of multipeaked distributions in warm plasmas 458—463
Stability of plane plasma-magnetic field interface, energy principle analysis 251—257
Stability of self-confined plasma ( only), energy principle analysis 261—263
Stability of unconfined plasma from macroscopic fluid equations 221—229
Stability, 2X experiment 273—275
Stability, analysis, methods of 220—221
Stability, bibliography 658—659
Stability, boundary, definition of 221
Stability, electromagnetic, of field-free plasma 485—488
Stability, instability in anisotropic plasmas 482—483 488—494
Stability, instability, "kink" 15 263
Stability, instability, beam-plasma system used to investigate 29
Stability, instability, bunching 483—494
Stability, instability, classification scheme for 14—15 218—220
Stability, instability, configuration-space 15—16 219
Stability, instability, definition of 13 442
Stability, instability, electromagnetic 219
Stability, instability, electromagnetic, of anisotropic ions, in background of hot electrons 493
Stability, instability, electromagnetic, of anisotropic ions, in cold background 494
Stability, instability, electromagnetic, of bimaxwellian plasma 488—493
Stability, instability, electromagnetic, pinching 483—494
Stability, instability, electrostatic 219 442—482
Stability, instability, firehose 122 228—229 496
Stability, instability, flute 234—235 238
Stability, instability, gentle-bump 458—463 527—532
Stability, instability, Harris 497—504
Stability, instability, hydromagnetic 217
Stability, instability, interchange 234—235 238
Stability, instability, ion-acoustic 476—478
Stability, instability, loss-cone 235 497—504
Stability, instability, mirror 496
Stability, instability, pinching 463—464 483—495
Stability, instability, plasma wave 13—16
Stability, instability, Rayleigh — Taylor 50 215—221 233 235 248—251
Stability, instability, thermodynamic bounds on field levels and growth rates in unstable plasma 506—511
Stability, instability, turbulent heating by 480—481
Stability, instability, two-stream 449—458
Stability, instability, two-stream, bounds on for 509—511
Stability, instability, two-stream, mechanism of 463—464
Stability, instability, two-stream, of space-charge waves 222—228
Stability, instability, two-stream, quasilinear theory of 532—536
Stability, instability, two-stream, theory, application of 478—482
| Stability, instability, universal 432
Stability, instability, velocity-space 16 23 219 222—228 505 see
Stability, line-tying, influence on 263—264
Stability, macroscopic equations for study of magnetically confined plasmas 241—246
Stability, normal-mode analysis of stability of fluid plasma supported against gravity by magnetic field 246—251
Stability, Nyquist method for 464—476
Stability, Penrose criterion for 464—476
Stability, theory and controlled thermonuclear research 265—285
Stability, Vlasov theory of 442—510
Stallard, B.W. 657
Stamper, J. 654
Statistical equations for Coulomb plasma 355—357
Statistical equations for many-body system 351—355
Statistical equations, closing chain of 357—358
Steele, M. C 659
Steepening for low-amplitude wave 111
Stefan — Boltzmann law for plasma in thermodynamic equilibrium 24
Stellarator 278—280 282
Stepanov, K.N. 441
Steuer, H.H. 654
Stirling, W.L. 655
Stix, T.H. 129 214 441 511
Stokes theorem 638
Storey, l.r.o. 187
Stoss term 601
Stringer, T.E. 449 452 481 482
Sturrock, P. 659
Su, C.H. 395 547
Sudan, R.N. 659
Suhl, H. 203
Surface waves 173—178 203
Symbols, frequently used 647—653
Synchrotron radiation 25 52 186 see
Synchrotron radiation from plasma in magnetic field 592—594
Syrovatskii, S.I. 592
Tamano, T. 658
Tayler, R.J. 441
Taylor, C.E. 657
Taylor, J.B. 97 286 438 656
Tel'kovskii, V.G. 258 269
Teller, E. 14 655
ter Haar, D. 77 80
ter Holt, D. 348
Test particle 557—605
Test particle, drag on 570—573
Test particle, dressed 70
Test particle, path length for scattering 90° of 293
Test particle, potential in plasma 68—70
Thermodynamic bounds on field levels and growth rates in unstable plasma 506—511
Thomas, K.S. 657
Thompson, W.B. 84 286 342 347 425 427 441 449 507 599 605 606
Thomson cross section 53 575
Thonemann, P.C. 657
Tidman, D.A. 110 128 130 214 286 306 314 348 367 441 555 573 594 599 605 606 659
Tokamaks 279—282
Tolman, R.C. 77 594
Tonks, L. 1 157
Toroidal magnetic fields 275—278
Transfer equation, momentum 86—88
Transport coefficients in weakly ionized plasma 318—321
Transport coefficients, resistivity 52
Transport phenomena 288
Transport phenomena in fully ionized plasma 307—311
Transport phenomena in weakly ionized plasma in steady and homogeneous magnetic field 327—333
Transport phenomena in weakly ionized plasma in steady and homogeneous magnetic field, conductivity and Ohm's law 330—331
Transport phenomena in weakly ionized plasma in steady and homogeneous magnetic field, diffusion 331—333
Transport phenomena in weakly ionized plasma in steady and homogeneous magnetic field, mobility 328—330
Transport phenomena, Boltzmann transport equation 311—315
Transport phenomena, momentum transport equation 88 116
Transport theory, bibliography 655—656
Trehan, S.K. 441 511 583 586 587 603
Trivelpiece, A.W. 29 51 52 117 171 176 205 206 214 271 620
Trubnikov, B.A. 367 589 606
Tuck, J.L. 505
Turbulence, weak 23
Turbulent heating, bibliography 654—655
Twiss, R.Q. 505
Two-fluid theory 88—89
Two-fluid theory, used in study of plasma columns 161
Uhlenbeck, G.E. 77 360 367 605
Units, systems of 644—646
Upper hybrid frequency 197
Vandenplas, P.E. 29 214
VanKampen, N.G. 348 367 657
Vedenov, A.A. 77 511 514 554 555
Velikhov, E.R. 511 514
Virial coefficients 56
Virial theorem 65
Vlasov equation 82 369—375
Vlasov equation for Langmuir waves, ion-sound waves, and Landau damping 383—391
Vlasov equation, H theorem, entropy 364
Vlasov equation, kinetic equation in zero order 358—359
Vlasov equation, linearized 369—375
Vlasov equation, nonlinear 512—554
Vlasov equation, properties of 360—366
Vlasov equation, time-asymptotic solutions for 375—380
Vlasov waves versus fluid waves 437—439
Vlasov, A.A. 358
Volkov, T.F. 128
Vural, B. 659
Wada, J.Y. 33
Wagner, C.E. 490—492
Walker, L. 203
Walker, R.L. 382
Ward, G. 54
Ware, K.D. 655
Warwick, J.W. 592
Watson, K. M 505
Wave breaking 110
Wave energy 138—143 572
Wave energy and dielectric constant 138—140
Wave energy, negative and positive 138—143
Wave theory, weak coherent 513—514
Wave-particle interactions, linear (and quasilinear) 551—552
Wave-particle interactions, nonlinear 553—554
Wave-wave interaction, resonant 552—553
Waves 9—12 440 see
Waves in cold magnetized plasma 178—200
Waves in cold magnetized plasma, Vlasov theory of 407
Waves in field-free plasma equilibrium 398—402
Waves in inhomogeneous magnetized hot plasma 418—427
Waves in uniformly magnetized plasma 402—407
Waves that propagate parallel to equilibrium magnetic field in 414—417
Waves that propagate perpendicular to equilibrium magnetic field in 407—413
Waves, extraordinary 197
Waves, fluid versus Vlasov 437—439
Waves, frequencies, cutoff 200—201
Waves, frequencies, hybrid 201
Waves, frequencies, in typical plasmas 200—201
Waves, frequencies, lower hybrid 201
Waves, group velocity of 10
Waves, helicon 188
Waves, ordinary 197
Waves, phase velocity of 10
Weak turbulence theory 513—514 see
Weakly ionized plasma, ambipolar diffusion of, across magnetic field 333—339
Weakly ionized plasma, diffusion coefficient of 320—321
Weakly ionized plasma, diffusion of, in finite-size magnetized plasma 334—336
Weakly ionized plasma, electrical conductivity of 318—321
Weakly ionized plasma, Lorentz model for 311—315
Weakly ionized plasma, transport coefficients in 318—321
Weakly ionized plasma, transport properties of, in steady and homogeneous magnetic field 327—333
Weakly ionized plasma, transport properties of, in steady and homogeneous magnetic field, conductivity and Ohm's law 330—331
Weakly ionized plasma, transport properties of, in steady and homogeneous magnetic field, diffusion 331—333
Weakly ionized plasma, transport properties of, in steady and homogeneous magnetic field, mobility 328—330
Weenink, M.P.H. 441 583 586 587 603
Weibel, E.S. 490 505
Weinberg, S. 505
Weiss, A.A. 592
Weiss, P.B. 657
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