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Krall N., Trivelpiece A. — Principles of Plasma Physics
Krall N., Trivelpiece A. — Principles of Plasma Physics

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Íàçâàíèå: Principles of Plasma Physics

Àâòîðû: Krall N., Trivelpiece A.


This textbook was developed to provide graduate students in physics and astronomy at the University of Maryland with a comprehensive background in plasma physics. It was designed for a two-semester course, normally taken in the second year of graduate study by students who have completed the usual sequence of graduate courses in classical and statistical mechanics, electro-magnetism, and mathematical methods. It is a basic introduction to the field and assumes no background in plasma physics. Although it was intended as a graduate text, it could be used for an advanced undergraduate course by proper selection of material.

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1973

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 688

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 12.10.2014

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Langmuir oscillations, distribution function for, perturbed      391—395
Langmuir oscillations, echoes of      539—549
Langmuir oscillations, electron trapping in a single      536—539
Langmuir oscillations, emission of, drag on test particle      570—573
Langmuir oscillations, high-frequency      383—388
Langmuir oscillations, instability of      13 see
Langmuir oscillations, perturbations, solutions of linearized Vlasov equations for      371—375
Langmuir oscillations, propagating parallel to equilibrium magnetic field in magnetized hot plasma      414—417
Langmuir oscillations, space-charge      11 see
Langmuir oscillations, space-charge in finite plasmas      167—178
Langmuir oscillations, space-charge, dispersion relation of      142
Langmuir oscillations, Vlasov theory of      383—391
Langmuir oscillations, Vlasov theory of small-amplitude waves in field-free plasma equilibrium      400
Langmuir, I.      1 46
Larmor radius      7—8 22
Laser, Q-switched      39
Lauer, E.J.      268
Laval, G.      658
Lawson condition      265
Lawson, J.D.      265
Lazar, N.H.      479
Lehnert, B.      286 656
Lenard, A.      600 605
Lencioni, D.E.      658
Leonard, S.L.      42 46 49 53 153 605
Leontovich, M.A.      77 128 214 257 286 347 367 425 427 441 511 554 555 606
Lichtenberg, A.J.      51 52 630
Liewer, P.C.      505
Lifshitz, E.M.      60 64 110 139 215
Line tying, stabilizing influence of      263—264
Linhart, J.G.      286
Linlor, W.I.      39
Liouville equation      79—82 352 600
Liouville theorem      447 449
Lochte-Holtgreven, W.      53 576 588 606
Loeb, L.B.      27
Longitudinal invariant      628
Longmire, C.L.      54 128 181 235 238 257 286 438 630
Lorentz ionization      281
Lorentz model      317
Lorentz model for weakly ionized plasma      311—315
Lovberg, R.H.      18 42 44 49 511 554
Low, F.E.      119
Low-frequency waves that propagate parallel to magnetic field in cold magnetized plasma      193—196
Low-frequency waves that propagate perpendicular to magnetic field in cold magnetized plasma      199—200
Low-frequency waves, drift, in nonuniform plasmas      206—213
Lubin, M.J.      41
Luc, H.      658
Luest, R.      54 655
MacDonald, W.M.      269 295 348
Macklin, R.J., Jr.      479
Macroscopic equations, chain of      88
Macroscopic equations, closure scheme for      88
Magnetic cusp configuration      258—259 269
Magnetic mirror field, configuration used for confinement      20—23
Magnetic mirror field, experiments      267—269
Magnetic mirror field, schematic of plasma confined by      234
Magnetic mirror field, stabilized      269—273
Magnetic mirror point      623
magnetic moment      627
Magnetic pressure      7 100 629—630
Magnetic Reynolds number      95
Magnetic sound      200
Magnetic surfaces      98
Magnetization in a plasma      628—629
Magnetohydrodynamics      89—118
Magnetohydrodynamics, approximations of      94 96—97
Magnetohydrodynamics, equilibrium pinch, example      100—103
Magnetohydrodynamics, one-fluid equations      241—242 see "One-fluid
Magnetosonic wave      122 200 413
Magnus, W.      631
Malmberg, J.H.      395 539 541 548 549
Manheimer, D.M.      655
Mann, L.W.      657
Many-body system      55 78
Many-body system, microscopic equations for      350—351
Many-body system, statistical equations for      351—355
Many-body theory      2
Marshall gun      see "Plasma guns"
Marshall, J.      32
Maschke, E.K.      658
Massey, H.S.H.      441
Mathematical formulae, list of      631—643
Mather, J.W.      37 655
Mathews, J.      382
Maxwell — Boltzmann distribution function      13—14 53 see
Maxwell — Boltzmann statistics      57
Maxwellian distribution      6 208
Mayer cluster expansion      59 356 358
Mayer, J.E.      59
Mayer, M.G.      59
Mazzucato, E.      654
McDaniel, Earl W.      348 606
Meade, D.M.      658
Mean free path      19
Mean velocity      6
Mercier, C.      658
Metaequilibrium      3 see
Metaequilibrium, Vlasov, stability of      364—366
MHD generators      340—347
MHD generators, experimental example      344—347
MHD generators, Faraday, sketch of      342
MHD generators, Hall, sketch of      342
MHD generators, ionization      341—343
MHD generators, temperature requirement      343—344
Microscopic equations for many-body system      350—351
Microwave cyclotron resonance      33—37
Microwave interferometer      154—156
Microwave transmission method of measuring plasma properties      153—157
Mikhailovskii, A.B.      214 425 427 441 511
Miller, R.      655
Minardi, E.      437
Mirror instability      496 see
Mirror loss cone      22 see
Mitchell, J.      657
MKSA system of units      645—646
Molvik, A.W.      658
Momentum transfer equation      86—88
Montgomery, D.C.      214 286 306 314 348 367 441 594 605 606 655 656
Morawetz, C.S.      655
Morse, P.M.      631 637
Morse, R.L.      657
Mott-Smith, H.      46
Munger, R.H.      657
Muskhelishvili, N.I.      376
Navier — Stokes theory      94
Neidigh, R.V.      336 655
Nesterikhin, Y.      654
Neutral injection devices      281—283
Newcomb — Gardner theorem      445—449
Newcomb, W.A.      445
Nexen, W.E.      53 273
Nickel, J.C.      161 166 167
Nielson, C.W.      657
Nishihara, K.      655
Nonlinear theory      512—554
Nonneutral plasma      116—118
Normal mode, analysis      246—251
Normal mode, bibliography      657
Northrop, T.G.      630
Nyquist method      464—476
O'Brien, B.J.      54
O'Neil, T.M.      66 395 536 539 541 547—549 554 555
Oberhettinger, F.      631
Oberman, C.      395 547 568 599 606
Ochs, G.R.      576
Ogilvie, K.W.      659
Ohkawa, T.      658
Ohm's law and conductivity in weakly ionized magnetized plasma      330—331
Ohm's law, generalized      91
Ohm's law, simplified      94
Okuda, H.      656
One-fluid theory      89—118
One-fluid theory, approximations used in      92—95
One-fluid theory, MHD equations      241—242
One-fluid theory, Navier — Stokes theory      94
One-fluid theory, One-fluid theory, equations of      90—92
One-fluid theory, simplified equations of      95—97
One-fluid theory, variables of      90
Orbit theory, plasma properties from      628—630
Ordinary mode      408—409
Osher, J.E.      53
Oxley, C.L.      51
Papadopoulos, K.      505 657
Parker, E.N.      54
Parker, J.V.      161 166 167
Particle drifts      7—9 607—630
Particle drifts, $\mathbf{E} \times \mathbf{B}$      8
Particle drifts, curvature      626
Particle drifts, gradient $\mathbf{B}$      8—9
Particle motion      607—630
Particle motion in homogenous large-amplitude plane electromagnetic wave      618—621
Particle motion in slowly varying homogeneous electric and magnetic fields      613—615
Particle motion in static homogeneous electric and magnetic fields      608—613
Particle motion in static homogeneous magnetic field and rapidly varying small-amplitude electric field      615—618
Particle motion in static inhomogeneous magnetic fields      621—627
Particle motion in static inhomogeneous magnetic fields with curvature      626—627
Particle motion in static inhomogeneous magnetic fields with longitudinal gradient      622—624
Particle motion in static inhomogeneous magnetic fields with transverse gradient      624—626
Particle motion, equations of      608
Paul, J.W.M.      655
Pearlstein, L.D.      659
Pease, R.S.      657
Pechacek, R.E.      54 117 395
Pellat, R.      658
Penrose criterion for stability      464—476
Penrose function      472
Penrose, R.      465
Perkins, W.A.      511
Perulli, M.      659
Perveance $(I/V^{3/2})$      124
Phase mixing      395
Phillips, J.A.      657
Pierce, J.R.      138 227 449
Pinch      13—15
Pinch, $\theta$      123—125
Pinch, Bennett      495
Pinch, dynamic      42—45 48—49 100 123—128
Pinch, equilibrium      100—103 127—128
Pinch, Z      123 125
Pinching      483—495
Pinching, instabilities      463—464 494—495
Pines, D.      514 659
Pipes, L.A.      631
Plane plasma interface, reflection and transmission coefficients      151
Plane plasma interface, stability of magnetic field      257—261
Plane waves in cold plasma      147—153
Plasma approximation in plasma stability problem      216
Plasma approximation, definition of      4
Plasma approximation, representing an idealized plasma      67
Plasma approximation, weak coupling      71
Plasma beta      7
Plasma capacitor      71—73
Plasma column, resonances of      157—167
Plasma diagnostics with microwaves      153
Plasma focus, dense-plasma focus      37—39
Plasma focus, Los Alamos DPF III      38
Plasma frequency      9 see
Plasma guns      30—32 37
Plasma guns, Marshall gun      32
Plasma guns, occluded gas source      30—31
Plasma kinetic equation      see "Kinetic equation"
Plasma measurements      41—54
Plasma measurements, atomic spectroscopy in      50—51
Plasma measurements, current and voltage      42—45
Plasma measurements, photography in      50—51
Plasma measurements, radiation, systems to investigate      51
Plasma measurements, single-particle      51—53
Plasma measurements, use of lasers in      53
Plasma oscillations      see "Langmuir oscillations"
Plasma parameter "g"      4—5 57 66
Plasma probes      45—50
Plasma probes, electrostatic (Langmuir)      46—48
Plasma probes, magnetic      48—50
Plasma production      25—41
Plasma production, alkali metal vapor      33
Plasma production, dense-plasma focus      37—39
Plasma production, ELMO      36
Plasma production, guns      30—32 37
Plasma production, laser-produced      39—41
Plasma production, Q machines      33—34
Plasma production, rf-produced      33—37
Plasma production, rf-produced, cyclotron resonance      35
Plasma production, solar      39
Plasma properties      41—54 98—104
Plasma properties from orbit theory      628—630
Plasma properties, collective      68
Plasma properties, described by one-fluid and MHD models      98—118
Plasma properties, equilibrium pinch      100—103
Plasma properties, incompressibility      109—110
Plasma properties, isobaric surfaces      98—100
Plasma properties, isothermal atmosphere      104
Plasma properties, magnetic pressure      100
Plasma properties, microwave transmission method of measuring      153—157
Plasma properties, single-particle      68
Plasma radiation      see "Radiation"
Plasma waves      see "Langmuir oscillations"
Plasmapause      189
Polarization drift      617—618
Polk, D.H.      26 39
Polovin, R.V.      441
Ponomarenko, A.      654
Porkolab, M.      658
Porter, G.D.      657
Post, R. R      54 286
Postma, H.      658
Poynting vector      140
Prater, R.      658
Pressure balance, circular field lines      102
Pressure balance, straight and parallel field lines      100
Pressure tensor      84
Pressure tensor as moment of the distribution      6
probes      see "Plasma probes"
Probkotron-5 (PR-5)      271—272
Project Sherwood      2 265
Putley, E.H.      51
Pyle, R.      658
Q machine      33—34
Quasilinear equations      514—518
Quasilinear equations, diffusion      517
Quasilinear plateau      530
Quasilinear theory      513—514
Quasilinear theory of two-stream instability      532—536
Quasilinear theory, conservation of particles, momentum and energy in      518—520
Quasilinear theory, gentle-bump instability in      527—532
Quasilinear theory, Landau damping in      520—527
Quasilinear theory, nonlinear wave-particle interactions of      549—554
Quinn, W.E.      657
Radiation      23—25 556—605
Radiation and electromagnetic fluctuations      573—575
Radiation from and in a plasma      590—592
Radiation, blackbody      24
Radiation, Cerenkov      25 574—575 595—597
Radiation, cyclotron      25 52 186
Radiation, cyclotron, from a plasma in a magnetic field      592—594
Radiation, Doppler shift of      53
Radiation, emission of, Kirchhoff's law      588—590
Radiation, impurity      25
Radiation, incoherent, scattering of      575—588
Radiation, synchrotron      25 52 186
1 2 3 4 5
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