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Beyer H.F., Shevelko V.P. — Introduction to the Physics of Highly Charged Ions |
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Absorption 26 29 57 269
Absorption edge 66 251 252
Absorption lines 27
Absorption profile 152
Absorption, cross section 271
Absorption, kinematics 70
Absorption, recoil-free 71
Absorption, spectra 26
Abundance 3
Acceleration, longitudinal 101
Acceleration, resonant 127
Accelerator, betatron 127
Accelerator, ion 123
Accelerator, phasotron 129
Accelerator, RF 127
Accelerator, RFlinac 129
Accelerator, RFQ 137
Accelerator, synchrotron 136
Accelerator, Van de Graaff 126
Atomic core 173 179
Atomic mass 2
Atomic particle 3 28
Atomic shell 2 77 176
Atomic structure 172
Auger decay 196 296 332
Aurora 8 42
Autoionization 87 198 262 284
Autoionization probability 200 298
Betatron oscillation 127
Bethe logarithm 282
Bethe — Bloch equation 146
Black-body radiation 28
Bohr formula 79 172
Bohr magneton 205
Bohr model 77
Bohr postulates 78
Bohr radius 80 81
Boltzmann constant 29
Boltzmann law 31 89
Bouguer — Lambert — Beer law 251
Bragg reflection 39
Breit operator 219
Breit — Dirac Hamiltonian 220
Breit — Wigner profile 298
Bremsstrahlung 98
Bremsstrahlung elementary process 109
Bremsstrahlung, atomic 111
Bremsstrahlung, nucleus-nucleus 110
Bremsstrahlung, quasi-free 111
Bremsstrahlung, secondary-electron 111
Bremsstrahlung, spatial distribution 102
Bremsstrahlung, spectral distribution 105
Brightness luminance 24
Brightness of x-ray sources 122
Camera obscura 40
Classical charge radius 3 102
Coefficient absorption 66 251
Coefficient attenuation 251
Coefficient rate 88 263
Coefficient, Einstein 30
Coherence 33 120
Compton scattering 66
Compton wavelength 68
Continuity equation 92
Cooling force 145
Cosmic barcode 24
Cosmic x-ray sources 11
Coulomb, field 4 28 80
Coulomb, interaction 309
Coulomb, potential 83 206
Cross section capture 168
Cross section definition 87
Cross section ionization 168
Crossed-beams technique 310
Cyclotron accelerator 128
Cyclotron frequency 128
Darwin (contact) term 220
de Broglie wavelength 43
Debye length 93
Debye screening 92
Degeneration 81 234
Detailed balance, principle of 267 291 298
Dielectronic capture 295
Dielectronic probability 298
Dielectronic recombination 87 262 277 295
Dielectronic resonance 301
Dielectronic satellites 176 297
Diffraction 32
Dipole transition 175 183
Dirac equation 204
Distribution charge-state 98 140 169
Distribution, Boltzmann 89 265
Distribution, Maxwell 74 88 147 263
Distribution, Planck 29 265
Distribution, Saha 90 265
Doppler broadening 249
Doppler effect 45 71
Doppler formula 48 52
Doppler profile 75
Doppler shift 51 121
Doppler width 203
Earth's atmosphere 4 57
Earth's ionosphere 5
Earth's magnetosphere 5
EBIS (electron-beam ion source) 166
EBIT (electron-beam ion trap) 166
Einstein coefficient 30 270
Electric dipole transition 184 185 190
Electric quadrupole moment 212
Electric quadrupole transition 185
Electron beam ion source (EBIS) 166
Electron beam ion trap (EBIT) 166
Electron capture 72 262 308 316
Electron classical radius 3 102
Electron cooling 142 145
Electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) 94
Electron impact ionization 95 281
Electron temperature 147 264
Emittance 134
Equilibrium, non-thermal 265
Equilibrium, thermodynamic 30 88 261
Evaporative cooling 170
Faraday's law 125
Feynman diagram 215
Fine structure 204
Fine-structure constant 120
Finite-size correction 209
Fluorescence yield 298
Focusing mechanisms 132
Forbidden transition 194
Fourier transform 33 105
Fusion, criterion 155
Fusion, heavy-ion driven 322
Fusion, thermonuclear 153
Gaunt factor 109
Heisenberg uncertainty principle 36
Hohlraum 326
Hollow atoms 327
Hyperfme splitting 211
Impact parameter 108
Interference 32
Intra-beam scattering 149
Ion accelerator 123
Ion cooler ring 141
Ion source 86
Ion-ion collisions 308
Ionization multiple 90
| Ionization, auto 196
Ionization, direct 281
Ionization, electron impact 95 261
Ionization, potential 95
Ionization, radiative 87
Ionization, resonant 287
Ionization, step-by-step 168
Kirchhoff's laws 26 57
Klein — Rosseland formula 275
Lamb shift 214
Lambert's law 251
Landau — Ziner model 316
Lande factor 242
Lande rule 221
Langmuir oscillations 92
Laplace equation 93
Larmor frequency 94
Larmor radius 147
Laser cooling 56
Lawson criterion 155
Lienard — Wiechert potential 100
Lifetime, excited states 76 195
Lifetime, ion beam 142
Lifetime, radiative 195
Lightning 6
Line broadening 75 249
Line emission 26 57 247
Line polarization 258
Line profile 75
Line shape 74 246
line width 246 253
Liouville's theorem 134
Lorentz force 94
Lorentz gauge 99
Lorentz profile 76
Lorentz — Einstein transformation 49
Magnetic dipole moment 212
Magnetic effects 211
Magnetic field 22 76 93 240 307
Magnetic lenses 45
Magnetic rigidity 142
Mass defect 3 154
Mass number 3
Maxwell's equations 22
Microscope, scanning electron 44
Microscope, scanning tunneling 17
Microscope, x-ray 39
Moller interaction 287
Mossbauer effect 70
Multiplet 221
Multipole 159 175 186
Nuclear magneton 212
Nuclear-size correction 215
Oscillator strength 186 273
Over-barrier model 329
Parity 175
Partition function 265
Pauli equation 205
Photo excitation 261
Photo ionization 251 261
Photo recombination 262 302
Photo-electric effect 61 63
Photon 29
Pinhole camera 40
Planck constant 25
Planck formula 29
Plasma frequency 91
Plasma ion sources 13
Plasma neutralizer 309
Plasma parameters 90
Plasma processes 260
Plasma self heating 157
Plasma thermodynamic equilibrium 88
Plasma, non-equilibrium 265
Plasma, toroidal 153
Plasmon frequency 332
Pointing vector 101
Poisson equation 92
Polarizability 228
Polarization of radiation 256
Radiation power 115 120
Radiation quantum nature 61
Radiation spectrum 22
Radiation, black-body 28
Radiation, monochromatic 24
Rate coefficient 88 263 303
Rate equation 96
Rayleigh — Jeans formula 29
Resonance condition 296 298
Resonance strength 299
Resonant absorption 71
Resonant acceleration 127
Resonant defect 316
Resonant ionization 287
Resonant, elastic scattering 278
Resonant, electron capture 316
Resonant, electron heating 159
Resonant, excitation 277
Resonant, excitation auto-double ionization 287
Resonant, excitation double autoionization 287
Rosen — Ziner — Demkov model 316
Rydberg constant 79 172
Rydberg formula 77
Saha equation 292
Scattering, basic experiment 61
Scattering, Compton 62 66
Scattering, intra-beam 149
Scattering, Thomson 62
Schrodinger equation 61 202
Selection rules 182 199 237 242 271
Separatrix (HF bucket) 131
Solar chromosphere 10
Solar corona 1 10
Solar flare 10
Solar photosphere 10
Solar spectra 2 58
Solar wind 10
Spin-orbit interaction 180 208
Stark effect 232
Stark effect in H-like ions 238
Stark effect, linear 236
Stochastic cooling 149
Stopping power 141
Stopping, potential 65 66
Storage ring 141
Synchrotron oscillations 131
Thomson cross section 281 282
Thomson scattering 62
Three-body (ternary) recombination 87 262 281 290 294
Tokamak 153
Transition probability 186
Two-photon transition 190 193
Undulator 120
van Huygen's principle 32
Van Regemorter formula 273
Wannier's law 283
Wave, mechanics 61
Wave, period 22
Wave, vector 21
wavefunction 80 81 183 220 287 300
Wavelength 21 25
Weisskopf theory 246
Wideroe condition 127
Wien's Law 31
Wiggler 120
work function 64 330
X-ray spectra 12 110 223
Zeeman effect 240
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