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Поиск книг, содержащих: Ambiguous grammar
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Terry P.D. — Compliers and Compiler Generators: An Introduction With C++ | 104, 125, 133 | Allouche J.-P., Shallit J. — Automatic Sequences: Theory, Applications, Generalizations | 144 | Hein J.L. — Discrete Mathematics | 146 | Hopcroft J.E., Motwani R., Ullman J.D. — Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation | 205—212, 249—251, 302, 404—406 | Brookshear J.G. — Computer Science: An Overview | 300 | Hein J.L. — Discrete Structures, Logic, and Computability | 143 | Aho A.V., Ullman J.D. — The Theory of Parsing, Translation, and Compiling, Volume 1: Parsing | 143, 163, 202—207, 281, 489—490 (see also “Unambiguous grammar”) | Hein J.L. — Theory of Computation: An Introduction | 47 | Marques de Sa J.P. — Pattern recognition: concepts, methods, and applications | 253 | Ginsburg S. — The mathematical theory of context-free languages | 31, 139, 183 | Lewis H.R., Papadimitriou C.H. — Elements of the Theory of Computation | 128 | Ginsburg S. — The mathematical theory of context-free languages | 31, 139, 183 | Hopcroft J.E., Ullman J.D. — Introduction to automata theory, languages, and computation | 87, 200, 255 (see also Inherent ambiguity) | Brookshear J. — Computer Science | 300 | Aho A.V., Ullman J.D. — The Theory of Parsing, Translation, and Compiling. Volume II: Compiling | 143, 163, 202—207, 281, 489—490, 662—663, 678, 711—712, see also "Unambiguous grammar" | Brady J.M. — The theory of computer science: A programming approach | 87ff | Sipser M. — Introduction to the Theory of Computation | 97, 196 | Rubinoff M., Yovits M. — Advances in Computers, Volume 14 | 82 | Nievergelt J., Farrar J.C., Reingold E.M. — Computer approaches to mathematical problems | 39 |