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Hopcroft J.E., Ullman J.D. — Introduction to automata theory, languages, and computation
Hopcroft J.E., Ullman J.D. — Introduction to automata theory, languages, and computation

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Íàçâàíèå: Introduction to automata theory, languages, and computation

Àâòîðû: Hopcroft J.E., Ullman J.D.


It has been more than 20 years since this classic book on formal languages, automata theory, and computational complexity was first published. With this long-awaited revision, the authors continue to present the theory in a concise and straightforward manner, now with an eye out for the practical applications. They have revised this book to make it more accessible to today's students, including the addition of more material on writing proofs, more figures and pictures to convey ideas, side-boxes to highlight other interesting material, and a less formal writing style. Exercises at the end of each chapter, including some new, easier exercises, help readers confirm and enhance their understanding of the material.

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$A$-transducer      282
$k$-limited erasing      see Limited erasing
$L$-system      390—393
$LR$ (0) grammar      248—260 267—268
$LR$ item      see Item
$LR$($k$) grammar      260—264
$S_{mn}$ theorem      207
$\mathcal{NP}$      320—324 362—365
$\mathcal{P}$      320—324 362—365
Aanderaa, S. O.      319
Abstract family of languages      277—280
Accepting state      see Final state
Ackermann’s function      175
Ackley, S. I.      46 54
Adelman, L.      375—376
AFL      see Abstract family of languages
Aho, A. V.      54 75 106 124 227 268 284 394
Algol      268
Algorithm      146—147
Alphabet      2
Ambiguous grammar      87 200 255
Ancestor      4
Arbib, M. A.      54
ARC      2
Arden, D. N.      54
Asymmetry      7
atom      355
Auxiliary pushdown automaton      377—381 385 393
Axiomatic complexity      312—314
Axt, P.      319
Backus — Naur form      78
Backus, J. W.      106
Baker, B. S.      216
Baker, T.      376
Bar — Hillel, Y.      76 145 216
Beeri, C.      269 394
Berman, L.      375
Bird, M.      76 284
BLANK      148
Blattner, M.      395
Blum, M.      319
Blum’s axioms      313
Blum’s speed-up theorem      308—310
Boasson, L.      145
Book, R. V.      216 319 375
Boolean expression      324—325
Borodin, A.      319
Borodin’s gap theorem      306—307
Borosh, I.      374
Brainerd, W. S.      176
Bruno, J. L.      374
Bruss, A. R.      375
Brzozowski, J. A.      54
Bullen, R. H., Jr      54
Canonical order      168—169
Cantor, D. C.      106 216
Cardoza, E.      376
Cartesian product      5
Celoni, J. R.      319
CFG/CFL      see Context free grammar/language
Chandler, W. J.      284
Chandra, A. K.      376
Checking off symbols      155—156
Chomsky hierarchy      217—232
Chomsky normal form      92—94
Chomsky, N.      106 123 145 216 232
Christofides, N.      375
Chromatic number problem      341 369
Church, A.      176
Church’s hypothesis      147 166
Circuit value problem      370
Clique cover problem      365
Clique problem      365 369
Closure      see Kleene closure
Closure properties      59—63 130—136 230 233 235—247 270—284 365 392
Closure, of a relation      8
Co-$\mathcal{NP}$      341—342
Cobham, A.      374
Cocke, J.      145 (see also CYK algorithm)
Code generation problem      367
Coffman, E. G.      374
Cole, S. N.      269
Compiler      122—123
Complementation      59 135 179—180 204 235—239 279 281 342 392
Complete problem      323—354
Complexity class      288
Computable function      9—10
Computation, of a Turing machine      201—202 211—212
Computational complexity      285—376
Concatenation      1—2 28 59 131 230—231 246 266 278 280
Configuration      379 (see also Instantaneous description)
Congruence relation      74
Conjunctive normal form      325 328
Constable, R. L.      319
Containment problem      203
Containment property      189
Containment, of sets      5
Context-free grammar/language      9 77—145 115—120 189 203—206 228 246—247 270 281 395
Context-sensitive grammar/language      223—228 270 346—347 390 393
Conway, J. H.      54
Cook, S. A.      124 176 306 319 350 374—375 394
Corasick, M. J.      54
Countable set      6
Counter machine      123 171—173
Cremers, A.      284
Crossing sequence      38 314—315 318
CSG/CSL      see Context-sensitive grammar/language
Cudia, D. F.      216
CYCLE      72 142—144 281
CYK algorithm      139—141
Davis, M.      176
dead state      236
Decidable problem      178 (see also Undecidable problem)
Decision properties      63—65 137—141 230 247 281 393 395
DeRemer, F. L.      268
Derivation      80 84—87 220 389
Derivation tree      82—87
Descendant      4
Deterministic CSL      229
Deterministic finite automaton      19 (see also Finite automaton)
Deterministic language      see Deterministic pushdown automaton
Deterministic pushdown automaton      112—113 121 233—269 281
DFA      see Deterministic finite automaton
Diagonalization      182—183 364
Digraph      see Directed graph
Directed graph      2 (see also Transition diagram)
Distinguishable states      68—69
Domain      6
dspace      see Space complexity
DTIME      see Time complexity
Dyck language      142
Earley, J.      145
EDGE      2
Effective closure      59 205
Effective procedure      see Algorithm
Emptiness problem      63—64 137 189 281 348—349
Empty set      28
Empty stack, acceptance by      112 114—115 254
Empty string      1—2 28
Encoding, of a Turing machine      181—182
Endmarker      51 166 377 381
Enumeration      167—170 189 228
Epsilon — CLOSURE      25
Epsilon-free GSM      272
Epsilon-free GSM mapping      272 274 280
Epsilon-free homomorphism      270 278 280
Epsilon-free regular set      271
Epsilon-move      24—27 239 264
Epsilon-production      90—92
Equivalence class      7 11—12 66—67
Equivalence problem      64—65 281
Equivalence relation      7 65—66
Equivalent states      68
Euclid      8
Even, S.      375
Evey, J.      123—124
Exact cover problem      341 367
FA      see Finite automaton
Family of languages      270 (see also Abstract family of languages. Trio)
Father      4
Fermat's conjecture      179
Ferrante, J.      375
FIN      282
Final state      17 110 148 272
Finite automaton      9 13—54 67—71 250-253
Finite control      17 (see also State)
Finite state system      13—14 (see also Finite automaton)
Finite-turn PDA      143
Finiteness problem      63—64 137—138 189 370
First-order theory      354
Fischer, M. J.      232 319 375 394
Fischer, P. C.      124 176 267 319
Floyd, R. W.      106 145 216
Formal language      see Language
Freedman, A. R.      319
Friedman, A. D.      54
Friedman, E. P.      269
Full AFL      280 (see also Abstract family of languages)
Full time/space constructibility      297—299
Full trio      270—277 280
Gabriellian, A.      284
Gap theorem      see Borodin’s gap theorem
Garey, M. R.      374—375
Gathen, J.      374
Generalized sequential machine      272—276 (see also GSM mapping Inverse
Gill      376
Ginsburg, S.      76 106 124 145 216 232 267 269 284 394
Godel, K.      147 354 371
Gonzalez. T.      375
Graham, R. L.      374
Graham, S. L.      145
Grammar      see Context-free grammar Context-sensitive Regular Type
Graph      2
Gray, J. N.      124
Greibach normal form      94—99
Greibach's theorem      205 393
Greibach. S. A.      106 124 216 232 267 269 284 319 394—395
Griffiths, T. V.      284
Gross, M.      106 216
Grzegorczyk, A.      319
GSM      see Generalized sequential machine
gsm mapping      272—274 280
Haines, L.      267
Halting Turing machine      149 215
Hamilton circuit problem      332—336
Handle      249
Hardy, G. H.      57
Harrison, M. A.      124 145 394
Hartmanis, J.      76 124 145 176 216 319 375
Hayashi. T.      395
Hell. P.      374
Hennie, F. C.      76 176 319
Herman. G. T.      395
Hibbard. T. N.      232
Hilbert, D.      147
Hogben. L.      8
Homomorphism      60—61 132 230—231 246 266 270 278 280 283
Honesty theorem      316
Hopcroft, J. E.      75—76 124 216 227 267—269 284 319 374 394
Huffman, D. A.      54 76
Hunt. H. B., III.      216 374 376
Ibarra. O. H.      124 319
id      see Instantaneous description
III      148—149
Independence of operators      279 282
Indexed language      389—391 393
Inductive hypothesis      4
Infinite set      6
Inherent ambiguity      99—103
INIT      72 142 280 282
Initial state      17 110 272
Input alphabet      17 110 272
Input symbol      148
Input tape      377 389
Instance, of a problem      177
Instantaneous description      36
Integer linear programming      336—340
Interior vertex      4
Interleaving      282
Intersection      5 59 134 204 281 283
Intersection with a regular set      135—136 246 270 278 280 283 392
Intractable problems      320—376
Invalid computation      see Computation
Inverse GSM mapping      272 276 280 392
Inverse homomorphism      61 132—133 230—231 246 270 278 280 283
Inverse substitution      142
Irreflexivity      7
Item      248—252 261
Jefferson, D.      375
Johnson, D. S.      374—375
Johnson, S. C.      268
Johnson, W. L.      46 54
Jones. N. D.      176 375
Kannan, R.      374
Karp, R. M.      374—375
Kasami, T.      145 269
Kernel      368
Kirkpatrick, D. G.      374
Kleene closure      28 59 131 246 266 278 280
Kleene, S. C.      54 176 216
Knuth, D. E.      54 268
Kohavi, Z.      54
Korenjak, A. J.      268—269
Kosaraju, S. R.      76
Kozen, D.      376
Kuroda, S. Y.      232
Laaser, W. T.      375
Ladner. R. E.      319 375—376
Landweber, L. H.      176 232
Language      2 18 80—81 112 149 168
LBA      see Linear bounded automaton
Left-linear grammar      see Regular grammar
Left-matching      39
Leftmost derivation      87
Length, of a string      1
Leong, B.      176
Lesk, M. E.      46 54
Levin, L. A.      375
Lewis, J. M.      374
Lewis, P. M., II      106 124 176 269 319 375
Lexical analyzer      9 54
Lien, E.      375
Limited erasing      275 280
Lindenmayer, A.      395
Linear bounded automaton      225—226
Linear grammar/language      105 143 214 283—284
Linear programming      see Integer linear programming
Linear speed-up      289—291
Lipton, R. J.      376
Literal      325
Logspace reduction      322—323
Logspace transducer      322
Logspace-complete problem      347 349—350
Lookahead set      261
Loop program      317
Lynch, N.      376
Machtey, M.      176
Mager, G.      394
Maibaum, T. S. E.      395
Manders, K.      375—376
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