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Поиск книг, содержащих: ionic bond
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Wolf E.L. — Nanophysics and nanotechnology. An introduction to modern concepts in nanoscience | | Smith M.B., March J. — March's Advanced Organic Chemistry: Reactions, Mechanisms, and Structure | see “Bonding, ionic” | Stansfield W.D. — Schaums outline of genetics | 273 | Raabe D. — Computational materials science | 89, 93 f | Heitler W. — Elementary Wave Mechanics With Applications to Quantum Chemistry | 123 | Feynman R.P., Leighton R.B., Sands M. — The Feynman lectures on physics (vol.2) | II-30-2 | Abraham Taylor — An introduction to X-ray metallography | 106, 109, 139 | Wolf E.L. — Nanophysics and nanotechnology: an introduction to modern concepts in nanoscience | 40 | Mason G.W., Griffen D.T., Merrill J. — Physical Science Concepts | 185-186, 188-189, 193, 195, 197 | Animalu A.O. — Intermediate Quantum Theory of Crystalline Solids | 57, 60 | Israelachvili J.N. — Intermolecular and surface forces | 33—36, 44, 46, 410 | Shankar R. — Principles of quantum mechanics | 370 | Hume-Rothery W. — Atomic Theory for Students of Metallurgy | 82, 105 | Kitaigorodsky A. — Introduction to Physics | 505 | Ashcroft N.W., Mermin N.D. — Solid State Physics | 379, 388 | Leverenz H.W. — An introduction to luminescence of solids | 22, 484—487 | Azaroff L.V. — Introduction to Solids | 216—218 | Goldsmid J., Drabble H. — Thermal Conduction in Semiconductors | 34 | HarrisR. — Nonclassical physics: beyond Newton's view | 310, 416, 426 | Hume-Rothery W. — Electrons, Atoms, Metals and Alloys | 304 | Feynman R., Leighton R., Sands M. — Lectures on Physics 2 | II-30-2 | Askeland D.R. — The Science and Engineering of Materials | 26, 34 | Kittel C. — Introduction to solid state physics | 66 | Liboff R.L. — Introductory quantum mechanics | 535 |