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Поиск книг, содержащих: genetic engineering
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Wolf E.L. — Nanophysics and nanotechnology. An introduction to modern concepts in nanoscience | | Hatrl D.L., Jones E.W. — Genetics: Principles and Analysis | 205, 349, 359—388 | Stansfield W.D. — Schaums outline of genetics | 357—389 | Forsyth R., Naylor Ch. — The Hitch-Hicker's Guide to Artificial Intelligence | 249 | Hartl D.L., Jones E.W. — Genetics: Principles and Analysis | 205, 349, 359—388 | Lerner K.L., Lerner B.W. — The gale encyclopedia of science (Vol. 6) | 1:541, 2:1190, 2:1265, 2:1266, 2:1493, 3:1767—1769, 4:2607 | Cheremisinoff N. — Handbook of engineering polymeric materials | 413 | Hiemenz P.C. (ed.), Rajagopalan R. (ed.) — Principles of colloid and surface chemistry | 11 | Tanimoto S.L. — The elements of artificial intelligence. An introduction using LISP | 2, 177 | Herbert C.G., Johnstone R.A.W. — Mass Spectrometry Basics | 328, 334 | Wolf E.L. — Nanophysics and nanotechnology: an introduction to modern concepts in nanoscience | 152, 156 | Fersht A. — Structure and Mechanism in Protein Science | 401 | Cotterill R.M.J. — Biophysics: An Introduction | 147 | Measures R.M. — Laser remote sensing. Fundamentals and applications | 147 | Knight J. — Science of everyday things (volume 4). Real-life earth science | 3:102—103, 3:117—125, 3:124t | Butler M., Dawson M. (eds.) — Cell Culture Labfax | 186, 189—192 | Shu F.H. — The Physical Universe: An Introduction to Astronomy | 557 | Morkoc H. — Advanced semiconductor and organic nano-techniques | 92 | Kirk R. E. (ed.), Othmer D. F. (ed.) — Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology. Volume 12 | 227 |