Авторизация |
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Tanimoto S.L. — The elements of artificial intelligence. An introduction using LISP |
Предметный указатель |
A* algorithm 160
Abduction: hypothesis formation 251
ABS: absolute value function 154
Absolute value of crossed differences 408
Abstraction: learning 285
ABSTRIPS, reference on 177
Accident: learning 296
Accountability, human 472
Accretion region 443
Acoustic rangefmder 391
Acoustical level: speech 328
Acquisition, image 386
Acquisition, knowledge 129 313
Acquisition, language 297 373
Acquisition, learning 283
Acronym 2
ACRONYM, reference on 449
Action in COND form 26
Active sensing 391
Active voice 327 339
Add axiom 196
add1 19 483
ADD: exercise on rational numbers 87
Additive law: probability 241
ADD_PAIR 206 222
Adjacency, graph representation 149
Adjacency, pixel 398
Adjective 117
Admissibility of A* algorithm 162
Advising 461
Agenda 298 299
Agent 117 327
Aho, A. 131
Algorithm: A* search 160
Aliasing, exercise on 454
Aliasing, sampling 392
Alienation, human 478
Allen, J. 47 373
Alpha cutoff 176
Alpha-beta search 172
Alpha-beta search, reference on 177
Alphabet: language 329
AM 3 91 316
Amacrine cell: vision 381
Ambiguity: syntax 332
Ambiguity: syntax, exercise on 376
Analog-to-Digital Converter 389 394
Anaphora: pronoun reference 350
Anatomy: vision 381
AND 24 483
AND, parallelism 467
AND-OR graph 171
Andrews, H. 448
Andriole, S. 472
Angiosperms: example of relation 125
Angle, solid 388
Antecedent: pronoun reference 351
Antisymmetry 93 131
ANY 97
Apathy, human 478
APPEND 31 483
Append function in exercise on PROLOG 237
Append function in PROLOG 226
APPEND, compared with NCONC 41
Application of AI 8 461
Application of LISP function 34
apply 34 483
APPLY, exercise on 50
Approximate reasoning 276
Approximation in modelling 464
Approximation, polygonal 431
Arbib, M. 449
Arc augmented transition network 349
Arc expression 265
Arc expression, exercise on 279
Arc in definition of graph 93
Arc in semantic net 115
Arch exercise on learning 319
Arch learning example 291
Architecture, parallel 468
Area 302
Area centralis 382
Area seventeen: vision 382
AREA1 302
Argument evaluation of LISP 34
Argument to LISP function 27
Argument, functional 34
Arithmetic expression, exercise on 52
Array for image in LISP 400
Array processor 468
Array use in Stone World 356
Array, three-dimensional 438
ART 465
Art, image formation 387
Art, visual 481
Article 366
Article, indefinite 92
Artificial intelligence definition 6
Artificial intelligence mind 479
Asimov, I. 479 482
Aspect ratio: shape 426
Assert function: PROLOG 227
Assoc axiom 196
Association in semantic net 115
ATN: augmented transition network 349 355
atom 25 483
Atom, LISP definition 16
Atomic proposition 188
Attachment to frame slot 114
Attention, conversation 354
Attention, learning 297
Attribute-value pair in frame 113
Attribute: representation in semantic net 117
Augmented transition network 349
Augmented transition network in Stone World 355
Automatic programming 477
Automobile repair: fuzzy inference 248
Average subspace 409
Axiom in non-monotonic logic 228
Axiom in Principia Mathematica 196
Axiom in Wang's algorithm 190
Axiom input to theorem prover 217
Axiom of probability 241 271
Axon: vision 381
B-tree 373
B-tree in lexicon 338
Babu, K. 448
Backed-up value in game tree 170
Backgammon 177
Background, image 398
Backing up values in game tree 169
Backtracking in an ATN 356
Backtracking in parsing 333
Backtracking LISP implementation 144
Backtracking relation to depth-first search 151
Backtracking search 142
Backups in LISP programming 45
| Backus — Naur form 108
Backward chaining 98 196
BACON: Langley 316
Ballard, D. 448
Banerji, R. 317
Barnett, J. 276
Baroque Chess game, exercise on 184
Barr, A. 12
Barrow, H. 449
Barwise, J. 373
Basic probability assignment 272
Basic probability assignment example 274
Basis vector 409
Bayes' rule 242 252
Bayes' rule, exercises on 279
Bayes' rule, limitation of 271
Bayes' rule, odds-likelihood formulation 253
Bayes, T. 242 276
Bayesian dilemma 257
Be, verb to 92
Belief 240
Belief as probability 242
Belief function 272
Belief, degree of 271
Belief, human 10 478
Belief, religious 479
Belief, semantics 347
Berkeley, E. 47
Berliner, H. 177
Best-first search 154
Best-first search in PYTHAGORUS 298
Beta cutoff 176
Better 156
Binary relation 93 131
Binary relation in semantic net 115
Binary resolvent 207
Binding in function call 27
Binding of LISP variable 34
Binford, T. 2
BINOCULAR stereo 391 440
Binomial coefficient 241
Biochemical computation 476
Biology: theory formation 314
Bipolar cell: vision 381
Blind search 153 157 159
Blocks world example in planning 165
Blocks world in exercise on planning 182
Blocks world vision 381 442
Board evaluation function 169
Bobrow, D. 47 131 374
Boden, M. 482
Book, compared with expert system 478
Book, knowledge source 286
Boolean value in LISP 25
Boose, J. 315 472
Borning, A. 131
Botany: example for knowledge representation 125
Bottom-up parsing 331
Bottom-up parsing, exercise on 377
Boundary of point set 430
Bounding box 426
Boyer, R. 231
Boyle, J. 233
Brachman, R. 131
Brain semantic net 90 115
Brain vision 379 381
Brainwashing: learning 284
Branch 402
BREADTH FIRST SEARCH, exercise on 180
Breadth-first search 152
Breadth-first search, robot planning example 166
break 43 484
Bresnan, J. 373
Brice, C. 449
Briggs, F. 472
British Museum search 140 195
Brodie, M. 131
Brooks, R. 2 449
Brown, C. 448
Bruce, B. 373
Brute-force search 195
Brute-force search, exercise on 179
Buchanan, B. 315
Bundy, A. 231
Burt, P. 448
Buy: example event 338
CAAR 484
CAAR, CADR, etc. 22
CADDR 148 484
cadr 484
Calculus, Dempster — Shafer 271
Calculus, differentiation with LEIBNIZ 71
Calculus, formula manipulation 82
Calculus, predicate 110
Calculus, propositional 108
Camera, CCD 389
Camera, vidicon 389
CAR 20 484
Carbonell, J. 317
Cardiology: motion vision application 442
Careers in AI 8
Caricature, visual 481
Case frame 326 338
Case frame script 340
Case frame, exercise on 376
CAT scanning 387
CAT scanning volume representation 438
Cataloging 296
Category in ISA hierarchy 95
Causal link: semantic primitive 343
CCD camera 390
CCD camera, sensing 389
CDAR 484
CDAR, CDDR, etc. 22
CDDR 484
CDR 22 484
CDR-coding of LISP memory 47 467
Cell, LISP memory 17 20 45
Cellular logic 404
Cellular logic, octagonal closure 427
Cellular logic, references on 449
Cellular space in Stone World 355
Cercone, N. 130
Certainty 240
Chain code 415 431
Chain rule in LEIBNIZ exercise 86
Chaining, backward 196
Chaining, forward 196
Chandrasekaran, B. 472
Chang, C. 231
Change detection 442
Charniak, E. 11 12 47 82
Checkers evaluation function 173
Checkers example of alpha-beta search 173
Checkers game playing 168
Checkers reference on learning in 315
Checkers, Samuel's program 3
Checkers,reference on 177
Chemical computation: learning 285
Chemistry: theory formation 314
Chen, C. 448
Chess as search 139
Chess game playing 168
Chess, alpha-beta search 172
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