Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Tanimoto S.L. — The elements of artificial intelligence. An introduction using LISP |
Предметный указатель |
Production rule learning 287
Production system 53 82
Production system learning 286
Production: grammar 329
PROG 31 487
PROG, implicit 26 484
Projection image formation 381
Projection in relational database 126
Projection integral 428
PROLOG interpreter, exercises on 236
PROLOG, compared with LISP 228
PROLOG, interpreter 220
PROLOG, machine 467
Pronoun exercise on reference 377
Pronoun reference 350
Proof using the Logic Theory Machine 196
Proof using Wang's algorithm 190
Propagation: probabilistic inference 246
Proper Treatment of Quantification 343
Property list 39
Property list frame representation 113
Property list use in INFNET 265
Property list use in LINNEUS 96
Property list use in PARSE 333
Property list use in PROLOG_LSP 223
Property list use in PYTHAGORUS 307
Property list use in search examples 149
Property list use in STONEWLD 362
Property list use in storing relations 96
Proposition: Dempster — Shafer calculus 272
Propositional calculus 108
Propositional calculus in knowledge representation summary chart 129
Propositional calculus proofs 188
Prospecting: probabilistic inference 245
Prospector 3 91 276
PROSPECTOR, subjective-Bayesian updating 258
Prototype expert system 465
Prover 190
PROVER, exercises on 233
Provisional value in game tree 170
Proximity: robotics 391
Pruning: alpha-beta search 172
Psychology: human alienation 479
PTQ: Montague 343
Purpose of AI 7
Purpose of conversation 353
put 361
PUTON: planning macro-operator 168
PUTPROP 39 487
PUTPROP in storing relations 96
Puzzle 140
Pyramid: vision 384
Pyramid: vision, definition of 394
Pyramid: vision, reference on 448
Pythagorus 284 298
PYTHAGORUS in exercise on language understanding 378
PYTHAGORUS, exercises on 320
PYTHAGORUS, limitations 311
Quadramino, exercise on 179
Quadtree 449
Quantification over time 345
Quantification: in language 343
Quantifier in logic exercise 136
Quantifier predicate calculus 111
Quantity, semantics of 344
Quantization, image 394
Quasi-balanced tree, exercise on 50
Query 220
Query in LINNEUS 101
Query in relational database 127
Question answering in LINNEUS 98
Question-mark construct 62
Quillian, M. 132
quote 23 487
Quotient 487
R1 469
Radiance 388 440
Radon transform 418
Radon transform, reference on 448
Raiffa, H. 276
Ramer's algorithm 432
RAMER, exercises on 457
RAMER1 433
Random-dot stereogram 441
Rangefinder 391
Raphael, B. 11 13 132
Ratification, knowledge 477 480
Rational number 87
Re-write rule: grammar 330
READ 38 487
Reasoning, logical 187
Reasoning, probabilistic 239
Receptor: rod or cone 384
Recipient: thematic role 327
Recognition, pattern 380 447
Record, compared with frame 112
Recursion in context-free language 331
Recursive definition 17 27
Recursive function 28
Recursively-enumerable language 331
Reddy, D. 374 452
REDUCE: exercise on rational numbers 87
Reductio ad absurdum proof method 198
Reference time 345
Reference, natural language 350
Reference, spatial 347
Reference, temporal 346
Refinery, knowledge 480
Reflectance map 440
Reflectivity 440
Reflectivity, surface 388
Reflexive property 93 131
Reflexive property, exercise on 133
Region description 424
Region growing 419 422
Region Guzman labelling 445
Region transition 423
Regular language 330
Reiter, R. 231
Reitman, W. 177
Relation, binary 93
Relation, exercises on 133
Relation, n-ary 125
Relation, spatial 347 424
Relational database 90 124 131
Relational database in knowledge representation summary chart 129
Relational database, exercises on 137
Relaxation labelling 416
Relaxation, discrete 446
Relaxation, reference on 448
Relevance, closed-world assumption 128
Relevance, design of probabilistic inference network 251
Religion 7 10 479
Remainder 487
Remote sensing 387
Repertoire: learning 296
REPLACE, exercise on 49
Replacement in the Logic Theory Machine 195
| Representation: message 326
Research: learning 296
RESEMBLES relation: inheritance 106
Resolution strategy 213
Resolution, completeness of 207
Resolution, exercises on 234
Resolution, predicate calculus 198
Resolution, propositional calculus 110 197
Resolution, spatial 382
RESOLVE, exercise on 236
Resolvent 197 204 207
Responsibility, human 478
Restaurant in exercise on PROLOG 237
Restaurant, probabilistic inference example 262
Restriction of concept 306
retina 381
Retract function: PROLOG 227
Retraction: non-monotonic logic 230
RETURN: in PROG 32 487
REVERSE, exercise on 50
Revolution, AI 478
Revolution, computer 10
Reynolds, G. 276
Rhombus 301
Rich, E. 11 13 325
Riesbeck, C. 48 82 342 373
right triangle 301
Riseman, E. 449
Risk 239 244
Roberts' cross 408
Roberts, L. 448
Robinson, J. 231
Robot example in planning 165
Robot in exercise on planning 182
Robot in frame example 112
Robot in physics research 314
Robot in semantic grammar example 349
Robot planning with medial axis transform 431
Robot Stone World example 355
Robot Three Laws 479
Robot vision 442
Rod: vision 381
Rodman, R. 372
Rogerian psychiatrist 65
Role in case frame 326
Roman numeral 54
Rorschach test 481
Rosenblatt, F. 315
Rosenfeld, A. 431 448 449
Route finding: search 150
RPLACA 40 487
rplacd 40 487
Rule, fuzzy inference 246
Rule, inference 109
Rule, production 54
Rule-based system 462
Rule-version space 293
Running approximation 432
Russell, B. 195 231
Russian, translation of 324
S-expression 15 16
S-expression formal definition 17
S-expression, composite 19
S-expression, evaluation of 34
S.1 465
Sacerdoti, E. 177 374
Sagalowicz, D. 374
Sakai, T. 452
Salience: learning 294
SAME, exercise using 85
Samet, H. 449
Sampling, imaging 392
Sampling, polygonal approximation 432
Sampling, rate 392 393
Samuel, A. 3 177 315
Sandewall, E. 47 176
sarcasm 347
satire 347
Satisfaction, constraint 124
Satisfiability 110
Scaffolding 44
SCAN 402
Scanning: vision 389 400
Scene analysis 380
Schank, R. 119 342 373
Schema, circumscription 229
Schema, constraint 120
Schema, frame 113
Schema, script 342
Schwartz, S. 379
Science vs art 6
Scientific discovery 296 316
Scope of negation: clause form 200
Script 340
Script dinner party example 340
Script knowledge representation 90
Search 6 139
Search method 122 140
Search, A* algorithm 160
Search, alpha-beta 172
Search, AND-OR graph 171
Search, best-first 154
Search, blind 153 157 159
Search, breadth-first 152
Search, connected components algorithm 400
Search, depth-first 151
Search, edge detection 409
Search, heuristic 153
Search, human planning 479
Search, hypothesize and test 150
Search, ISA hierarchy 97
Search, minimax 169
Search, parallel processing 469
Search, parsing 333
Search, planning 165
Search, production system 57
Search, puzzle solving 140
Search, semantic net 115
Search, state space 140
Search, uniform-cost 159
Search, vision exercise 457
Searle, J. 373
Security: vision application 442
Segmentation 381
Segmentation, definition of 420
Segmentation, reference on 449
Segmentation, region growing 419
Segmentation, thresholding 398
Selection in relational database 125
Self loop in definition of graph 93
Self-directed conceptualization 296
Self-improvement 283
Semantic grammar 348
Semantic grammar, exercise on 377
Semantic net 90 115
Semantic net as extended ISA hierarchy 107
Semantic net in knowledge representation summary chart 129
Semantic net interlinked frames 113
Semantic net learning 287
Semantic net, display of 466
Semantic net, exercises on 135
Semantic primitive 119 342
Semantic tree: resolution 208
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