Авторизация |
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Tanimoto S.L. — The elements of artificial intelligence. An introduction using LISP |
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Goal search 139
Goal-oriented format: Horn clause 217
Goedel, K. 129
Gordon, J. 276
GPS, reference on 176
Gradient compass 409
Gradient space 440
Gradient, Sobel operator 408
Grammar 328
Grammar, definition of 329
Grammar, lexical functional 373
Grammar, propositional calculus 108
Grammar, semantic 348
Granularity, task 303
Graph isomorphism 424
Graph probabilistic inference network 264
Graph search 139
Graph, definition of 93
Graphics 448 476
Graphics, exercises using 473
Graphics, future of 481
Graphics, IBM PC-WRITECHAR 489
Graphics, image formation 387
Graphics, knowledge representation 466
Gray scale 394
Greeting 353
Gregory, R. 389 446
Grimson, W. 414 448
Griswold, R. 83
Ground: image background 398
Guzman labelling 444
Guzman, A. 444 449
H: estimated distance function 164
Hallucination 481
Hanson, A. 449
Hardware for expert system 466
HARPY, reference on 373
Hart, P. 277 448
HAS relation 104
HAS relation, exercises on 134
Hasse diagram 94
Hasse diagram, exercise on 134
Hayes-Roth, F. 315 374 472
Haze: vision 389
Head: PROLOG 219
HEARSAY-II, reference on 373
Henderson, P. 47
Hendrix, G. 373
Herbrand base 210
Herbrand universe 209
Herbrand's theorem 210
Herbrand, J. 231
Herman grid illusion 386
Heuristic EURISKO 316
Heuristic in AM 297
Heuristic in edge detection 409
Heuristic in PYTHAGORUS 313
Heuristic probabilistic modelling 244
Heuristic restaurant evaluation 263
Heuristic search 140 153
Hewitt, C. 231
Hexagonal tessellation 394 399
Hierarchical planning 167
Hildreth, E. 448
Hilf, F. 82
Hillis, D. 472
Histogram, image 397
History: system representation in semantic net 119
Hit ratio: PYTHAGORUS 305
Hole: Euler number 428
Hopcroft, J. 131 373
Horn clause 217
Horn, A. 217
Horn, B. 47 448 449
Hough transform 417
Hough transform, exercise on 457
Hough transform, references on 448
Hough, P. 448
Huang, T. 449
Hubel, D. 382 446
Huffman — Clowes labelling 445
Huffman, D. 445 449
Human alienation 478
Human culture 475
Human eye 381
Human indentity crisis 479
Human vision 381 446
Human-machine interaction theory formation 314
Hummel, R. 454
Hunt, E. 11 13 315
Hunter, G. 230
Hwang, K. 472
Hypothesis, Bayes' rule 242
Hypothesis, design of probabilistic inference net 251
Hypothesize and test 150
IBM-PC 371
Identifier 16
Identity, human 479
Idiolect: difficulty with English 336
Idiom 352
If-added/if-needed attachment in frame slot 115
Ignorance: Dempster — Shafer calculus 273
Illusion 446
Illusion, visual 384
Image acquisition 386
Image analysis 380
Image fidelity 392
Image formation 381 386 448
Image processing, reference on 448
Image sequence 442
Image understanding 380
Image, binary 398
Imaging, medical 387
Imaging, tactile 387
Impact of AI 477
Implementation of LISP 45
Implementation, PROLOG 220
Implication connective, elimination of 200
Implication, probabilistic 252
Implicit PROG 484
Implicit representation search space 149
Implicit vs explicit representation 93 128
Improvement: learning 283
Inclusion hierarchy 90 92
Inclusion hierarchy in PYTHAGORUS 309
Incomplete knowledge 239
Inconsistency constraint 124
Inconsistency multiple inheritance 106
Inconsistency of prior probabilities 257
Inconsistency tools to detect 465
INCREASING, exercise using 84
Incremental garbage collection 47 467
Incremental learning 291
Indefinite article 92 350
Indentation of LISP programs 44
Independence combining evidence 261
Independence fuzzy logic 246
Independence probability 242
Index in lexicon 338
Indirect object: thematic role 338
Induction: learning 285
Inexact knowledge 239
Inference 6
Inference node: resolution 212
Inference rule: resolution 207
Inference with uncertain evidence 255
Inference, deductive 6
Inference, Dempster — Shafer calculus 272
| Inference, engine 462
Inference, fuzzy 246
Inference, inductive 6
Inference, probabilistic 245
Inference, resolution 212
Inference, rule of 109
infinite loop 40
Inflection, word 328
INFNET in exercise on language understanding 378
INFNET, exercises on 279
INFNET, expert system exercise 474
Informed search 162
inheritance 103
Inheritance in logic exercise 135
Inheritance in PYTHAGORUS 305
inheritance, multiple 105
Injury: robot ethics 480
Input using READ, TYI 39
Inscribing: shape 426
INSERT in ordered search 156
Inside-out learning 315
Instance of class in semantic net 117
Instance of frame schema 114
Integral projection 428
Integrated-circuit design as search 139
Integration exercise on symbolic 87
Integration future of AI 475
Integration of AI techniques 462
Integration, symbolic 83
Intellectual activity 481
Intellectual development 285 296 313 316
Intelligence, human 4
Intension of concept 315
Intensity irradiance 387
Intensity iso-intensity curve 440
Intensity semantics 344
Intentional Logic 343
Interaction: theory formation 314
Interestingness 297
Interestingness interest in PYTHAGORUS 298
Interface, natural language 324 355
Interference: learning 286
Interlisp 15
Interlisp-D 467
Intermediate assertion probabilistic inference 244 251
Interpolation: subjective-Bayesian updating 256
Interpret 99
Interpretation predicate calculus 210
Interpretation propositional calculus 208
Interpreter LISP 45
Interpreter production system 55
Interrogation: dialog 352
intersect 192
Interview with an expert 465
Intrinsic image 449
Invariant: planning operator 168
Inverse-square law rangefinder 391
Investment: probabilistic inference 246
Irradiance 387
Irrelevance: closed-world assumption 128
Is in exercise on PROLOG 236
Is PROLOG operator 227
ISA hierarchy 92
ISA hierarchy in AM 297
ISA hierarchy in knowledge representation summary chart 129
ISA hierarchy in PYTHAGORUS 309
ISATEST, exercise on 133
Iso-intensity curve 440
Isomorphism, graph 424
Isosceles triangle 301
Jackins, C. 449
Jackson, P. 11
Jeffreys, H. 296 316
Johnson, C. 316
Join: in relational database 126
Joker clause 61
Julesz, B. 446
Junction: vision 444 446
Kak, A. 448
Kanade, T. 449
Kandel, A. 276
Kaplan, R. 373
KEE 465
Kender, J. 449
King, J. 82
Kinship relations, exercise on 133
Kirsch operator 409
Kirsch, R. 409
Kitchen frame example 112
Kitchen, L. 277
Klahr, P. 317
Klinger, A. 449
Knowing, semantics of 347
Knowledge acquisition 129 283 286 324
Knowledge base construction 465
Knowledge cliff 471
Knowledge combinations of representations 463
Knowledge formalization 313
Knowledge improving human 480
Knowledge in books 478
Knowledge informal definition 89
Knowledge intellectual activity 481
Knowledge network 480
Knowledge ratification 480
Knowledge references on acquisition 315
Knowledge refinery 480
Knowledge representation 6
Knowledge representation constraints 120
Knowledge representation frames 112
Knowledge representation logic 107
Knowledge representation relational databases 124
Knowledge representation scripts 342
Knowledge representation semantic nets 115
Knowledge representation summary chart 129
Knowledge source 286
Knowledge, instability of 478
Knowledge, validation of 477
Knuth, D. 177
Kosslyn, S. 379
Kowalik, J. 472
Kowalski, R. 231
KRL, reference on 131
Kuffler, S. 446
Kuhn, T. 296
Label in PROG 32
Labelled graph: French cities 157
Labelling connected components 400
Labelling relaxation 416
Lability: future of AI 478
Labor, human 477
LaChat, M. 482
LADDER, reference on 373
Lambda calculus 15
Lambda likelihood ratio 253
LAMBDA use of with MAPCAR 38
Lambertian surface 387 440
LANDSAT satellite 387
Langley, P. 316
Language acquisition 297
Language, context-free 331
Language, formal 329
Language, FORTRAN 27 31
Language, future of human 480
Language, human 323
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