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Tanimoto S.L. — The elements of artificial intelligence. An introduction using LISP |
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Chess, Baroque, exercise on 184
Chess, references on 177
Chiasm, optic 382
Chien, Y.T. 448
Chinese 323
Chomsky hierarchy 330
Chomsky, N. 330
Chromosome, image of 395
Chronology 90
Chronology in script 340
Chronology, semantics 345
Church, A. 15 47
Circuit, electrical example for constraints 121
Circuit, electronic design as search 139
Circular reaction: learning 296
Circumscribing: shape 426
Circumscription 229
Circumscription, exercises on 237
Class hierarchy 91
Class-conditional probability 249 252
Classification rule: learning 284 287
Clause form, exercise on 234
Clause form, predicate calculus 200
Clause form, propositional calculus 197
Clause in COND form 25
Clause predicate calculus 199
Clause propositional calculus 197
CLEARTOP: planning macro-operator 168
CLIP4 405
Clocksin, W. 231
Close of conversation 353
Closed-world assumption 128
Closed-world assumption circumscription 229
Closed-world assumption in PROLOG 227
Closed-world assumption, exercise on 138
Closure of function 35
Closure, morphological 407
Closure, octagonal 427
Closure, transitive 94
Cloud: vision 389
Clowes, M. 445 449
CLS 484
Co-agent representation in semantic net 117
Co-agent thematic role 338
Codd, E. 131
Cohen, J. 231
Cohen, P. 12
Colby, K. 82
Collective noun 344
Collins, A. 131 374
Colloquialism 352
Colmerauer, A. 231
Color: vision 380
Combinatorial algorithm: parallel processing 468
Combinatorial explosion 6 196
Combinatorial explosion in learning 289
Combinatorial explosion in planning 168
Combinatorial explosion in search 140
Combinatorial quagmire 140
Combinatorics exercise on size of state space 179
Command interface in Stone World 355
Comment in LISP code 31
Communication 4
Communication, dialog effectiveness 354
Communication, natural language 323
Communication, pragmatics 328
Compaction in garbage collection 46
Compare 335
Compared with ADDTOSET 96
Compass gradient 409
Compatibility function: relaxation labelling 416
Compatible pair: relational join 126
Complementary pair: resolution 197
Completeness of resolution 207
Completeness of resolution theorem 213
Component, connected 399
Components image 400
Composite S-expression 19
Compound: expert system 461
Computational complexity: learning 316
Computer vision 380
Computer vision in ACRONYM 2
Concatenation, APPEND 31
Concatenation, NCONC 41
Concept equivalence 312
Concept exploration 295
Concept formation 295—297
Concept formation in PYTHAGORUS 298
concept hierarchy 91
Concept parent 305
Conceptual Dependency 342
Conceptual graph, reference on 373
Conceptualization, semantic primitive 343
Conceptualization, system 284
cond 25 484
Condition-testing 57
Conditional probability 243
Cone: vision 381
Confirmation 253
Conflict in evidence 275
Conflict, multiple inheritance 106
Confusion, human 478
Conjecture in AM 297
Conjunct dropping: learning 289 291
Conjunction in LINNEUS 101
Conjunction, probabilistic inference 252
Conjunctive normal form 201
Conjunctive subgoal: AND-OR graph 171
CONNECTD in segmentation exercise 457
Connected component 399 464
Connected component algorithm 400
Connected component Euler number 428
Connected component LISP program 400
Connective: mathematical logic 108
Connectivity, exercises on 456
Connectivity, pixel 399
Cons 20 484
Consciousness 379
Consistency assumption for A* algorithm 162
Consistency line-drawing analysis 446
Consistency of prior probabilities 257
Consistency relaxation labelling 416
Constant: predicate calculus 111
Constraint 131
Constraint for pronoun reference 351
Constraint for surface orientation 440
Constraint in knowledge representation summary chart 129
Constraint knowledge representation 90 120
Constraint on frame slot value 115
Constraint semantics of time 345
Constraint vision 379
Constraint Waltz filtering 446
Constraint, exercises on 137
Construction of knowledge base 465
Contents 359
Context conversation 353
Context, temporal 345
Context-free language 330 331
Context-free language semantic grammar 348
Context-sensitive language 330
Continuous Hough transform 418
Continuum: semantics 344
Contour following 410
| Contour, subjective 384
Contradiction definition 110
Contradiction lack of model 210
Contradiction null clause 197
Contradiction, exercise on 233
Contradiction, proof by 198
Contrast in contour following 411
Control 461
Control fork in search 404
Control scheme: production system 55
Conversation 82
Conversation greeting 353
Conversation mode 352
Conversation phase 353
Conversation schema 354
Conversation, close of 353
Conversation, SHRINK 65
Conversation, temporal reference 345
Convex combination 255
Convex hull 426
Convex kernel 427
Convex shape 426
Convexity index 427
Convolution 414
Copilia quadrata 389
Copy 223
COPY1 223
Coren, S. 446
Correlation: relevance test 251
Correspondence motion vision 442
Correspondence stereo vision 441
Cortex, cat's visual 382
Cortex, visual 379
Cost, future of AI 476
Cost, search of graph with 154 157
COUNTSUBLISTS, exercise on 49
Courtesy in conversation 354
Covering relation 94
Creating concepts 295
Crettez, J.-P. 446
Crime: probabilistic inference 245
Culicover, P. 372
Culture, human 475
Curriculum: learning 296
Cursor positioning with LOCATE 39
Curvature in contour following 411
Curve detection with Hough transform 419
Curve space 439
Cut: PROLOG 219 226
Cut: PROLOG, exercise on 236
Cutoff: alpha-beta search 173
Cycle-Flip puzzle, exercise on 181
Cycle: Piaget's paradigm 296
Danger of AI 477
Data structure, reference on 373
Database 124 476
Database knowledge representation 90
Database natural language dialog 352
Date, C. 131
Davis, R. 82 315
DC component: Fourier transform 395
Deans, S. 448
Debugging 41
Decision making 244 461
Decision theory 239
Decision Theory, reference on 276
Declaration in LISP 43
DECREASING, exercise using 84
Deduction 207
Deduction learning 285
Deduction proof example 213
Deduction with transitivity 93
Default closed-world assumption 128
Default in frame slot 114
Default in non-monotonic logic 228
Default in script 341
Default inheritance 106
Defense application 480
DEFEXPR 36 484
DEFEXPR possible use in APPEND 31
Deficiency: shape 427
Definite article 350
DEFUN 27 485
Degree of a graph 95
Degree of belief 240 271 347
Degree of belief as probability 242
Degree of belief Dempster — Shafer calculus 272
Degree of belief example 274
Degree of intensity: semantics 344
Del-squared G operator 413
Delta function in Radon transform 418
DeMorgan's laws 200
Dempster — Shafer calculus 240 271
Dempster — Shafer calculus belief semantics 347
Dempster — Shafer calculus, exercises on 280
Dempster's rule of combination 273 276
Dempster's rule of combination, exercises on 280
Dempster, A. 276
depletion region 443
Depth map 391
Depth-first search 151
Depth-first search connected components 400
Depth-first search in parsing 333
Depth-first search in PROLOG 218
DEPTH_FIRST_SEARCH, exercises on 180
Derivation: parsing 330
Derivative in LEIBNIZ 70
Descartes, R. 479
Description: vision 381
Design of expert system 462
Design of probabilistic inference network 250
Design, decision-making 246
Detachment in the Logic Theory Machine 195
Detail: spatial resolution 382
Determiner: language 350
Deutsch, P. 131
DFS 402
Diagnosis 461
Diagnosis probabilistic inference 245
Dialog 82 352
Dialog, reference resolution in 352
Dialog, schema 354
Dialog, SHRINK 65
Dictionary, English 337
Dietterich, T. 315
Difference 485
Difference image 443
Differentiation, symbolic 71
Diffuse source: illumination 389
Digitizer, video 390
Dilation 406
Dilation exercise on 456
Dilemma applying Bayes' rule 257
Direct object: thematic role 327
Disagreement set 203
Discovery learning 284
Discovery scientific law 316
Discrimination net 57 82
Discrimination net, exercises on 84
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