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Butler M., Dawson M. (eds.) — Cell Culture Labfax
Butler M., Dawson M. (eds.) — Cell Culture Labfax

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Название: Cell Culture Labfax

Авторы: Butler M., Dawson M. (eds.)


Interest has steadily increased in the mammalian cell cultures for a wide variety of applications. Cell Culture Labfax is a convenient user-friendly reference tool for all researchers and students in biology, biotechnology, and biomedicine who currently use or will need to use animal cell culture. This new volume in the LABFAX Series comprehensively covers reference data relevant to cell culture, thus eliminating the need to search through a variety of journals, manuals, and catalogs. Spiral bound with a hard case for durability, this book can be used as a prime reference tool at the laboratory bench. An index helps locate facts quickly. This data book complements protocol-oriented laboratory guides with up-to-date data and references on cell lines, culture techniques, cell characterization, separation, cloning, media, preservation, growth factors, products, equipment, safety, terminology, suppliers, and associations.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1992

Количество страниц: 247

Добавлена в каталог: 20.11.2006

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
$\alpha$-fetoprotein      16
$\beta$-aspartylhydroxamate      190
$\beta$-Galactosidase      48—49
2,4,6-trinitrophenyl      18
2,6-dichloriphenolindophenol      172
5'-bromo-2'deoxyuridine (BUdR)      9 10
6-thioguanine      60 62
7-amino-4-methylcoumarin-3-acetic acid (AMCA)      51
8-azaguanine      4 13—14 62
9-fluoroenylmethyloxycarbonyl chloride      166 169
Acetylcholine receptor      15
Acetylcholinesterase      15
Acrobeads      149
Actin      15
Actinomycin (7-amino)      53
Acute phase response      187 188
Adaptation      219
Adenine      190
Adeno-associated virus (AAV)      191
Adenocarcinoma      3 119
Adenosine      192
Adenosine deaminase (ADA)      192
Adenosine phosphoribosyl transferase      190
Adenovirus (AV)      3 15 191
Adherent cells      27
Adhesion molecules      128 178 181
Adipocytes      111 115 121
Adjuvants      64—65
Adrenal cortex      3—4 36
Adriamycin      192
Affinity chromatography      76 80 179
Agglutination, indirect      71
AIDS      188
Airlift fermenter      203—204
Alanine      167
Alanine aminotransferase      167
Alanine dehydrogenase (ADH)      167
Alanosine      192
Albumin      5 66 77 111—124 126—127 142 160 179
Alcohol      173
Aldosterone      15
Alkaline phosphatase      48—49
Alkaline phosphatase-antialkaline phosphatise (APAAP)      50
Allergies      211 214
Allozymes      56
Alum      65
AMEM      86—89
American Society for Cell Biology      231
American Society for Microbiology      209
American Tissue Culture Association      231
American Type Culture Collection (ATCC)      1 215 225
Amino acids      126—127 165
Aminoglycoside transferase      190
Aminopterin      60 68 190 214
Ammonia      168 171
Amnion      3
Amphotericin B      131
Ampicillin      131
Amplification systems      186 191—192
Ampoules, cryopreservation      143
Analysis of media      165—175
Anchorage-dependent cells      10 128—129 147 153 219
Anemia      188
Anemometer      219
Aneuploid      219
Anti-idiotypic antibodies      177 179 183 186 219
Antibiotics      25 86 131
Anticoagulants      75
Antigen      15—18 219
Aorta      38
Apolipoprotein      15
Arboriviruses      3
Arboviruses      14
Arginine      168
Ascites tumors      71
Asparagine synthetase      189
Astrocytes      37 112
Attachment factors      153
Attenuation      219
Autographa californica      191
Autoradiography      43—44 47 219
Avian influenza      185
Avidin      47
Axenic culture      219
Azaserine      190
Azide, sodium      214
B-cell growth factor (BCGF)      157
B-cell stimulatory factor (BCSF)      156
B-cell surface glycoprotein      15
Baby hamster kidney cells (BHK)      122 185 187 188
bacteria      179
Bacteriophage      215 219
Baculovirus      191
Balanced salt solutions      135—138 219
BALB/C mice      59
Banding techniques      52—54
Bank for Cell Lines Useful in Tumor Immunology (TIB)      1
BES      138—139
Bicarbonate buffer      85 86 138—139
Biggers' medium (BGJ)      96—105
Biocarriers      149
Bioglass      151
Bioplas      149
Bioreactors      197—207 219
BioRich      129
Biosafety levels      216
Biosilon      149
Biotin      47 68
Bis-Tris      139
Biuret      174
Bladder      3
Bleomycin      190
Blood      12 16 75
Blood group antigens      15
Bluetongue      185
BME      2—9 85 86—89
Bolton — Hunter reagent      51
Bone marrow stem cells      36 111 155 187
Bone marrow stromal cells      27 36
Bone marrow transplants      188
Borosilicate glass      197
Bovine diarrhea      185
Bovine ephemeral fever      185
Bovine kidney cells      185
Bovine lymphoblasts      185
Bovine papilloma virus      191
Bovine serum      107—108
Bowes melanoma      189
Bradford method      32
Brain      114
British Society for Cell Biology      232
buffers      138—139 see
Buoyant density gradient sedimentation      76—77
Burkitt's lymphoma      11—12
C-bands      53
c-myc      17
Canine distemper      15 185
Canine hepatitis      185
Canine kidney cells      185
Capsid      219
Carbamoyl phosphate synthetase/aspartate transcarbamoylase/dihydroorotase      190 192
Carbodiimide (CDI)      66
Carbon dioxide      85
Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA)      3 15
Carcinogen      219
Carcinoma      2—4 10 15 38 119 178
Carrier proteins for immunization      66
Carrier proteins for transport      153
Cation exchange resins      165
Cavity-type axial mixer      201 202
CD antigens      180—181
Cell cycle      43
Cell factory      199
Cell line      1 219 225
Cell repository lines (CRL)      1
Cell wall peptidoglycan      15
Cellfast      151
Celligen (New Brunswick Scientific)      203
Cellulose      34 150
CelSep apparatus      77
Center for Disease Control (CDC)      215
Ceramic matrix bioreactor      206—207
Certified cell lines (CCL)      1
Chemcell (Chemap AG)      203
Chick embryo cells      184—185
Chicken serum      108
Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells      2 122 129 184 187—189
Chlamydial lipopolysaccharide      15
Chloramine T      51
Chlortetracycline      131
CHO-S-SFM II      129
Cholesterol      15 126—128
Chondrocytes      113 117
Chondronectin      33
Choriocarcinoma      2
Chorionic gonadotropin      15
Chromatin      178
Chromic acid      150
Chromomycin      53
Chromosomes      53—54
Chronic granulomatous disease      188
Citrullinemia      6
Clathrin      15
Cloning      70 76 82—83 220
Cloning rings      82
Clotting factors      177 186 189
CMRL 1066 medium      97—105
Coating agents      33
Colcemid      52
Colchicine      52 192
Collagen      33—34 37 149 154 160 181
Collagenase      26 36 150
Colloidal gold      47
Colon carcinoma      3 15 38
Colony stimulating factor (CSF)      12 15 155
Common leukocyte antigen      15
Complement      5 81—82 181
Concanavalin A      15
Confluent culture      220
Connective tissue      10
Constitutive cell lines      177
Contact inhibition      220
Containment levels      215—217
Continuous cell lines      212 220
Cooling rates      143—144
Cornea      10
Coulter counter      28 30—31 44
Coumassie blue      32 174
Countercurrent centrifugal elutriation (CCE)      76 79
Counting cells      27—32
Coupling reagents      66
cross-contamination      1 56
Cryopreservation      141—145 220
Cryopreservatives      141—142 220
Crystal violet      46
Cultispher-G      151
Culture vessels      197—207
Cytodex      148 150
Cytokeratin      178
Cytokines      75 177 179 181—183 186—188
Cytomegalovirus      184 189 213
Cytoskeleton      178 182—183
Cytospheres      149
DAPI      32 53
DEAE-cellulose      150 151
DEAE-dextran      33
DEAE-Sephadex      147
Decline phase      34—35
Deoxycoformycin      192
Derivatization reaction, for HPLC      165
Dexamethasone      109—118 154
Dextran      78 141 142
Dextran microcarriers      147 148
Dialysis      107
Diaphorase      170
Differentiation      220
Difluoromethylornithine      192
Dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR)      190 192
Dihydrostreptomycin      131
Dimethylacetamide      141
Dimethylaminopropyl (DMAP)      149
Dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO)      141—142 214
Diphtheria toxin      15
Diploidy      220
Disaggregation of tissue      26
Dispase      26
DMEM      2—14 59 69 86—89
DNA      15 43 54 178 219
DNA fingerprinting      1 54—55
DNA polymerase      15
DNase      26 37
Dopa decarboxylase      3
Dormacel      148
Doubling time      34 223
Downstream processing      220
Duck plague      185
Dulbecco's and Vogt's BSS      135—137
Dynabeads      80
Eagle's spinner BSS      135—137
Earle's BSS      135—137
Ectoderm      220
EDTA      26 197
EGTA      26
Elastase      26
Electrofusion      67—68
Electron microscopy      47
Electrophoresis      55 76 79
ELISA      71 178 183 220
Elutriator      79
Embryo extract      25 85
Embryonic kidney cells      185
Embryonic tissue      25
EMEM      2—14 85 86—89
Endocrine cells      2
Endoderm      220
Endogenous pyrogen      187
Endometrium      36
Endothelial cell growth factor (ECGF)      154
Endothelial cell growth supplement (ECGS)      126—127
Endothelial cells      15 109 129 154 181 183 188
Endothelial-SFM      129
Endotoxin      188
Enhancers      189
Entactin      35
Enzyme/antienzyme complexes      50
Enzymes      47 48 179
Eosin      46
Eosinophils      157 188
Epichlorohydrin      147
Epidermal growth factor (EGF)      109—123 126—127 154 158
Epidermis      36
Epigenetic variation      220
Epithelial cells      2—6 25 37 75 109 110 154 159 220
Epoxy resin      149
Epstein — Barr virus (EBV)      11—12 15 62—63 177 191 213
Equine encephalitis      185
Equine rhinopneumonitis      185
eRDF medium      97—105
Erythrocytes      15 142 188
Erythropoietin      16 188
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