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Поиск книг, содержащих: Lorenz number
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Bird R.B., Lightfoot E.N., Stewart W.E. — Transport Phenomena | 280 | Liboff R. — Kinetic Theory | 373, 376 | Cleland A.N. — Foundations of nanomechanics | 141 | Ziman J.M. — Electrons and Phonons: The Theory of Transport Phenomena in Solids | 260, 392 (see Wiedemann - Franz law). | Pathria P.K. — Statistical Mechanics | 209—210, 212 | Ashcroft N.W., Mermin N.D. — Solid State Physics | 20, see also "Wiedemann — Franz law" | Dekker A.J. — Solid State Physics | 300 | Rosenberg H.M. — Low temperature solid state physics. Some selected topics | 112, 120 | Mendelsohn K. — Cryophysics | 87 | Goldsmid H.J. (ed.) — Problems in solid state physics | 11.2 | Marder M.P. — Condensed matter physics | 455 | Goldsmid J., Drabble H. — Thermal Conduction in Semiconductors | 9, 109—110 | Wilson A.H. — The Theory of Metals | 3, 18, 201, 290ff, 318 | Kittel C. — Introduction to solid state physics | 168 |