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Поиск книг, содержащих: Azumaya algebra
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Ito K. — Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics. Vol. 2 | 29.K | Eisenbud D., Harris J. — The Geometry of Schemes | 206 | Milne J.S. — Etale Cohomology. (PMS-33), Vol. 33 | see algebra, Azumaya | Le Bruyn L. — Noncommutative geometry | 86, 120 | Van Oystaeyen F.M. — Prime Spectra in Non-Communicative Algebra | 10 6. | McConnell J.C., Robson J.C. — Noncommutative Noetherian Rings | 13.7.6, 13.7.13 | Ito K. — Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics | 29.K | Manin Y.I. — Cubic Forms: Algebra, Geometry, Arithmetic | 221, 229ff | Drensky V., Formanek E. — Polynomial Identity Rings | 133, 163—165, 170, 173, 174 | Hazewinkel M. — Handbook of Algebra (part 2) | 463, 465 | Faith C. — Rings and Things and a Fine Array of Twentieth Century Associative Algebra | 4.13 | Eisenbud D., Harris J. — The geometry of schemes (textbook draft) | 206 | Baeza R. — Quadratic Forms Over Semilocal Rings | 22 | Van Oystaeyen F.M.J., Verschoren A.H.M.J. — Non-Commutative Algebraic Geometry: An Introduction | 67 | Knus M.-A. — Quadratic and hermitian forms over rings | 42, 107, 134, 471 | Mcdonald B.R. — Linear algebra over commutative rings | 237 |