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Поиск книг, содержащих: Joule heat
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Ito K. — Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics. Vol. 2 | 130.B | Ito K. — Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics | 130.B | Planck M. — Theory of electricity and magnetism,: Being volume III of Introduction to theoretical physics | 20 | van de Hulst H.C. — Light Scattering by Small Particles | 68 | Born M. — Atomic Physics | 224 | Ziman J.M. — Electrons and Phonons: The Theory of Transport Phenomena in Solids | 273, 274 | Tolman R.C. — Relativity, thermodynamics, and cosmology | 112 | de Groot S.R., Mazur P. — Non-equilibrium thermodynamics | 353 | Azaroff L.V. — Introduction to Solids | 337 | Coulson C.A. — Waves: a mathematical approach to the common types of wave motion | 138 | Sommerfeld A., Ramberg Edward G. (translator) — Electrodynamics. Lectures on theoretical physics, Vol. III | 27 | Wolfgang K. H. Panofsky, Phillips Panofsky, Melba Panofsky — Classical Electricity and Magnetism | 171, 173, 179 | Rosser G. — Interpretation of classical electromagnetism | 19, 20, 284, 290, 319 | Callen H.B. — Thermodynamics | 300 | Anderson J.L. — Principles of Relativity Physics | 325 | Hopf L., Nef W. — Introduction To The Differential Equations Of Physics | 78 | Ehrenberg W. — Electric Conduction in Semiconductors and Metals | 5, 51, 68 |