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Planck M. — Theory of electricity and magnetism,: Being volume III of Introduction to theoretical physics |

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Название: Theory of electricity and magnetism,: Being volume III of Introduction to theoretical physics
Автор: Planck M.
Рубрика: Физика/
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
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Год издания: 1949
Количество страниц: 247
Добавлена в каталог: 26.03.2008
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Action, Principle of Contiguous 1 3
Activity 157
Ampere’s molecular currents 152 241
Ampere’s swimming rule 151
Angle of aperture 78
Anti-nodes 219
Aufpunkt (reference-point) 44
Axes of principal pressures 116
Ballistic galvanometer 145
Biot and Savart’s law 151 164
Bound charges 39
Branch-points 182
Capacity of condenser 41
Causal action 1
Chains, open and closed 86
Charge-moment 143
Coefficients of capacity 54
Conductivity 129
Conductors 28 218
Conductors of first and second class 86
Contact potential 35 73
Convection current 191
Conversation of electricity 27
Conversation of energy 1 13
Coulomb’s law 108 117
Critical velocity 18 146 207
Crystals 23
Current filament 126
Current strength 127
Damping 213 214
Deflection experiment 120
Density of charge, free and true 50
Diamagnetism 90
dielectric constant 9
Differential law 109
Dilatation, electrical 111
dimensions 19
Dipole 71 162 212
Discharges 202
Displacement current 195
Divergence 25 27
Double-layer 77 142
Double-layer, moment of 77
Edge correction 41
Effective inertial mass of an ion 215
Einstein 243
electric field 7
Electric induction 27
Electrical excitation 27
Electrochemical equivalent 159
Electrodynamic actions 165
Electrolytes 88—132
electromagnetic field 10
Electron 215
Electron, mass of 215
Electrostatics, laws of 34
Elliptic co-ordinates 164 167
Energy, flux of 12
Energy-density, electric 17
Faraday’s law 158
Feddersen 214
Ferromagnetic substances 90 94
Field, electromagnetic 10
Field, homogeneous 8 10
Field, intensity of 8 10
Field, magnetic 9
Fizeau 239
Fleming’s Left Hand law 151
Flux of energy 12
Flux of induction 28
Flux of magnetic induction 91
Flux of vector, total 139
Force, tubes and lines of 38
Foucault currents 190
Free density of charge 50
Free energy 179
Galilei 238
Gauss, unit 120
Gauss, vibration experiment of 146
Gaussian system 16 109 244
Gauss’s equation 28
Geissler tube 229
Generalized co-ordinates 59
Gliding conductors 169
Gravitational potentials, fictitious 44
Hysteresis 90
Images 57
Incompressible liquid 30
Induced charges 39
Induced electromotive force 189
Induction 28 36
Inductivity 181
Influence 36
Infra-red waves 223
insulators 28
Intensity of current 127
Ion 215
Irrotational motion 225
Joule heat 20
Kelvin’s formula 202
Kirchhoff’s law 134
Kohlrausch and Weber 144
Lagrange function 179
| Magnetic due to linear conductor 140
Magnetic field 9
Magnetic induction 29
magnetic moment 93
Magnetism, positive and negative 120
magnetization 93
Magnetostatic field, 89
Magnetostatic field, strength of 10
Maxwell 1 2 11 231 240
Maxwell’s electromagnetic system 17
Maxwell’s electrostatic system 17
Maxwell’s fundamental equations 22
Maxwell’s, integration of 25
Mechanical action of electromagnetic waves 223
Michelson — Morley experiment 242
Micro-farad 149
Neutral zone 42
Newton 238
Newton’s third law 113 162
nodes 219
Ohm’s Law 128 130 181
Orthogonal substitutions 61 65
oscillations 202
Panzergalvanometer 103
Parallel currents 167
Paramagnetism 90
Peltier heat 158
Perfect conductors 28
Periodic vibrations 211
Plane condenser 40
Polarization, vector of 72
Ponderomotive actions 104 117 161
Potential due to small disc 46
Potential of circular double-layer 80
Potential “jumps” 79 83
Power 157
Practical system 18
Principle of relativity 192 238
Quasi-statical fields 106
Quasi-stationary processes 176 232
Radiation damping 213
Reflection 218
Reflective power 223
Refracted lines of force 43
Relativity, principle of 192 238
Relaxation, time of 20
Resistance 127
Rigid magnets 94 95
Roentgen current 237
Rowland effect 191
Saturation limit 94
Screening action 39
Self-induction 181 216
Self-potential 105
Shell (double-layer) 142
Singular line of force 41
Skin effect 190
Soap-bubble, expansion of 111 113
Solid angle 78
Sources and sinks 226
Space co-ordinates 59
Space-currents 149
Space-divergence 27
Specific electric conductivity 28
Specific resistance 128
Sphere, field due to hollow 99
Statical states 33
Stationary electromagnetic fields 123
Stokes’s theorem 137 144 233 236
Straight linear conductor 169
Surface divergence 27
Surface-density 27
Susceptibility, electric 72
Susceptibility, magnetic 93
Systems of conductors 53
Table of units 244
Tangential components, continuity of 16
Telegraph wires 133
Temporary magnetism and induction 94 100
Tensor of electric pressure or potential 114
Theories, definiteness of 2
Thomson’s guard-ring 111 146
Time of relaxation 20
Total energy in electromagnetic field 119
Transformation of co-ordinates 59 et seq.
True density of charge 50
Tubes of force 37
Uebergangswiderstand 133
Umladungsstrom 209
Uniform magnetization 97
UNITS 144 147 244
Units tubes of force 38
Vector, flux of electromagnetic energy 14
Voltaic chain 84
Voltaic contact potential 75
Volume divergence 27
Weber, Kohlrausch and 144
Weston cell 148
Wheatstone’s Bridge 135
Wirbelfrei (irrotational) 225
Wirbelmoment 227
“Break” of current 182
“Make” of current 182
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