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Поиск книг, содержащих: Legendre's equation

КнигаСтраницы для поиска
Abell M., Braselton J. — Differential Equations with Mathematica238
Bell W.W. — Special Functions for scientists and engineers42
Whittaker E.T., Watson G.N. — A Course of Modern Analysis204, 304
Forsyth A.R. — Theory of differential equations. Part 3. Ordinary linear equations (Vol. 4)1, 13, 34, 103, 126, 160, 163.
Dyke Ph.P.G. — Managing Mathematical Projects - with Success!132, 133
Ablowitz M.J., Fokas A.S. — Complex Variables: Introduction and Applications183
Duistermaat J.J., Kolk J.A.C. — Multidimensional Real Analysis II: Integration177
Duistermaat J.J., Kolk J.A.C. — Multidimensional Real Analysis I(Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics #86), Vol. 1177
Egorov Y.U. (Ed), Gamkrelidze R.V. (Ed) — Partial Differential Equations I: Foundations of the Classical Theory225
Planck M. — Introduction to Theoretical Physics171
Perry J. — The Calculus for Engineers350
Sokolnikoff I.S. — Higher Mathematics for Engineers and Physicists342, 384
Zauderer E. — Partial Differential Equations of Applied Mathematics192
Barber J.R. — Elasticity303
MacRobert T.M. — Spherical Harmonics an Elementary Treatise on Harmonic Functions with Applications76, 90
Egorov Y.V., Shubin M.A. — Partial Differential Equations I (Foundations of the Classical)225
Krantz S.G. — Handbook of Real Variables164
Slater J.C. — Quantum Theory of Atomic Structure vol1169
Murray D.A. — Introductory Course In Differential Equations: For Students In Classical And Engineering Colleges105
Rainville E. D. — Intermediate Course in Differential Equations161, 185, 207
Abell M.L., Braselton J.P. — Differential equations with Mathematica238
Slater J.C., Frank N.H. — Electromagnetism32, 152, 224—226
Zhang S., Jin J. — Computation of Special Functions78
Grosswald E. — Bessel PolynomialsI, 134
Farina J.E.G. — Quantum theory of scattering processes9
Slater J., Frank N. — Introduction to Theoretical Physics171
Woods F.S. — Advanced Calculus268
Oldham K., Spanier J. — The fractional Calculus: Theory and applications of differentiation and integration to arbitrary order191
Goursat E. — A course in mathematical analysis. Volume 2, part 2: Differential equations112, ex.
Georgescu A. — Asymptotic Treatment of Differential Equations (Applied Mathematics)4
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