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Farina J.E.G. — Quantum theory of scattering processes |
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Adjoint 109
Alpha particles 51
Amplitude, exchange 72
Amplitude, probability 136
Amplitude, scattering 6 7 18 33 39 52 55 64 65 69 71 91 93 131 132
Analytic function 148
Antisymmetric wave function 55
Arrangement channel 67—68
Atomic units 21
Bessel functions 11—12
Bessel's equation 11—13
Born approximation 34—38
Born approximation, second 40
Born series 38 39 92
Born — Oppenheimer approximation 72 73
Bosons 51 52 53
Bound states 123 128
Boundary condition 7 60 63 65 66 69 71
Centre of mass 45 46 47
Centre of mass system 47—50 69—70
Channel see "Arrangement channel"
Classical scattering 2—4 50 51
collimation 103 132 136
Completeness theorem 125—127
Confluent hypergeometric equation 13—14 41
Confluent hypergeometric function 14 41
Conservation of energy 33 57 59 63 69 131—132
Contour integration 148—149
Coulomb scattering 40—44
Coulomb scattering, screened 37
Cross-sections 1—4 134—138
Cross-sections, differential 2 47 50 51 52 55 60 64 69 138
Cross-sections, excitation 60 61 64
Cross-sections, total 2 3 50 61 64
Current 6 60
Delay time 134
Differential cross-section see "Cross-sections"
Direct scattering 51 57—61 88—93
Elastic collisions 48 57
Electron-hydrogen scattering, direct 61—67
Electron-hydrogen scattering, elastic 65 66—67
Electron-hydrogen scattering, exchange 70—73
Electron-hydrogen scattering, fast 64—66
Elementary particles 67
Energy resolution 103
Evolution operator 114—116
Exponential operator 110—111
fermions 55
Final state 59 62 68 70 91
Final state, wave packet 130—134
Flux 1 2 49 60 136 142
Function of Hermitian operator 81—82 112
Green's function 29—31 38 65
Green's function, asymptotic form 31
Green's operators 80—82
Green's operators for free particle 83—86
Green's operators with outgoing wave boundary conditions 88—90
Hamiltonian internal 57—58 59 62
Hamiltonian total 8 46 59 62 68 100
Hamiltonian unperturbed 46 58 62 67 68
Hard sphere scattering 4 19—21 50
Heisenberg picture 113—114
Hermitian conjugate 109 112
Hermitian operator 109
Hulthen's method 26
Hypergeometric equation 13—14 41
Identical particles 51—55
Incoming wave solution 18
Inelastic collisions 57
Initial state 58 62 68 86
Integral equation for scattering 32—34 38
Integral equation for scattering, time-dependent 116—117
Integral operator 38
Integral operator, relation with Green's operator 83—86
Interaction picture 114—117
Internal coordinates 57 68
Internal energy 58 68
Internal state 57 58 68
Inverse operator 108
Jordan's lemma 148
Kinetic energy operator 46
| Kinetic energy operator, relative 58
Kohn's method 23—26
Kronecker- 10
Laboratory system 45 47—50 55 69—70
Laplace's equation 14
Laplacian 5 10 29 46
Legendre polynomials 9—11
Legendre's equation 9
Linear operator 38 39
Local potential 38
Moeller operators 88
Momentum transfer 35
Multiple scattering effects 96—97
Normalization of radial function 16
Normalization of scattering state 99
Operator 38
Operator, integral 38
Operator, linear 38 39
Optical theorem 19 145—146
Partial waves 14 16
Pauli principle 67 73 138—143
Permutation operator 138 139
Phase shift 16
Polarization 67
Potential scattering 86
Radial equation 15 16 43
Rearrangement collisions 67—70
Reduced mass 46
Regular solutions 12
Relative coordinates 45 58 68
Relative coordinates and Pauli principle 140
Relative energy 47 59 68
Relative kinetic energy operator 58
Relative momentum 46
Relative wave vector 46
Residues 148
Rutherford scattering formula 37 40 43 51
Scattered wave 60 69 92 132—134
Scattering amplitude see "Amplitude"
Scattering amplitude, exchange 72
Scattering amplitude, uniqueness 7—8
Scattering matrix 127—130
Scattering state 33 60 62 64
Scattering state with incoming wave boundary conditions 87—88 92
Scattering state with outgoing wave boundary conditions 87 90—91
Scattering state, orthogonality 123—125
Schroedinger equation 5 7 70 112
Schroedinger picture 112—113 see
Schwinger — Lippmann equation 86—88 90—91
Schwinger — Lippmann states 119
Screened Coulomb field 37
Second Born approximation 40
Self-adjoint operator 109
Spherical Bessel functions 12 13
Spherical Neumann functions 12—13
Spherical wave 5
Spin 54
Spin space 54
Square well scattering 21
Static approximation 67
Symmetric wave function 51
Symmetric wave function, evolution in time 141—142
Symmetrizer 138 139
Time-dependent equation in Heisenberg picture 114
Time-dependent equation in interaction picture 116
Time-dependent equation in Schroedinger picture 100
Time-independent Schroedinger equation 5 7 70
Transition operator 92 93
Two-state approximation 67
Uncertainty principle 107
Unitary operator 109
Variational methods 22—26
Wave equation 7 32 40 62
Wave operators 88
Wave packets 99—103
Wave packets, contraction 107—108
Wave packets, evolution backwards 120—121
Wave packets, evolution forwards 117—120
Wave packets, expansion 107—108
Wave packets, experimental 103—108
Wave packets, free 100—108
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