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Woods F.S. — Advanced Calculus |
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Addition formulas, elliptic functions 372
Amplitude, function 368
Arc, element of 106 125 128
Arc, infinitesimal 23
Area, curved surface 187
Area, element of 126
Area, line integral 177
Area, vector 209
Argument of complex number 334
Bernoulli's equation 221
Bessel functions 275 360
Bessel's equation 275
beta function 166
Binormal 119
Calculus of variations 317
Cauchy's theorem 352
Characteristics 293
Circle of convergence 355
Circulation 200
Clairaut's equation 227
Continuity, defined 2
Continuity, equation of 195
Continuity, uniform 4
convergence of integrals 147 151
Convergence of series 38
Convergence, absolute 39
Convergence, circle of 355
Convergence, comparison test for 40
Convergence, conditional 58
Convergence, ratio test for 41
Convergence, region of 42
Convergence, uniform 45 149 150 152
Coordinates, curvilinear 124
Coordinates, cylindrical 129
Coordinates, generalized 329
Coordinates, polar 130
Cosines, direction 106
Curl 212
Curvature 121
Curve, equations of 118
Curve, length of 23 107
Curve, vector equation of 208
De Moivre's theorem 55
DEL 211
Derivative of a complex function 345
Derivative, defined 5
Derivative, directional 74
Derivative, partial 66
Determinant, functional 99
Differential equation, Bessel's 275
Differential equation, complete 253
Differential equation, first degree 219
Differential equation, first order 216
Differential equation, higher degree 225
Differential equation, higher order 252
Differential equation, Laplace's 301 306
Differential equation, Legendre's 268
Differential equation, linear 220 253
Differential equation, partial 292
Differential equation, reduced 253
Differential equation, second order 264
Differential equation, simultaneous 243 268
Differential of function of one variable 28
Differential of function of several variables 78
Differential, exact 81 185
Differential, higher 29 84
Differentiation of definite integral 141 148
Differentiation of elliptic functions 371
Differentiation, partial 65
Direction cosines 106
Direction of a line 108
Dirichlet's integrals 167
Divergence 211
Duhamel's theorem 23
Element, of arc 106 125 128
Element, of area 126
Element, of volume 129 159
Envelope 229
Euler's constant 171
Euler's theorem 73
Evolute 233
Expansion of elliptic functions 371
Expansion, asymptotic 363
Factor, integrating 222 238
Fluid, flow of 176 191 212
Force, conservative 84
Forms, indeterminate 15 16 18
Fourier series 295
Function 1
Function of a complex variable 332 344
Function of several variables 65
Function, analytic 347
Function, Bessel 275 360
Function, Beta 166
Function, complementary 254 259
Function, composite 7 69
Function, conjugate 347
Function, defined by power series 45
Function, dominant 57 87
Function, elliptic 366 367
Function, exponential 53 339
Function, Gamma 164
Function, harmonic 310
Function, homogeneous 73
Function, hyperbolic 55 341
Function, implicit 91
Function, inverse 343
Function, logarithmic 342
Function, regular 355
Function, trigonometric 53 339
Function, vector 209
Gamma functions 164
Geodesics 323 327
| Gradient 77 210
Green's theorem 181 192
Hamilton's principle 328
Heat, flow of 303
Helix 133
Imaginary, conjugate 333
Imaginary, pure 332
Indicatrix 114 115
Infinitesimal 19 22
Integral, definite 134
Integral, elliptic 365 376 379 381
Integral, line 174
Integral, multiple 156
Integral, of a complex function 361
Integral, particular 254 261
Integral, surface 190
Integrand, infinite 151
Integration under the integral sign 145 148
interval 2
Involute 235
Jacobians 99
l'Hospital's rule 16
Lagrange's equations 329
Laplace's equation 301 306
Legendre's associated polynomial 272
Legendre's equation 268
Legendre's integrals 367
Legendre's polynomials 270
Lemniscate 382
Length of curve 23 107
Limit, infinite 146
Line integrals 174
Line, contour 76
Line, straight 108
Loxodrome 133
Maclaurin's series 13
Maxima and minima 116
Mean, theorem of 8
Mercator's projection 133 351
Modulus of complex number 333
Modulus of elliptic function 367
Normal, principal 120
Normal, to plane 111
Normal, to surface 110 127
Number, complex 332
Operations on scries 46 51
Operator 257
Operator del 211
Order of infinitesimals 19
Orthogonality 107 126
Oscillation of a function 5
Osgood's Theorem 23
Parallelism, condition for 206
Part, principal 20
Path of integration 183
Pendulum 330 369
Pendulum, spherical 383
periods 373
Perpendicularity, condition for 107 126 206
Plane 110
Plane, osculating 119
Point, elliptic 114
Point, hyperbolic 115
Point, parabolic 116
Point, singular 231
Pole 355
Polynomial, Legendre's 270
Polynomial, Legendre's associated 272
Potential 199 308
Power of complex number 335
Projection, Mercator's 133 351
Projection, stereographic 133 351
Region of convergence 42
Remainder, Taylor's series 10
Representation, conformal 348
Residue 355
Rolle's theorem 7
Roots, of Bessel functions 279
Roots, of complex numbers 335
Roots, square 337
Scalar product 205
Series, Fourier 295
Series, operations on 46 51
Series, power 38
Simpson's rule 139
Solution, singular 232
Stokes's theorem 197
Surface integrals 190
Surfaces 109 112
Surfaces of revolution 133
Surfaces, area of 187
Systems, orthogonal 348
Tangent line 119
Tangent plane 111 112
Taylor's series 10 48 353
Torsion 122
Trajectory 236
Triangle, infinitesimal 26
Value, absolute 333
Variable, complex 332
Variation of constants 255
Variation, constrained 324
Variation, first 318
Variations, calculus of 317
Vector 203
Vector function 209
Vector product 206
Velocity potential 200
Volume, element of 129 159
Vortex Motion 200 212
Weierstrass 5
Weierstrass's elliptic function 381
Work 176 200
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