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Perry J. — The Calculus for Engineers |
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10 285
155 271
Academic exercises Chap. III
Acceleration 24 30 188 220
Adiabatic law 92 148 167
Air in furnaces 65
Air turbine 128
Alternating current formulae 183—185 189 209 239
Alternator 178
Alternators in parallel and series 259
Amplitude 172
Analogies in beam problems 108
Analogies in beam problems in mechanical and electrical systems 213
Angle between two straight lines 16
Angular displacement 33
Angular vibrations 212
Apparent power 209
Approximate calculations 2
Arc, length of 170
Archimedes, spiral of 302
Area, centre of 85
Area, centre of catenary 171
Area, centre of curves 69
Area, centre of parabola 71
Area, centre of ring 80
Area, centre of sine curve 197
Area, centre of surfaces of revolution 75 78
Asymptote 301
Atmospheric pressure 166
Attraction 87 344
Average value of product of sinc functions 185
Ayrton 53 199
Ballistic effects 181
Basin, water in 130
Beams 48
Beams, fixed at the ends 100—108
Beams, of uniform strength 102
Beams, shear stress in 115
Beams, standard cases 97—99
Beats in music 194
Belt, slipping of 165
Bending 94—121
Bending in struts 262
Bessels 205 352 354
Bifilar suspension 179
Binomial theorem 34
Boiler, heating surface 63
Bramwell's valve gear 193
Bridge, suspension 61
Calton Hill 357
Capacity of condensers 162 236 240
Cardioide 302
Carnot cycle 145 152
Carnot's function 115
Catenary 62 170
Central force 344
Centre of gravity 73 85
Centrifugal force 123
Centrifugal pump 131
Chain, hanging 61
Change of state 150
Change of variable 339
Characteristic of dynamo 296
circle 10
Circle, moment of inertia of 82
Circuitation in electricity 131
Cissoid 302
Cisterns, maximum volume of 49
Clairaut's equation 334
Clearance in gas engines 150
Clearance in pumps 131
Co-ordinate geometry 6
Co-ordinates, polar 310 342
Co-ordinates, r, , 347
Commutative law 231
Companion to cycloid 301
Complete differential 143—145 153
Compound interest law 161 164
Concavity 306
Conchoid 302
Condensation in steam cylinders 54 153 358
Condenser, annulling self-induction 247
Condenser, electric 162 212 236
Condenser, with induction coil 257
Conductivity of heat 341 354
Conductors, network of 237
Cone 73 78
Conjugate point 301
Connecting rod 191
Constraint 179
Continuous beams 111
Convexity 306
Cooling, Newton's law of 163
Cosines, development in 207
Coupling rod 265
Craigleith quarry 357
Crank 173
Crank and connecting rod 12 191
Curl 134
Current, effective 200—202
Current, electric 33 168 189 239
Curvature 96 120 169 306
Curvature, of beams 96—121
Curvature, of struts 262
Curves, area of 69
Curves, lengths of 77 312
Cusp 301
Cycloid 12 276 302 312
Cycloid, companion to 301
Cylinder, beat conduction in sides of stream engine 356
Cylinder, moment of inertia of 82 85
Cylinders, strength of thick 88
Cylindric body rotating 90
Damped vibrations 10 211 225—228
Definite integral 68
Deflection of beams 96 118
DeMoivre 320
Development, Fourier 202
Development, in cosines 207
Differential coefficient 21 28 268
Differential coefficient, complete 143 153
Differential coefficient, equation 220—225
Differential coefficient, equations, general exercises on 337
Differential coefficient, equations, partial 341 247 346—351
Differential coefficient, partial 139
Differentiation of function of more than one variable 340
Differentiation of function of product 269
Differentiation of function of quotient 270
Diffusivity for heat 355
Discharge of condenser 150
Displacement, angular 33
Distributive law 231
Drop in transformers 255 257
Dynamics of a particle 344
Dynamo, series 2 16
Earth, attraction of 87
| Earthquake recorder 215
Economy in electric conductors 55 57—59
Economy in electric lamps 294
Economy in hydraulic mains 58
Eddy currents 209
Effective current 200—202
Efficiency of gas-engine 150
Efficiency of heat-engine 41
Efficiency of heating surface 64
Elasticity 93 141
Electric alternator 178
Electric alternator, circuit 33 168 178 189 208 212 236 239 247
Electric condenser 162 236 240—215
Electric condenser and Ruhmkorf coil 257
Electric condenser, as shunt 243 246
Electric conductor 168
Electric conductor, economy in 55 57—59
Electric current, effective 200—202
Electric lamps, economy in 294
Electric, curve make and break curve 201 205
Electric, illustration, alternating currents 199
Electric, power meter 209
Electric, time constant of coil 60 160
Electric, traction 59
Electric, transformer 33 249 253
Electric, vibration 156 212 213 225
Electric, voltage, effective 202 247
Electric, voltaic cells 51 52
Electricity, partial differential equations in 349
Electricity, problem in 33 51 52 57—59 60 134—136 156 157 162 168 178 182—186 189 195 202 205 208—210 212 225 236 239—261
Electricity, self-induction in 135
Electrodynamometer 200
Electromagnetic theory, fundamental laws of 134
Electromotive force 134
Electromotive force in moving coil 178
ellipse 8 10 11 83 158 276
Ellipsoid of revolution 76
Elliptic function 339
Elliptic integral 339
Empirical formulae 17
Energy of moving body 156
Energy, intrinsic 143
Energy, kinetic 31 180
Energy, potential 180
Energy, stored in compressed spring 33
Engineer 1
entropy 143 152
Envelopes 309
Epicycloid 302
Epitrochoid 301
Equality of forces 217
Equations, differential 220—225
Equations, partial differential 341 346—351
Equations, solving 51
Equiangular spiral 186
Euler's law for struts 265
Evanescent term 169 190 208 240
Exact differential equation 339
Exercise 38
Exercise, general, on differential equations 337
Exercise, general, on integral equations 279
Exercise, maxima and minima 295
Exercise, on curves 169 311
Exercise, on integration of sin x and cos x 182
Exercise, on Maclaurin 319
Expansion of function 317—320
Expansion of gas 17
experiments 7
explosions 48
Exponential and trigonometrical formulae 177 185 190 222 320
Exponential and trigonometrical theorem 161
Factor, integrating 328
Factorial fractions 235
Factorials and gamma function 369
Falling body 21 30
Feedwater missing in steam cylinder 358
Ferranti effect 247
Field, magnetic, about straight wire 134
Field, magnetic, rotating 195 251
Flow of gas 54
Flow of liquid, hypothetical 133
Flow, maximum, of gas 128
Fluid friction 167
Fluid Motion 125
Fluid pressure 121
Fluid whirling 123
Fluid work done be 66
Flywheel 84
Flywheel, stopped by friction 167
Force of blow 26
Force of gravity 87
Force unit of 26
Force, central 344
Force, due to jet 27
Force, due to jet, pressure of fluids 121
Force, lines of 124
Forces on moving bodies 180
Forms, indeterminate 299
Formulae of reduction 284 286
Fourier development 208
Fourier exercises on 315
Fourier proof 183 184 197 201
Fourier rule 202 204
Fourier theorem 195
Fractions, partial 291
frequency 186
Friction at fluid 167
Friction at pivot 94
Friction at solid 168
Frustrum of cone 78
Fuel on voyage 49
Function 8
Function of more than one variable 137 341
Function, average value of sine 185
Function, Bessel 8352
Function, elliptic 339
Function, Gamma 369
Function, hyperbolic 172 360
Fundamental integrals 278
Fundamental integrals, rulers on electricity 134
Furnaces, air in 65
G 26
Gamma functions 235 369
Gas 38
Gas, elasticity of 94
Gas, engine 91
Gas, engine, diagram, heat in 272
Gas, engine, formulae 17 91 147 150 272
Gas, flow of 53 127
Gas, perfect 136 150
Gas, work done by 66 72
Gauge notches 133
Gaussage 134
Gear, valve 193
General ease of two coils 249
General ease of two coils, exercises in differentiations 337
General ease of two coils, in differentiation and integration 279
General ease of two coils, rule 271
General ease of two coils, rule for differential equations 224
General rale for operators 237
Girders, continuous 111
Girders, shear stress in 117
Glossary 301 302
Gordon's rule for struts 264
Gradient, temperature 354
Graph exercises 8—10
Graphical Fourier development 204
Graphical Fourier development, work in beams 108
Gravity 87
Gravity, motion of centre of 230
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