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Perry J. — The Calculus for Engineers |
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Groves' problem 257
Guldinus' theorems 80
guns 90
Hammer 26
Hanging chain 61
Harmonic functions 172 186
Harmonics, spherical 349
Harmonics, zonal 205 354
Heat conductivity 354
Heat conductivity, equations 314 347—352
Heat equations 138
Heat latent 41 43
Heat lost in steam cylinders 356
Heat reception in gas-engine 272
Heat specific 93 141
Heat, experiments at Edinburgh 357
Heating surface 63
Hedgehog transformer 244
Henrici, Professor 205
Henry 136
Hertz 215
Horse-power and steam 41
Hydraulic jet 26
Hydraulic jet, press, strength of 89
Hydraulic jet, transmission: of power 58
Hydraulics 133
Hyperbola 10 11
Hyperbolic functions 360
Hyperbolic spiral 302
Hypocycloid 277 302
Hypotrochoid 302
Hysteresis 209 255
Idle current in transformers 243
Illustration of meaning of differentiation 37 40 42 162 176 177
Imaginaries 185
Incandescent lamp, economy in 289
Independent variables, change of 338
Independent variables, more than one 56 136 154
Indeterminate forms 299 300
Indeterminate forms, multipliers 158
Index law 231
Indicator diagram 53 67
Indicator diagram, gas-engine 91 272
Indicator diagram, vibration 215
Induction 136
Induction in transformers 256
Induction, coil and condenser 257
Induction, mutual 249
Induction, self 33 60
Induction, self, and capacity 240
Inertia, moment of 81
Inertia, moment of cylinder 81 85
Inertia, moment of ellipse 83
Inertia, moment of flywheel 84
Inertia, moment of rectangle 86
Inertia, moment of rod 84
Inflexion, point of 20 301
Instruments, measuring 179
Integral, definite 68
Integral, double 68
Integral, line 69
Integral, surface 69
Integrals, elliptic 339
Integrals, elliptic, list of 359—369
Integration 23 35
Integration factor 144 327
Integration, by parts 285
Integration, exercises on 183
Integration, of fractions 282
Interaction of two straight lines 16
Interest law, compound 161
Intrinsic energy 143
Isothermal expansion 92
Joule's equivalent 43
Journal, lubrication of 231
Kelvin 161
kinetic energy 31
Labour-saving rule 237
Lag 209
Lamp, incandescent 298
Latent heat 15 42
Lateral loads, struts with 264
Law of compound interest 161
Law of cooling, Newton's 163
Law of distributive 231
Law of Entropy 148 152
Law of Euler's, for struts 265
Law of expansion of steam 17
Law of falling bodies 21
Law of Index 231
Law of loss of heat in steam cylinder 356
Law of p and t 18
Law of thermodynamics, first 142
Law of thermodynamics, second 146
Law of vibratory systems 225—230
Law, adiabatic 148
Law, commutative 231
Law, of flow of Leat, Peclet's 63
Lead in branch electric circuit 247
Leakage of condenser 162
Legendre's equation 350
Lemniscata 302
Length of arc 170
Length of curve 77 312
Level surface 124
Limit, meaning of 22
Line integral 69 134
Linear equations 220 326 353
Link motions 14 193
Liquid, flow of 130
List of Integrals 359—369
Lituus 302
Loci 11
Log x 274
Logarithmic curve 10 302
Logarithmic curve, decrement 11
Logarithmic curve, function 40
Logarithmic curve, spiral 302
Logarithms 2 161
Maclaurin 319
Magnet suspended 179
Magnetic field about straight wire 134 195
Magnetic field, force 134
Magnetic field, leakage, drop due to 257
Magnetic field, rotating 195 251
Make and break curve 201 205
Mass 26
Mass of body, variable 76
Mass, energy of moving 157
Mass, vibrating at end of spring 156
Maxima and minima 20
Maxima and minima, exercises on 46 47 60 294
Maximum current from voltaic cells 52
Maximum current from voltaic cells, flow of air 128
Maximum current from voltaic cells, parcel by post 53
Maximum current from voltaic cells, power from dynamo 297
Maximum current from voltaic cells, volume of cistern 49
Measuring instruments 179
Merchant and squared paper 6
Meter, electric power 209
Minimum 20
Modulus 340
Moment of inertia 89
Momentum 26
Motion 30 157
Motion in resisting medium 314
Motion of fluids 125
Motion of translation 344
Motion, angular 33 212
Multipliers, indeterminate 158
| Mutual induction 250
Natural vibration 225 226
Negative and positive slope 19
Network of conductors 237
Newton's law of cooling 163
Normals 15 43 169
Notches, gauge 133
Numerical calculations 2
Octave 192
Ohm's law 33
Ohm's law, modified 136 168 189 208 236
Operation, symbols of 231
Orifice, flow of gas through 54
Oscillation 123 156 190 210 211 225—230
Otto cycle 149
parabola 8 11 27 31 61 71
Paraboloid of revolution 74
Parallel motion 13
Parallel motion, alternators in 261
Parameter, variable 308
Partial differential equations 341 347—352
Partial differentiation 39 137 155 269 341
Partial fractions 224 234 291 294
Particle, dynamics of 344
Parts, integration by 284
Peclet's law of flow of heat 63
Pendulum 17
Percussion, point of 123
Perfect gas 38
Perfect gas, steam-engine 41
Perfect gas, thermodynamics of 147
Periodic functions 194 203
Periodic functions, motions in two directions 196
Periodic functions, time 186
Perpendicular lines, equations to 16
Pivot, friction at 94
Point of inflection 301
Point of osculation 301
Point, conjugate 301
Point, d'arret 301
Point, moving in curved path 342
Polar expressions 342
Positive and negative slope 19
potential energy 32
Pound, unit of force 26
Poundal 26
Power, apparent 209
Power, electric 208
Power, electric, transmission of 58
Power, meter, electric 209
Power, true 209
Press, hydraulic 90
Pressure 136 273
Pressure of gyration 82
Pressure, atmospheric 166
Pressure, fluid 121
Primary, transformed resistance of 254
Product, differentiation of 155 269
Projectile 310 315
Pulley, slipping of belt on 165
Pump rod 164
Quotient, differentiation of 270
r and co-ordinates 342
r, , co-ordinates 347
Radial valve gears 14 193
Radian 9
Radius of curvature 169 306
Radius vector 342
Rate of reception of heat 92
Ratio of specific heats 93 139 141
Ratios, trigonometrical 182
Recorder, earthquake 215
Rectangle, moment of inertia of 86
Reduction, formulae of 284 286
Resistance, electric 33
Resistance, leakage 163
Resistance, operational 263
Resistances in parallel 245
Resisting medium, motion in 314
Resonance 215
Resultant of any periodic functions 197
Revolution, surfaces of 78
Revolution, volume of solid of 75
Rigid body 61
Rigid body, motion of 217
Ring, volume and area of 80
Rod, moment of inertia of 85
Roots of equation 224 321
Rotating field 195 251
Rotating in fluids 132
Ruhmkorff coil 257
Rule 4
Secant x 276
Secohm 136
Self-induction of parallel wires 135
Self-induction, annulled by condenser 247
Series, alternators in 257
Series, development in 207
Series, dynamo 296
Shape of beams 109
Shear stress in beams 115
Shearing force in beams 108
simple harmonic motion 173
Simple harmonic motion damped 311
Sin x 9 161 274
Sine curve, area of 173
Sine curve, functions 172
Sines, curve of 9 173
Sines, development in 207
Singular solution 334
Slipping of belt 165
Slope of curve 15 19 70
Solution of forced vibration equations 214
Solution of linear differential equations 229
Sound 94
Specific heat 139
Specific heats, ratio of 93 141
Specific, volume of steam 42
Speed 21
Spherical harmonics 205 349 354
Spin 132
Spiral flow of water 130
Spiral flow of water of Archimedes (or equiangular) 302
Spiral flow of water, hyperbolic 302
Spiral flow of water, line 173
Spiral flow of water, logarithmic 302 311
Spring with mass, vibrating 156
springs 21 32 53
Springs, which bend 119
Square root of mean square 200 202
Squared paper 6 7
State, change of 150
Steady point 219
Steam 41
Steam, engines 41
Steam, engines indicator, vibrations of 215
Steam, engines piston, motion of 191
Steam, work per pound of 53
Stiffness of beams 48
Straight line 14
Strains in rotating cylinder 90
Stream lines 126
Strength of beams 48
Strength of thick cylinders 88
Strength of thin cylinders 91
Struts 261
Struts with lateral loads 264
Subnormal 44 169
Substitution 279
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