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Поиск по указателям |
Perry J. — The Calculus for Engineers |
Предметный указатель |
Subtangent 44 169 305
Successive integration 335
Sum, differentiation of a 268
Surface heating 63
Surface integral 69
Surface level 124
Surface of revolution 75 78
Suspension 179
Suspension, bridge 61
Swinging bodies 179 182
Symbols of operation 233
Symbols of operation, simplification of 237
Synchronism 215
t, diagram 153
Table of Fundamental Forms 278
Tan x 275
tangents 43 158 169
Taylor's theorem 317
Temperature 136
Temperature, absolute 145
Temperature, gradient 354
Temperature, in rocks, &c. 357
terminal velocity 314
Theorem of Demoivre's 320
Theorem of Guldinns' 80
Theorem of Maclaurin's 318
Theorem of Taylor's 317
Theorem of three moments 111
Theorem, binomial 34
Thermodynamics 42 138 153
Thomson, Professor James 133
Three moments 111
Tides 194
Time constant of coil 69 160
torque 33
Torsion 179
Traction, electric 59
Transformer 33
Transformers 252 257
Transformers, condenser shunt 243
Transformers, idle current of 243
| Triangle of forces 61
Trigonometric Formulae 182
Trigonometry 2
Trigonometry and Exponential Functions 177 185 223 234
Trisectrix 302
Tuning-forks 230
Turbine, air 128
Two circuits 249
Uniform strength in beams 102 103
Uniformly accelerated motion 29
Unreal quantities 3 177 185 222 320
Valve gears 14 193
Variable mass of body 76
Variable parameter 308
Variable, independent 57 136 341
Velocity 21 30 188
Vibration 156 110 210 212 216 225 230 238
Vibration of indicator 215
Vibration, electrical 156 212 213
Vibration, indicator 217 219
Volcanoes 172
Voltaic cells 51 52
Volume in moving coil 178
Volume of cone 74
Volume of ellipsoid of revolution 76
Volume of paraboloid of revolution 74
Volume of ring 80
Volume of solid of revolution 76
Voyage, fuel consumed on 49
Water in steam cylinder 358
Watt's parallel motion 13
Wedmore 205
Weight 26
Whirling fluid 123
Willans 54
Work 31—32
Work done by expanding fluid 66 72
Work done by gases 149
Work in angular displacement 35
Work per pound of steam 31 53
Zonal harmonics 205 349 354
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